A. Table, Medical tests values considered and discretized according to reference ranges. Examples are given between square bracket. Category Medical test (unit) Blood cells lymphocite percentage (%), vol.3

&. and L. Number,

&. ,

&. 80%],

&. ,

&. ,

&. 11%],

&. 350k],

, Hemoglobin mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (%) [ ; < 30%; 30 ? 35%

&. 35%],

, Coagulation sedimentation rates (mm)

. Lipidemia, HDL cholesterol (mmol/l)

, > 2] Chemistry albuminemia (µmol/l)

, > 80], chloremia (mmol/l)

, Biology serum glutamo-oxaloacetate transferase (IU/l)

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