, Generate the RGSW public and secret keys: PK RGSW and SSK RGSW

, Sample a challenge ? R ? {f ? R 2 | deg f < ?}, compute its encryption C ? = RGSW.Encrypt(PK RGSW , ?

, Output the secret veri cation key SVK = SSK RGSW and the public key PK = (ck

(. Prove and P. K. Pp,

. Com, Commit(ck, µ ? ; r ? ) and c b = Com.Commit(ck, µ ?

. Homomorphically-compute,

, ? C ? the RGSW encryption of ? = ?µ + µ ?

. ?-c-r?, the RGSW encryption of r ? , the randomness of ? = ?µ + µ ?, p.88

, Lattice-based Designated-Veri able NIZK Argument and Application to a Voting Scheme, Chapter

. ?-c-r, 0 the RGSW encryption of r 0 , the randomness of (? ? ?)µ + µ ?

, Output the proof ? = (c ? , c ? , C ? , C r? , C r 0 )

(. Verify, . Pk, C. Svk, and ?. ). , To verify the proof, 1. Compute ? = RGSW.Decrypt(SSK RGSW , C ? )

, Decrypt also C r? and C r 0 , verify that all the randomness are small

. Then and . Rgsw, Decrypt(SSK RGSW , C ? ), verify that: ? · c + c ? = Com.Commit(ck, ?

, In the Setup algorithm, we have to encrypt n/? challenges (? k ) k?[0, n/? ) and denote by C ? k their RGSW encryption. Indeed, we use the extractor of the ?-protocol to be able to show the culpable soundness property of the DVNIZK scheme

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. ?-{0 and . .. 1}, 62 4.2. ?-protocol for one of (c 0

. .. 1}, 79 5.2. ?-protocol to show that c commits to µ ? {0, Our contributions to build a voting scheme