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, Annexe 1-2. Liste des articles composant la revue bibliographique 2010-2014 sur Web of Sciences. En gras, les 98 articles situant leur étude en Europe

A. Martinez-morales, M. Zuria, I. Chapa-vargas, and L. , Current distribution and predicted geographic expansion of the Rufous-backed Robin in Mexico: a fading endemism?, Diversity and Distributions, vol.16, issue.5, pp.786-797, 2010.

P. J. Baker, R. L. Thomas, and S. E. Newson, Habitat associations and breeding bird community composition within the city of Bristol, Bird Study, vol.57, issue.2, pp.183-196, 2010.

S. M. Capek, Foregrounding Nature: An Invitation to Think About Shifting Nature-City Boundaries, City & Community, vol.9, issue.2, pp.208-224, 2010.

C. P. Catterall, J. A. Cousin, and S. Piper, Long-term dynamics of bird diversity in forest and suburb: decay, turnover or homogenization?, Diversity and Distributions, vol.16, issue.4, pp.559-570, 2010.

C. A. Chavez-zichinelli, I. Macgregor-fors, and P. Talamas-rohana, Stress responses of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) to different urban land uses, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.98, issue.3-4, pp.183-189, 2010.

C. Chiari, M. Dinetti, and C. Licciardello, Urbanization and the more-individuals hypothesis, Journal of Animal Ecology, vol.79, issue.2, pp.366-371, 2010.

K. S. Delaney, S. P. Riley, and R. N. Fisher, A Rapid, Strong, and Convergent Genetic Response to Urban Habitat Fragmentation in Four Divergent and Widespread Vertebrates, PlOs One, vol.5, issue.9, p.12767, 2010.

S. G. Dures and G. S. Cumming, The confounding influence of homogenising invasive species in a globally endangered and largely urban biome: Does habitat quality dominate avian biodiversity?, Biological Conservation, vol.143, issue.3, pp.768-777, 2010.

R. Fernandez-canero and P. Gonzalez-redondo, Green Roofs as a Habitat for Birds: A Review, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, vol.9, issue.15, pp.2041-2052, 2010.

I. Franz, L. Cappelatti, and M. P. Barros, Bird community in a forest patch isolated by the urban matrix at the Sinos River basin, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, with comments on the possible local defaunation, Brazilian Journal of Biology, vol.70, issue.4, pp.1137-1148, 2010.

S. A. Gagne and L. Fahrig, The trade-off between housing density and sprawl area: Minimising impacts to forest breeding birds, Basic and Applied Ecology, vol.11, issue.8, pp.723-733, 2010.

N. A. Gifford, J. M. Deppen, and J. T. Bried, Importance of an urban pine barrens for the conservation of early-successional shrubland birds, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.94, issue.1, pp.54-62, 2010.

M. A. Goddard, A. J. Dougill, and T. G. Benton, Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, vol.25, issue.2, pp.90-98, 2010.

S. N. Godoy and E. R. Matushima, A Survey of Diseases in Passeriform Birds Obtained From Illegal Wildlife Trade in Sao Paulo City, Brazil, Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, vol.24, issue.3, pp.199-209, 2010.

M. Hedblom and B. Soderstrom, Landscape effects on birds in urban woodlands: an analysis of 34 Swedish cities, Journal of Biogeography, vol.37, issue.7, pp.1302-1316, 2010.

E. Heyman, Clearance of understory in urban woodlands: Assessing impact on bird abundance and diversity, Forest Ecology and Management, vol.260, issue.1, pp.125-131, 2010.

S. Hong, C. Koh, and R. R. Harris, Land Use in Korean Tidal Wetlands: Impacts and Management Strategies, Environmental Management, vol.45, issue.5, pp.1014-1026, 2010.

A. Huste and T. Boulinier, Determinants of bird community composition on patches in the suburbs of, Biological Conservation, vol.144, issue.1, pp.243-252, 2010.

H. Imai and T. Nakashizuka, Environmental factors affecting the composition and diversity of avian community in mid-to late breeding season in urban parks and green spaces, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.96, issue.3, pp.183-194, 2010.

R. S. Kalinowski and M. D. Johnson, Influence of suburban habitat on a wintering bird community in coastal Northern California, Condor, vol.112, issue.2, pp.274-282, 2010.

C. M. Kennedy and P. P. Marra, Matrix mediates avian movements in tropical forested landscapes: Inference from experimental translocations, Biological Conservation, vol.143, issue.9, pp.2136-2145, 2010.

