. .. Motivations, , p.192

, 2 The piece-wise stationary bandit model

, Review of related works

, The Bernoulli GLRT change-point Detector

. .. , A new algorithm for piece-wise stationary bandits, p.207

. .. , Finite-time upper-bounds on the regret of GLR-klUCB, p.210

, Proof of the regret upper-bounds

. .. , Experimental results for piece-wise stationary bandits, p.220

. .. Conclusion,

. ?-n-*, In practice, instead of sub-sampling for the time t, we propose to sub-sample for the number of samples of arm i before calling GLR to check for a change on arm i, that is, n i (t) in Algorithm 7.1. Note that the first heuristic using ?n can be applied to M-UCB as well as CUSUM-UCB and PHT-UCB

, The second optimization is in the same spirit, and uses a parameter ?s ? N * . When running the GLR test with data Z 1 , . . . , Z t , instead of considering every splitting time steps s ? [t], in the same spirit, we can skip some and test not at all time steps s but only every ?s time steps

. .. , xxvii 1.1 A chart representing the allocation of radio spectrum in the United States of North America in 2016, Cycle de l'apprentissage par renforcement : un-e joueur-se interagit avec son environnement par des actions, et observe une récompense, de façon itérative

, Reinforcement learning cycle: a learner interacts with its environment through actions, and observes a reward

, Organization of the thesis: a reading map

T. .. , Reinforcement learning cycle in a MAB model, for time steps t = 1, p.22

, Screenshot of the demonstration, at the end of the game after T = 100 steps, p.25

, 49 2.5 Mean regret R t as function of t for T = 10000 and N = 1000. The 3 most efficient algorithms: UCB 1 , kl-UCB and Thompson Sampling achieve logarithmic regret, Average of the cumulated rewards, as function of t, for T = 10000 and N = 1000, p.50

, Histogram of 10000 i.i.d. rewards obtained from three arms with a truncated Gaussian distribution, of respective means 0.1, 0.5 and 0.9

. .. , 59 instance, Thomson sampling is very efficient in average, and UCBshows a larger variance, p.62

, Regret vs different values of K

T. .. ,

. .. , Normalized mean regret vs normalized running time (in micro-seconds), p.69

, Normalized running time vs different values of K

T. .. , 70 3.10 Normalized mean regret vs normalized memory costs (in bytes), Normalized running time vs different values of, p.71

, Normalized memory cost vs different values of K

, Normalized memory cost vs different values of T

, Bernoulli problem (semilog-y scale), p.86

. .. , Bernoulli problem, they all have similar performances, except LearnExp, and our proposal Aggregator outperforms its competitors, vol.87

, On an "easy" Gaussian problem, only Aggregator shows reasonable performances, thanks to Bayes-UCB and Thompson sampling, vol.87

, Exponential arms, with 3 arms of each type with the same mean, On a harder problem, mixing Bernoulli, Gaussian

, The semilog-x scale clearly shows the logarithmic growth of the regret for the best algorithms and our proposal Aggregator, p.88

, 96 5.2 The considered time-frequency slotted protocol. Each frame is composed by a fixed duration up-link slot in which the end-devices transmit their (up-link) packets, our system model, some dynamic devices, p.97

. .. , 3 Performance of two MAB algorithms, UCB and Thompson Sampling in red, compared to extreme reference policies without learning or oracle knowledge, when the proportion of dynamic end-devices in the network increases, from 10% to 100%, p.105

, Learning with UCB and Thomson Sampling, with many dynamic devices, p.106

, Performance of the UCBbandit algorithm for the special case of uniform distribution of the static devices, when the proportion of intelligent devices in the network increases, from 10% to 100%

, Schematic of our implementation that presents the role of each USRP platform, p.110

, Two pictures showing the SCEE test-bed, p.111, 2018.

, User interface of our demonstration

, less than 100 trials in each channel) are sufficient for the two learning devices (UCB and Thompson Sampling) to reach a successful communications rate close to 80%, which is twice as much as the non-learning (uniform) device, which stays around 40% of success. Similar gains of performance were obtained in other scenarios

, Screenshot of the video of our demonstration, youtu.be/HospLNQhcMk

, The Markov model of the behavior of all devices paired to the considered IoT network using the ALOHA protocol

, Our approximation for the probability of collision at the second transmission, p.121

U. &. Random, &. Delayed, and U. &. , First comparison between the exposed heuristics for the retransmission

, Second comparison between the exposed heuristics for the retransmission

, The random traffic generator flow-graph

, The IoT base station flow-graph

. .. , 164 6.3 Regret for M = 6 players for K = 9 arms, horizon T = 5000, for 1000 repetitions on a fixed problem, The IoT dynamic device flow-graph

, Regret for M = 2 and 9 players for K = 9 arms, horizon T = 5000, for a fixed problem, p.166

