, The corresponding magnetic gauge group (at position? := l j ) is abelian in the first four cases and nonabelian in the last two

, ? 1: the identity

, ? ? 3 (µ)I (1,0) : the SU (2) electric-flavour currents

, ? ? 3 (?)I (0,1) : the S U (2) magnetic-flavour currents

, ? ? 5 (µ)I (2,0) : products of two electric currents

, ? ? 5 (?)I (0,2) : products of two magnetic currents

. ?-?i, ,1) : the energy-momentum tensor multiplet A 2

, The bottom componentQpQ r of an electric-current multiplet is the product of an antifundamental and a fundamental chiral scalar (the F -term condition imposesQ 1 Q 1 +Q 2 Q 2 = 0)

, theory has no mixed marginal (or relevant) chiral operators. All exactly-marginal deformations are purely electric or purely magnetic superpotentials

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