C. M. Kennedy, P. P. Marra, and W. F. Fagan, Landscape matrix and species traits mediate responses of Neotropical resident birds to forest fragmentation in Jamaica, Ecological Monographs, vol.80, issue.4, pp.651-669, 2010.

W. D. Koenig, W. M. Hochachka, and B. Zuckerberg, Ecological determinants of American crow mortality due to West Nile virus during its North American sweep, Oecologia, vol.163, issue.4, pp.903-909, 2010.

S. L. Ladeau, C. A. Calder, and P. J. Doran, West Nile virus impacts in American crow populations are associated with human land use and climate, Ecological Research, vol.26, issue.5, pp.909-916, 2010.

P. Laiolo, The emerging significance of bioacoustics in animal species conservation, Biological Conservation, vol.143, issue.7, pp.1635-1645, 2010.

I. Macgregor-fors, How to measure the urban-wildland ecotone: redefining 'peri-urban' areas, Ecological Research, vol.25, issue.4, pp.883-887, 2010.

I. Macgregor-fors, L. Morales-perez, and J. Quesada, Relationship between the presence of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Neotropical bird community structure and diversity, Biological Invasions, vol.12, issue.1, pp.87-96, 2010.

I. Macgregor-fors, L. Morales-perez, and J. E. Schondube, Migrating to the city: responses of neotropical migrant bird communities to urbanization, Condor, vol.112, issue.4, pp.711-717, 2010.

R. E. Major and H. Parsons, What do museum specimens tell us about the impact of urbanisation? A comparison of the recent and historical bird communities of Sydney, Emu, vol.110, issue.1, pp.92-103, 2010.

J. Martin, K. French, and R. Major, Population and breeding trends of an urban coloniser: the Australian white ibis, Wildlife Research, vol.37, issue.3, pp.230-239, 2010.

S. N. Matthews and P. G. Rodewald, Movement behaviour of a forest songbird in an urbanized landscape: the relative importance of patch-level effects and body condition during migratory stopover, Landscape Ecology, vol.25, issue.6, pp.955-965, 2010.

S. N. Matthews and P. G. Rodewald, Urban forest patches and stopover duration of migratory Swainson's thrushes, Condor, vol.112, issue.1, pp.96-104, 2010.

J. Mehtala and T. Vuorisalo, High aesthetic valuation of urban thrush nightingales in 19th century Helsinki, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.98, issue.2, pp.117-123, 2010.

E. Murgui, Seasonality and nestedness of bird communities in urban parks in Valencia, Spain, Echography, vol.33, issue.5, pp.979-984, 2010.

E. Murgui and A. Macias, Changes in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus population in Valencia (Spain) from 1998 to, Bird Study, vol.57, issue.3, pp.281-288, 2008.

T. Namba, Y. Yabuhara, and K. Yukinari, Changes in the avifauna of the Hokkaido University campus, Sapporo, detected by a long-term census, Ornithological Science, vol.9, issue.1, pp.37-48, 2010.

J. E. Nichol, M. S. Wong, and R. Corlett, Assessing avian habitat fragmentation in urban areas of Hong Kong (Kowloon) at high spatial resolution using spectral unmixing, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.95, issue.1-2, pp.54-60, 2010.

R. Ortega-alvarez and I. Macgregor-fors, What matters most? Relative effect of urban habitat traits and hazards on urban park birds, Ornitologia Neotropical, vol.21, issue.4, pp.519-533, 2010.

P. Pysek, S. Bacher, and M. Chytry, Contrasting patterns in the invasions of European terrestrial and freshwater habitats by alien plants, insects and vertebrates, Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol.19, issue.3, pp.317-331, 2010.

C. Randler and L. Wieland, Knowledge about common vertebrate species in German kindergarten pupils, Journal of Baltic Science Education, vol.9, issue.2, pp.135-141, 2010.

N. Rebolo-ifran and V. Dafne-fiorini, European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris): population density and interactions with native species in Buenos Aires urban parks, Ornitologia Neotropical, vol.21, issue.4, pp.507-518, 2010.

C. D. Rittenhouse, A. M. Pidgeon, and T. P. Albright, Avifauna response to hurricanes: regional changes in community similarity, Global Change Biology, vol.16, issue.3, pp.905-917, 2010.

A. Rollan, J. Real, and R. Bosch, Modelling the risk of collision with power lines in Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus and its conservation implications, Bird Conservation International, vol.20, issue.3, pp.279-294, 2010.