, Regret for M = 3 players for K = 9 arms, horizon T = 123456, vol.100

, Regret for M = 6 players, K = 9 arms, horizon T = 5000, against 500 problems µ uniformly sampled

, Regret for M = 2 players, K = 9 arms, horizon T = 5000, against 500 problems µ uniformly sampled

. Regret-for-m-=-k-=-9, , vol.5000, p.170

, C = 4). The means are in [0, 1], and there are C + 1 = 5 stationary intervals of equal lengths. Some changes do not modify the optimal arm (e.g., at T = 1000 and T = 4000) and others do

, C = 12). The means are again in [0, 1], and there are also C + 1 = 5 stationary intervals of equal lengths, Problem 2: K = 3 arms with T = 5000, and ? = 4 changes occur on all arms (i.e

, Locations of the detected change-points for four algorithms on Problem 1, p.222

, Locations of the detected change-points for four algorithms on Problem 2, p.223

, Problem 3: K = 6, T = 20000, C = 19 changes occur on most arms at ? = 8 break-points, vol.224

, Problem 4: K = 3, T = 5000, C = 12 changes occur on all arms at ? = 4 break-points, p.225

, Pb 5: K = 5, T = 100000, C = 179 changes occur on some arms at ? = 81 break-points, vol.226

, Mean regret as a function of time, R t for horizon T = 5000, for problem 1, p.228

, Mean regret as a function of time, R t for horizon T = 5000, for problem 2, p.229

. .. , 230 7.11 Mean regret as a function of time, R t for horizon T = 5000, for problem 4. We see that after a "long enough" stationary interval, the algorithms designed for stationary problems lose track of the best arm, Histograms of the distributions of regret R T (T = 5000) for problem 1, p.232

, Mean regret as a function of time, R t for horizon T =, p.233, 20000.

. .. , 38 2.3 A generic index policy A, using indexes U k (t) (e.g., UCB 1 , kl-UCB etc), Mean regret as a function of time, R t for horizon T = 100000, p.40

. .. , Thompson Sampling for Bernoulli rewards, with Beta prior/posteriors, p.45

.. .. , 84 5.1 First-stage UCB and retransmission in same channel, The Aggregator algorithm, aggregating N MAB algorithms A 1

. .. , 152 6.2 The MCTopM decentralized learning policy (for an index policy U j ), p.152

. .. , 208 List of Code Examples 3.1 Example of Python code to create Bernoulli and Gaussian arms, a MAB problem with

. .. Smpybandits, K = 3 arms, and to plot a histogram of rewards, with, p.57

, Code defining the UCB 1 algorithm, as a simple example of an Index Policy, p.58

, Example of Bash code to download and install dependencies of SMPyBandits, p.60

, Example of Bash code to run a simple experiment with SMPyBandits, p.60

.. .. {5000, .. .. {2, and . .. 32}, , p.77

, 49 2.2 Cumulated rewards and regret, for horizons T = 100 and T = 10000, averaged over N = 1000 independent simulations (j = 1, List of Tables 2.1 Cumulated rewards and regret, for horizons T = 100 and T = 10000, p.50

, Using kl-UCB is much more efficient than using UCB, for multi-players bandit (here in a simple problem with K = 9 arms)

, All use kl-UCB, Mean regret ± 1 std-dev, for different algorithms on the same problem with M = 3, 6, 9, comparing algorithms which knows M against algorithms which estimate M on the fly

, 9 players, for the "no sensing" case. More work is needed on our implementation on Improved Musical Chair. The results on Sic-MMAB confirm the numerical experiments of, Comparison of the mean regret ± 1 std-dev, for different algorithms, on the same problem with M = 3, vol.6

, Comparing RhoRand and RhoLearn on a simple MP-MAB problem with K = 9 arms, vol.184

, Mean regret ± 1 std-dev, on problems 1 and 2 with T = 5000. We conclude that using kl-UCB is much more efficient than using UCB, for non-stationary bandit, p.226

, Mean regret ± 1 std-dev, p.227

, Problem 4 use K = 3 arms, and a first long stationary sequence. Problem 5 use K = 5, T = 100000 and is much harder with ? = 82 break-points and C = 179 changes, Mean regret ± 1 std-dev

, Using the optimizations with ?n = ?s = 20 does not reduce the regret much but speeds up the computations by about a factor 50, Effects of the two optimizations parameters ?n and ?s, on the mean regret R T (top) and mean computation time (bottom) for GLR-klUCB on a simple problem

, Mean regret ± 1 standard-deviation, for different choices of threshold function ?(n, ?), on three problems of horizon T = 5000, for GLR-klUCB

, Mean regret ± 1 standard-deviation, for different choices of exploration mechanisms, on three problems of horizon T = 5000, for GLR-klUCB, with local or global restarts, p.242

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