, Nous donnons figure 3.5 le plan solution retourné par TouISTPlan en utilisant le codage SAT que nous avons présenté dans la sous-section 3.1.2. La lecture du plan s'effectue de manière linéaire en suivant les flèches d'une étape à l'autre. PICK(ball2,rooma

, MOVE(rooma,room b )


, MOVE(room b ,rooma) PICK(ball7,rooma,lef t) PICK(ball6,rooma,right)

, MOVE(rooma,room b )

, DROP(ball6,room b ,right) DROP(ball7,room b

, MOVE(room b ,rooma) PICK(ball1,rooma,right) PICK(ball5,rooma

, MOVE(rooma,room b )


, MOVE(room b ,rooma) PICK(ball4,rooma

, MOVE(rooma,room b )


A. A. Touist and . Manual-|-<connectors,

=. =="-<t>-<order and ;. >=,

, Elements can be integers, floats, propositions, booleans, quoted formulas or sets (or a variable of these six types). The empty set ? is denoted by

,. .. , Ranges can be produced with both integer and float limits. For both integer and float limits, the step is 1 (respectively 1.0)

, Set-builder notation

×. , A set-builder expression is a set defined as {p(x 1

. .. ×-s-n-}-;, which is the set of expressions based on the cartesian product of the sets S 1

, List comprehension allows you to generate sets containing any expression : numbers, propositions and even formulas. In order to use formulas, you must use the quoted notation (see Section A.1.7). The when keyword helps filter the generated elements

, $j) end Newline-and As mentioned in a note (first section), in top-level, a new line (or any kind of white spaces) separating two formulas will be translated into a lesser-priority and

|. &lt;t&gt;, <T> <-newline/whitespace in top-level is an 'and

, Using the --qbf and --solve flags (in touist) or the QBF selector (in the graphical interface), you can solve QBF problems with existential and universal quantifiers over boolean values. This logic is basically the same as the SAT grammar, except for two new operators ? (exists) and ? (forall) : <formula-qbf>, The TouIST language accepts Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF)

, <formula-qbf> | "forall" <comma-list(<prop>|<var>)> [<for>] ":" <formula-qbf> <for> ::= "for" <var> "in" <set> A.1. LANGUAGE REFERENCE <prop> ::= | <var> | TERM | TERM "(" <comma-list(<expr>)> ")" <assign> ::= <var> "=" (<expr>) <let-assign<T>> ::= | "let" <var> "=" <expr> ":" <formula<T>> | "let" <comma-list(<var>)> "=" <comma-list(<expr>)> ":" <formula<T>> <equality(<T>)> ::= | <T> "!=" <T> | <T> "==" <T> <order(<T>)> ::= | <T> ">" <T> | <T> "<" <T> | <T> "<=" <T> | <T> ">=" <T> <bool> ::= "

. |-&quot;empty, | <equality

|. &lt;order,

|. &lt;connectors,

=. &lt;t&gt;,

|. &lt;t&gt;-&quot;*&quot;-&lt;t&gt;,

|. &lt;t&gt;-&quot;, /" <T> <num-operation-others(<T>)> ::= | <T> "mod" <T> | "abs, <T> ")" <int> ::= ANNEXE A. TOUIST REFERENCE MANUAL

, | num-operation-others(<int>)

|. Card, <float> ::= | "(" <float> ")" | <var> | FLOAT | num-operation

, | num-operation-others(<float>)

. |-&quot;sqrt,

|. &lt;set&gt;,

, | "union(" <set>

|. Inter,

. |-&quot;diff,

|. Powerset, <comma-list(<T>)> <generalized-connectors(<T>)> ::= | "bigand" <comma-list(<var>)> "in" <comma-list(<set>)>

, bigor" <comma-list(<var>)> "in" <comma-list(<set>)> ["when" <bool>

. |-&quot;exact,

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