T. B. Ryder, R. Reitsma, and B. Evans, Quantifying avian nest survival along an urbanization gradient using citizen-and scientist-generated data, Ecological Applications, vol.20, issue.2, pp.419-426, 2010.

C. Salaberria and D. Gil, Increase in song frequency in response to urban noise in the Great Tit Parus major as shown by data from the Madrid (Spain) city noise map, Ardeola, vol.57, issue.1, pp.3-11, 2010.

T. Sattler, D. Borcard, and R. Arlettaz, Spider, bee, and bird communities in cities are shaped by environmental control and high stochasticity, Ecology, vol.91, issue.11, pp.3343-3353, 2010.

E. Shochat, S. B. Lerman, and J. M. Anderies, Invasion, Competition, and Biodiversity Loss in Urban Ecosystems, Bioscience, vol.60, issue.3, pp.199-208, 2010.

L. A. Smith and P. Chow-fraser, Impacts of Adjacent Land Use and Isolation on Marsh Bird Communities, Environmental Management, vol.45, issue.5, pp.1040-1051, 2010.

J. R. Smith-castro and A. D. Rodewald, Effects of Recreational Trails on Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) in Forested Urban Parks, Natural Areas Journal, vol.30, issue.3, pp.328-337, 2010.

A. Sorace and M. Gustin, Bird species of conservation concern along urban gradients in Italy, Biodiversity and Conservation, vol.19, issue.1, pp.205-221, 2010.

S. C. Staddon, S. G. Compton, and A. Portch, Dispersal of fig seeds in the Cook Islands: introduced frugivores are no substitutes for natives, Biodiversity and Conservation, vol.19, issue.7, pp.1905-1916, 2010.

T. J. Stohlgren, C. S. Jarnevich, C. Giri, and P. , Modeling the human invader in the United States, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol.4, p.43509, 2010.

D. Strubbe, E. Matthysen, and C. H. Graham, Assessing the potential impact of invasive ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri on native nuthatches Sitta europeae in Belgium, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol.47, issue.3, pp.549-557, 2010.

B. G. Tavernia and J. M. Reed, Spatial, temporal, and life history assumptions influence consistency of landscape effects on species distributions, Landscape Ecology, vol.25, issue.7, pp.1085-1097, 2010.

M. C. Toledo and R. J. Donatelli, Spectral analysis of flowers used by nectar-feeding birds in an urban area in Southeastern Brazil, Brazilian Journal of Biology, vol.70, issue.3, pp.729-735, 2010.

D. S. Trigger and L. Head, Restored Nature, Familiar Culture: Contesting Visions for Preferred Environments in Australian Cities, Nature + Culture, vol.5, issue.3, pp.231-250, 2010.

K. Wimberger and C. T. Downs, Annual intake trends of a large urban animal rehabilitation centre in South Africa: a case study, Animal Welfare, vol.19, issue.4, pp.501-513, 2010.

L. Yu and J. Kang, Factors influencing the sound preference in urban open spaces, Applied Acoustics, vol.71, issue.7, pp.622-633, 2010.

A. Gonzalez-oreja and J. , Birds of different biogeographic origins respond in contrasting ways to urbanization, Biological Conservation, vol.144, issue.1, pp.234-242, 2011.

N. Akhter, A. A. Khan, and M. Babar, Evaluation of the genetic structure of the urban dwelling species of Bank Myna (Acridotheres ginginisnus) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, African Journal of Biotechnology, vol.10, issue.33, pp.6342-6347, 2011.

P. W. Bateman and P. A. Fleming, Who are you looking at? Hadeda ibises use direction of gaze, head orientation and approach speed in their risk assessment of a potential predator, Journal of Zology, vol.285, issue.4, pp.316-323, 2011.

D. Bhatt and K. K. Joshi, Bird assemblages in natural and urbanized habitats along elevational gradient in Nainital district (western Himalaya) of Uttarakhand state, Current Zoology, vol.57, issue.3, pp.318-329, 2011.

W. Biadun and M. Zmihorski, Factors shaping a breeding bird community along an urbanization gradient: 26-year study in medium size city, Polish Journal of Ecology, vol.59, issue.2, pp.381-389, 2011.

E. Biamonte, L. Sandoval, and E. Chacon, Effect of urbanization on the avifauna in a tropical metropolitan area, Landscape Ecology, vol.26, issue.2, pp.183-194, 2011.

R. R. Boullosa, Z. Alvarado, and C. , On the Sound Environment of the City of Puerto Vallarta, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, vol.9, issue.3, pp.430-442, 2011.

