, For instance, the REST SDMX API of Eurostat gives access to the Eurostat data

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, WHERE { 7 values ?p {tsnchange:inputUnitVersion tsnchange:lowerChange} 8 :V2011_L4_508 (tsnchange:inputUnitVersion|tsnchange:lowerChange) * ?s . 9 ?s ?p ?o . 10 ?s rdf:type tsnchange:StructureChange 11 }ORDERBY DESC(?s)

, The first challenge (1) has been solved using PostGIS functions. A SQL script was created and used on the ASGS data in order to reduce the number of vertices (please note that we may have used other tools such as the, ARCGIS tool, vol.14

, Step 1. Create a topology 2 SELECT CreateTopology('unit_version_topo', find_srid

. Select-addtopogeometrycolumn,

, unit_version_simpl SET topogeom = toTopoGeom(geom_simpl, ' unit_version_topo, vol.1

, CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SimplifyEdgeGeom(atopo varchar, anedge int, vol.8

, || tol || ')) FROM ' 18 || quote_ident(atopo) || '.edge WHERE edge_id = ' || anedge; 19 BEGIN 20 RAISE DEBUG 'Running %', sql; OTHERS THEN 25 RAISE WARNING 'Simplification of edge % with tolerance % failed: %' , anedge, tol, SQLERRM, sql := 'SELECT topology.ST_ChangeEdgeGeom(' || quote_literal(atopo) || ', ' || anedge 17 || ', ST_Simplify(geom

$. Strict,

. Select and . Simplifyedgegeom,

, Convert the TopoGeometries to Geometries for visualization 35 UPDATE unit_version_simpl SET geom_simpl = topogeom::geometry, pp.34-40

, CONSTRUCT { 6 ?s ?p ?o . 7 ?uBefore tsnchange:intputUnitVersion ?o . 8 ?uAfter tsnchange:outputUnitVersion ?o .} 9 FROM <http://purl.org/steamer/asgs> WHERE{ 10 select distinct ?s ?p ?, o ?uBefore ?uAfter where { 11 values ?p {tsnchange:inputUnitVersion tsnchange:upperChange } 12 :V2011_L2_508011194 (tsnchange:inputUnitVersion|tsnchange:upperChange) * ?s . 13 ?s ?p ?o . 14 ?o (tsnchange:upperChange) * :change_unitchange_V2011_L4_508. 15 Optional{ 16 ?uBefore tsnchange:inputUnitVersion * ?o . 17 ?uBefore a tsn:UnitVersion . 18 ?uAfter tsnchange:outputUnitVersion * ?o . 19 ?uAfter a tsn:UnitVersion . 20 } 21 }} Listing Code 11.5 -A SPARQL query that, 2015.

U. The,

, In the following Listing 11.11, we show how the two versions of the TUs ES63 in NUTS 1999 and 2003, are described using the TSN and the GeoSPARQL ontologies, qb4st:SpatialDimension nuts:V2003_L2_ES63), vol.1

, nuts:V1999_L2_ES63 a tsn:UnitVersion ; 8 tsn:isMemberOf nuts:V1999_L2

, 9 tsn:hasIdentifier, ES63

, 10 tsn:hasName

, 11 tsn:hasSuperFeature nuts:V1999_L1_ES6

, 12 tsnchange:hasNextVersion nuts:V2003_L2_ES63

, 13 tsn:isVersionOf nuts:L2_ES63

, 14 tnschange:inputUnitVersion 15 nuts:change_extractionchange_V1999_L2_ES63

, 16 geosparql:hasGeometry nuts:Geometry_3245

, es"^^xsd:string . 19 nuts:V2003_L2_ES63 a tsn:UnitVersion

, 21 tsn:hasIdentifier "ES63"^^xsd:string

, 22 tsn:hasName, Ciudad Autonoma de Ceuta

, 23 tsn:hasSuperFeature nuts:V2003_L1_ES6

, 24 tsnchange:hasNextVersion nuts:V2006_L2_ES63

, 25 tsn:isVersionOf nuts:L2_ES63

, 26 tnschange:outputUnitVersion 27 nuts:change_extractionchange_V1999_L2_ES63

, 28 geosparql:hasGeometry nuts:Geometry_3246

, es"^^xsd:string ; . 31 nuts:Geometry_3245 a geosparql:Geometry ; 32 geosparql:asWKT 33

, MULTIPOLYGON, vol.9522, issue.35, pp.37-42

, 40 geosparql:is3D "false"^^xsd:boolean

, 41 geosparql:isEmpty "false"^^xsd:boolean

, 42 geosparql:isSimple "true"^^xsd:boolean

, 43 geosparql:spatialDimension 2 . 44 nuts:Geometry_3246 a geosparql:Geometry ; 45 geosparql:asWKT 46

, 50 geosparql:is3D "false"^^xsd:boolean

, 51 geosparql:isEmpty "false"^^xsd:boolean

, 52 geosparql:isSimple "true"^^xsd:boolean

, 53 geosparql:spatialDimension 2

, Listing Code 11.11 -A description of two versions of the TUs ES63, NUTS 1999 and 2003 using the TSN and the GeoSPARQL ontologies

, Figure 11.4 -The Theseus Framework Web Mapping GUI using request to the Geoserver WMS

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