J. T. Bried, K. E. Langwig, and A. A. Dewan, Habitat associations and survey effort for shrubland birds in an urban pine barrens preserve, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.99, issue.3-4, pp.218-225, 2011.

M. C. Calver, J. Grayson, and M. Lilith, Applying the precautionary principle to the issue of impacts by pet cats on urban wildlife, Biological Conservation, vol.144, issue.6, pp.1895-1901, 2011.

P. J. Cammack, I. Convery, and H. Prince, Gardens and birdwatching: recreation, environmental management and human-nature interaction in an everyday location, Area, vol.43, issue.3, pp.314-319, 2011.

M. Campbell and . O'n, Passerine reactions to human behaviour and vegetation structure in Peterborough, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, vol.10, issue.1, pp.47-51, 2011.

P. Carbo-ramirez and I. Zuria, The value of small urban greenspaces for birds in a Mexican city, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.100, issue.3, pp.213-222, 2011.

M. Carrete and J. L. Tella, Inter-Individual Variability in Fear of Humans and Relative Brain Size of the Species Are Related to Contemporary Urban Invasion in Birds, PlOs One, vol.6, issue.4, p.18859, 2011.

M. Clavero, D. Villero, and L. Brotons, Climate Change or Land Use Dynamics: Do We Know What Climate Change Indicators Indicate?, PlOs One, vol.6, issue.4, p.18581, 2011.

L. E. Conole, Diverse Responses of Exotic Birds to Urbanization, Natureza & Conservacao, vol.9, issue.1, p.99, 2011.

K. L. Cornell, C. R. Kight, and R. B. Burdge, Reproductive success of Eastern Bluebirds (Siala sialis) on suburban golf courses, Auk, vol.128, issue.3, pp.577-586, 2011.

F. R. Dario and M. C. Veiga-de-vincenzo, Avian diversity and relative abundance in a restinga forest of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tropical Ecology, vol.52, issue.1, pp.25-33, 2011.

K. L. Evans, D. E. Chamberlain, and B. J. Hatchwell, What makes an urban bird?, Global Change Biology, vol.17, issue.1, pp.32-44, 2011.

S. H. Faeth, C. Bang, and S. Saari, Urban biodiversity: patterns and mechanisms, Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology, vol.1223, pp.69-81, 2011.

P. Farinha-marques, J. M. Lameiras, and C. Fernandes, Urban biodiversity: a review of current concepts and contributions to multidisciplinary approaches, Innovation-The European Journal of Social Science Research, vol.24, issue.3, pp.247-271, 2011.

H. B. Fokidis, Homeowners associations: Friend or foe to native desert avifauna? Conservation concerns and opportunities for research, Journal of Arid Environments, vol.75, issue.4, pp.394-396, 2011.

C. S. Fontana, M. I. Burger, and W. E. Magnusson, Bird diversity in a subtropical South-American City: effects of noise levels, arborisation and human population density, Urban Ecosystems, vol.14, issue.3, pp.341-360, 2011.

S. Fontana, T. Sattler, and F. Bontadina, How to manage the urban green to improve bird diversity and community structure, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.101, issue.3, pp.278-285, 2011.

C. Freeman, R. D. Clark, and Y. Van-heezik, Creating Ecologically Based Land Use and Habitat Maps Quickly and Cheaply to Support Conservation Planning at Local Scales: A New Zealand Example, Geographical Research, vol.49, issue.1, pp.99-111, 2011.

S. A. Gagne and L. Fahrig, Do birds and beetles show similar responses to urbanization?, Ecological Applications, vol.21, issue.6, pp.2297-2312, 2011.

J. M. Gleditsch and T. A. Carlo, Fruit quantity of invasive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores in central Pennsylvania, Diversity and Distributions, vol.17, issue.2, pp.244-253, 2011.

M. I. Herrera-montes and T. M. Aide, Impacts of traffic noise on anuran and bird communities, Urban Ecosystems, vol.14, issue.3, pp.415-427, 2011.

E. Heyman, B. Gunnarsson, and M. Stenseke, Openness as a key-variable for analysis of management trade-offs in urban woodlands, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, vol.10, issue.4, pp.281-293, 2011.

P. Jepson, R. J. Ladle, and . Sujatnika, Assessing market-based conservation governance approaches: a socio-economic profile of Indonesian markets for wild birds, Oryx, vol.45, issue.4, pp.482-491, 2011.

B. Jobin, P. Fradette, and S. Labrecque, Habitat Use by Least Bitterns (Ixobrychus exilis) in Quebec, Waterbirds, vol.34, issue.2, pp.143-150, 2011.

J. Jokimaki, M. Kaisanlahti-jokimaki, and J. Suhonen, Merging wildlife community ecology with animal behavioral ecology for a better urban landscape planning, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.100, issue.4, p.383, 2011.

K. Kinder, Planning by intermediaries: making cities make nature in Amsterdam, Environment and Planning, vol.43, issue.10, pp.2435-2451, 2011.

A. V. Kociolek, A. P. Clevenger, C. C. Clair, and . St, Effects of Road Networks on Bird Populations, Conservation Biology, vol.25, issue.2, pp.241-249, 2011.

M. Krystofkova, M. Haas, and A. Exnerova, Nest defense in Blackbirds Turdus merula: effect of predator distance and parental sex, Acta Ornithologica, vol.46, issue.1, pp.55-53, 2011.

M. Kubiatko, M. Usak, and E. Pecusova, Elementary School Pupils' Knowledge and Misconceptions about Birds, Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol.11, issue.43, pp.163-181, 2011.

I. Bellocq, M. Filloy, J. Zurita, and G. A. , Responses in the abundance of generalist birds to environmental gradients: The rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis) in the southern Neotropics, Ecoscience, vol.18, issue.4, pp.354-362, 2011.

P. Laiolo, Homogenisation of birdsong along a natural-urban gradient in Argentina, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, vol.23, issue.3, pp.274-287, 2011.

W. Y. Lee, . Lee, and J. C. Choe, Wild birds recognize individual humans: experiments on magpies, Pica pica, Animal Cognition, vol.14, issue.6, pp.817-825, 2011.

L. Neto, N. A. Mourao, J. S. , N. Alves, and R. R. , It all begins with the head": initiation rituals and the symbolic conceptions of animals in Candomble, Journal of Ethnobiology, vol.31, issue.2, pp.244-261, 2011.

S. B. Lerman and P. S. Warren, The conservation value of residential yards: linking birds and people, Ecological Applications, vol.21, issue.4, pp.1327-1339, 2011.

Y. Lin, C. , C. Chu, and H. , Identifying the spatial mixture distribution of bird diversity across urban and suburban areas in the metropolis: A case study in Taipei Basin of Taiwan, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.102, issue.3, pp.156-163, 2011.

M. Lizee, J. Mauffrey, and T. Tatoni, Monitoring urban environments on the basis of biological traits, Ecological Indicators, vol.11, issue.2, pp.353-361, 2011.
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A. Loram, P. Warren, and K. Thompson, Urban Domestic Gardens: The Effects of Human Interventions on Garden Composition, Environmental Management, vol.48, issue.4, pp.808-824, 2011.

K. A. Lowe, C. E. Taylor, and R. E. Major, Do Common Mynas significantly compete with native birds in urban environments?, Journal of Ornithology, vol.152, issue.4, pp.909-921, 2011.

H. Lowry, A. Lill, and B. B. Wong, Tolerance of Auditory Disturbance by an Avian Urban Adapter, the Noisy Miner, Ethology, vol.117, issue.6, pp.490-497, 2011.

G. W. Luck, P. Davidson, and D. Boxall, Relations between Urban Bird and Plant Communities and Human Well-Being and Connection to Nature, Conservation Biology, vol.25, issue.4, pp.816-826, 2011.

G. W. Luck and L. T. Smallbone, The impact of urbanization on taxonomic and functional similarity among bird communities, Journal of Biogeography, vol.38, issue.5, pp.894-906, 2011.

I. Macgregor-fors, L. Morales-perez, and J. E. Schondube, Does size really matter? Species-area relationships in human settlements, Diversity and Distributions, vol.17, issue.1, pp.112-121, 2011.

I. Macgregor-fors and R. Ortega-alvarez, Fading from the forest: Bird community shifts related to urban park site-specific and landscape traits, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, vol.10, issue.3, pp.239-246, 2011.

I. Macgregor-fors and J. E. Schondube, Gray vs. green urbanization: Relative importance of urban features for urban bird communities, Basic and Applied Ecology, vol.12, issue.4, pp.372-381, 2011.

A. A. Maklakov, S. Immler, and A. Gonzalez-voyer, Brains and the city: big-brained passerine birds succeed in urban environments, Biology Letters, vol.7, issue.5, pp.730-732, 2011.

J. M. Martin, K. French, and G. A. Ross, Foraging distances and habitat preferences of a recent urban coloniser: The Australian white ibis, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.102, issue.2, pp.65-72, 2011.

R. A. Mckinney, K. B. Raposa, and R. M. Cournoyer, Wetlands as habitat in urbanizing landscapes: Patterns of bird abundance and occupancy, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.100, issue.1-2, pp.144-152, 2011.

M. Perez and E. , How many common breeding birds are there in spain? A comparison of census methods and national population size estimates, Ardeola, vol.58, issue.2, pp.343-365, 2011.

V. Naidoo, K. Wolter, I. Espie, and A. Kotze, Vulture rescue and rehabilitation in South Africa: An urban perspective, Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, vol.82, issue.1, p.24, 2011.

A. J. Oliver, C. Hong-wa, and J. Devonshire, Avifauna richness enhanced in large, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.102, issue.4, pp.215-225, 2011.

R. Ortega-alvarez and I. Macgregor-fors, Dusting-off the file: A review of knowledge on urban ornithology in Latin America, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.101, issue.1, pp.1-10, 2011.

S. K. Palita, A. V. Ponkshe, and U. Dhar, Habitat enrichment and its impact on avian diversity: a study at GBPIHED, Kosi-Katarmal, Current Science, vol.100, issue.11, pp.1681-1689, 2011.

M. Pautasso, K. Boehning-gaese, and P. Clergeau, Global macroecology of bird assemblages in urbanized and semi-natural ecosystems, Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol.20, issue.3, pp.426-436, 2011.

D. N. Pennington and R. B. Blair, Habitat selection of breeding riparian birds in an urban environment: untangling the relative importance of biophysical elements and spatial scale, Diversity and Distributions, vol.17, issue.3, pp.506-518, 2011.

S. T. Pickett, M. L. Cadenasso, and J. M. Grove, Urban ecological systems: Scientific foundations and a decade of progress, Journal of Environmental Management, vol.92, issue.3, pp.331-362, 2011.

B. C. Pijanowski, A. Farina, and S. H. Gage, What is soundscape ecology? An introduction and overview of an emerging new science, Landscape Ecology, vol.26, issue.9, pp.1213-1232, 2011.

B. C. Pijanowski, L. J. Villanueva-rivera, and S. L. Dumyahn, Soundscape Ecology: The Science of Sound in the Landscape, Bioscience, vol.61, issue.3, pp.203-216, 2011.

J. S. Pryke, M. J. Samways, and P. A. Hockey, Persistence of the threatened Knysna warbler Bradypterus sylvaticus in an urban landscape: do gardens substitute for fire?, African Journal of Ecology, vol.49, issue.2, pp.199-208, 2011.

M. Rais, M. Anwar, and T. Mehmood, Bird Diversity and Conservation at Kallar Kahar Lake with Special Reference to Water Birds, Pakistan Journal f Zoology, vol.43, issue.4, pp.673-681, 2011.

S. Rajashekara and M. G. Venkatesha, Community composition of aquatic birds in lakes of Bangalore, India, Journal of Environmental Biology, vol.32, issue.1, pp.77-83, 2011.

A. G. Rebelo, P. M. Holmes, and C. Dorse, Impacts of urbanization in a biodiversity hotspot: Conservation challenges in Metropolitan Cape Town, South African Journal of Botany, vol.77, issue.1, pp.20-35, 2011.

J. R. Sauer and W. A. Link, Analysis of the North American breeding bird survey using hierarchical models, Auk, vol.128, issue.1, pp.87-98, 2011.

A. Schultz, L. G. Underhill, and R. Earle, Seasonality, distribution and taxonomic status of avian haemosporidian parasites within the Greater Cape Town area, Ostrich, vol.82, issue.2, pp.141-153, 2011.

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D. Zhou and L. M. Chu, Do avian communities vary with season in highly urbanized Hong Kong?, Wilson Journal of Ornithology, vol.126, issue.1, pp.69-80, 2014.

, Les numéros précédés d'un « P » correspondent aux questionnaires « Perruche », ceux précédés d'un « C » aux questionnaires « Corneille

, Nombre de types d'oiseaux cités par l'enquêté

, Appréciation des oiseaux urbains dans leur ensemble. aime_sf_p : dit aimer tous les oiseaux cités sauf le pigeon ; indif_sf_p : se dit indifférent à tous les oiseaux cités sauf le pigeon qui est rejeté

, la perruche (selon le questionnaire correspondant) est citée dans les oiseaux vus en ville

, Appréciation de la Corneille noire ou de la Perruche à collier (selon le questionnaire correspondant)

, Département de résidence de l'enquêté

P. Georges-valbon and L. Courneuve,

, Annexe 6-5, vol.93

, Carte 1-1 -Répartition des publications sur la conservation de l'avifaune urbaine selon les zones géographiques étudiées (parues entre 2010 et 2014 sur Web of Sciences)

.. .. Dans-le-grand-paris, Carte 2-1 -Mode d'occupation du sol en, p.61, 2012.

, Carte 2-2 -Profil social de la population des ménages par commune en 2008 (d'après Clerval et Delage, 2014), p.61

, Carte 3-1 -Localisation des secteurs d'enquête en fonction des CSP dominantes des communes (d'après Clerval et Delage, 2014)

, Carte 4-1 -Densité de couples nicheurs de corneilles noires par km² dans Paris intra-muros entre 2005 et 2008 (d'après Malher, 2010.

, Cartes 4-2a et 4-2b -Croissance et extension spatiale des sites de nidification de perruches à collier dans le Grand Paris entre, p.167, 1974.

, Carte 4-3 -Localisation des secteurs d'enquête en fonction des données écologiques et sociologiques

, Carte 5-1 -Bilan des communes ayant répondu et fourni

, Carte 5-2 -Motifs majoritaires des courriers par communes concernées

, les corneilles (b) et les perruches (c), Cartes 5-3a, 5-3b et 5-3c -Communes concernées par des plaintes contre les pigeons (a)

, Carte 6-1 -Types de services municipaux traitant les plaintes contre les oiseaux (sur 31 communes ayant répondu)

. .. Aborder-les-animaux-en-géographe-:-l'émergence-d'une-figure-marginalisée, 1.2. Les prémices d'une géographie des relations humains-animaux : les animaux domestiques comme ressources pour les sociétés humaines

, 2.2. Interroger la cohabitation avec la faune sauvage à partir des conflits : une approche géopolitique

, Au-delà des animaux « non désirés », étudier les animaux sauvages urbains comme catégorie à part entière

, 1.2. Mots clés pour la revue sur l'avifaune urbaine (2010-2014) et recherches complémentaires, Les oiseaux dans les recherches sur la biodiversité urbaine : éléments de revue bibliographique

. .. , 2.1. Une prise en compte récente de la faune dans la biodiversité urbaine, Mise en regard des travaux sur l'avifaune dans les études sur la biodiversité urbaine

. .. , 41 2.3.1. A l'échelle mondiale, une domination des pays anciennement industrialisés, Des espaces urbains inégalement investis par les études sur l'avifaune

. .. , 50 2.4.2. L'avifaune comme indicateur de biodiversité : une faible prise en compte des relations humains -oiseaux, Les motivations de conservation de l'avifaune urbaine : un impératif peu discuté

, Appréhender les relations citadins -oiseaux via les discours : contexte d'étude, système d'hypothèses et dispositif méthodologique

L. .. Paris, 2.1. Une soixantaine d'espèces nicheuses au coeur du Grand Paris, p.70
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00396744

». .. , 73 1.3.2. Autour de la ville-centre, des départements inégalement engagés dans la valorisation de leur biodiversité urbaine, Des politiques publiques pour favoriser la biodiversité urbaine dans le Grand Paris73 1.3.1. La ville-centre, des Plans Biodiversité à la mission « Animaux en ville

. .. Réinterroger-la-notion-de-«-juste-place-»-des-animaux-dans-un-contexte-urbain, 80 2.1. La reconnaissance d'une agentivité des animaux comme préalable à l'étude des relations citadins-oiseaux

. De-la-«-juste-place, 3.3. Hypothèses des facteurs d'appréciation des animaux sauvages en contexte urbain, des oiseaux urbains : définir le contexte territorial des relations citadins-oiseaux

, 93 3.1. L'enquête quantitative pour saisir les appréciations globales des habitants, Combiner les approches méthodologiques pour appréhender la diversité des discours sur les oiseaux urbains, p.97

C. De-la-partie and I. .. ,

L. Paris-:-question-d'especes and . .. Question-d'espaces,

. .. Le-grand-paris, Chapitre 3. Les oiseaux, une part de la biodiversité animale désirée en ville ? Perceptions et appréciations des oiseaux dans

L. Paris, 1.1. Le free listing pour saisir l'avifaune perçue et connue des citadins, des animaux du quotidien à la diversité spécifique méconnue
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01980596

, Tous les enquêtés voient des oiseaux, mais peu d'oiseaux différents

. .. Des, 3.2. Des noms vernaculaires correspondant à plusieurs niveaux de classification taxonomique
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00380485

. .. Oiseaux, 124 2.1. Le nombre de types d'oiseaux cités dépend davantage du profil des enquêtés que de la diversité spécifique du territoire de rencontre, Le rôle des déterminants socio-spatiaux dans la perception des

, Oiseaux « des villes » et oiseaux « des jardins » : les types d'oiseaux cités dépendent

. .. , 1.2. Une présence rassurante, synonyme de vie et de nature en ville, Des animaux majoritairement appréciés en ville, à certaines conditions

. .. , 142 3.2.2. La capacité à nommer scientifiquement les oiseaux et le sentiment de proximité à la nature influencent l'appréciation positive des oiseaux, Diversité, intérêt pour la nature et contextes territoriaux : des conditions aux appréciations positives

L. Pigeon and ?. .. , 3.1. Le seul oiseau aussi largement rejeté, source de saletés
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01230425

, De nouvelles voisines avec qui composer : perceptions et appréciations de la Corneille noire (Corvus corone) et de la Perruche à collier

, 2.3. Sélection des secteurs d'enquête en fonction des dynamiques de peuplement des deux espèces, Saisir les perceptions habitantes de deux espèces nouvellement installées dans la capitale

. .. Deux-espèces-perçues-À-partir-d'un-certain-seuil-de-densité, 171 1.3.1. La Corneille se rencontre surtout dans Paris intra-muros, la Perruche d'abord en petite couronne, 3.2. Corneilles et perruches sont surtout perçues dans les espaces végétalisés, p.173

. .. Oiseau-de-malheur, 177 2.1. Une corneille noire dépréciée, une perruche verte valorisée : l'importance de la couleur des oiseaux

, La Corneille noire a une mauvaise image qui lui colle aux plumes

. L'exotisme and .. .. De-la-perruche-À-collier,

. Juste-comportement, 1.1. L'agressivité de l'espèce et la question de l'équilibre de l'écosystème urbain 188 3.1.2. Deux oiseaux bruyants et sources de désordre, des critères susceptibles de renverser les appréciations culturelles

, 2.2. Attrait de la nouveauté, poids de l'habitude : un retournement de valeur s'opère quand l'oiseau est trop perçu, Plus on les voit, moins on les aime ? La question du nombre et de la juste densité 195 3

, 3.1. A petite échelle, des interrogations sur la présence de ces deux oiseaux dans nos villes, Le rôle des territoires de rencontre et la question de la « juste place

C. De-la-partie and I. .. ,

. Partie-iii,

Q. .. Urbains,

. .. Dans-la-ville, oiseaux fauteurs de trouble : se plaindre de l'oiseau pour le constituer en problème public, Chapitre 5. L'oiseau sujet de plaintes : un révélateur de nos rapports à la ville et à l'autre

, 2.2. Composition du corpus : des plaintes, des demandes d'information et des signalements, Présentation et répartition du corpus : des plaintes contre mais aussi en faveur

, Des oiseaux à punir et d'autres à défendre : analyse lexicométrique de la totalité des courriers fournis par les collectivités

L. Le-grand and . Paris, Analyse lexicométrique du sous-corpus de plaintes contre les oiseaux

. La-rhétorique-de-la-plainte, 2.2. Faire d'une réclamation personnelle un « problème social, p.238, 2012.

, 245 3.1. Ordre urbain, ordre humain ? Une confrontation des imaginaires de la ville, Imaginaires urbains et conflits d'appropriation de l'espace : le sous-texte des plaintes contre les oiseaux

.. .. Appropriations-de-l'espace, 2.1. Espaces privés collectifs et conflits de voisinage : plaintes contre l'oiseau ou plaintes contre le voisin ?

, Chapitre 6. Biodiversité à valoriser contre « nuisibles » à contrôler : des gestions différenciées des oiseaux urbains

. .. , 260 1.1.1. Des animaux privilégiés dans les discours qui s'inquiètent de la perte de biodiversité, 1.3. Concilier accueil du public et préservation des oiseaux : des parcs urbains entre ouverture et fermeture

, ?mais des espèces « à problèmes » exclues de la biodiversité ?

, 272 2.1. Le pigeon, un problème partagé mais des gestions dispersées, Gérer les plaintes des habitants : quel droit de cité pour les oiseaux fauteurs de trouble ?