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P. Eah, 97+!798(-).(&#!%&7.(+,!-)*9.!8)!SQnI*:o!79.!SQnI*:oR"%P?XXS+,!=

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. G&amp;##!8j79#x!&lt;&amp;&amp;`#!, , vol.9, pp.8-15

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!. Pe\]\!-o(;1v1*#,

, @0110/8'1#**1-!W*0*1D

#. 3u011#,

. &gt;&gt;9#1!1,

. &gt;*!, #1!#>!0>>#T#L!"#1!27#:(57#1!19='#>/#1, vol.39

. !/#**#!92-;-#!, , vol.39

. &gt;*!, , vol.9, p.392

, 19#1!30>1!)0!`#>O0>B!P>, p.97

+. @e+%%f, !. @e+%%f, .. C. @e, and . Eed@e, <#/1#&%02)-(4)&(4&4)

. \&apos;!39a&apos;*!3#!-;-#!#&gt;!g, , vol.92

#. and %. Incfo!, , vol.3

, 71!3#!)I92(39:(#!1'76#>'#!#>!:0(!$+,%!30>1!)0!, p.27

!. Fzd=]hf-!&gt;;*0-;-q-!-&apos;&gt;!-*#1*!-/, 0>9:#>*!)0! >'/)9;27;*9(>#! PC]Q! #*! )0!<)V/;27

, >'/)9, p.27

. &gt;#!pc]q!#*!&apos;&gt;!, 7#!/(A)0>*!)#!<5>#!2;)V:9701#!P"QL!"#1!19='#>/#1!, vol.9

. &gt;3#1!3#!/#1!*#1*, , vol.9, pp.0-7

, >*!9*9!0>0)V19#1!#>!)#1!/;:2070>*!0'T!19='#>/#1

. &gt;(a)#1!-3#2-;-!-)#!-39a&apos;*!-3#!-/#**#!-92, , vol.39

. &gt;*7#d, #1'7#1!:93(/0)#1!, vol.392

&. , , p.27

. #*!n*, , vol.7

. &gt;9!#&gt;!&apos;*(, 10>*!'>!2)01:(3#!#T27(:0>*!)0!<)V

, Vee+Y#7-)`)'efb"V1-! "V1eb%\7<-! \)0eddZ87-! 0>3!`)Vffb\7<Q) P`#>O0>B! 0//#11(;>! >':A#7! \\mff+e%L,QL! R>1'(*#-! /#! <5>#! 0! 9*9! /;:2079! M! )0! 19=

A. #&gt;, , vol.1

, >*!9*9!011#:A)91!#>!'*(

&. &gt;&lt;!-e(*!-pc#k!-r&gt;&lt;)0&gt;3!-o,

, 1!06

. &gt;1!/,

. &gt;&gt;9#1!06#/!&apos;&gt;!#&gt;1#-;-&gt;&gt;0&gt;*!-&apos;&gt;#!-1#&apos;)#!-19=&apos;#&gt;/#!-/,

. &gt;*!, 191!M!)U0(3#!3'!), vol.9

. &gt;1!, !. L%le, and L. ,

. 07a7#1!28v,

, <9>(='#1!207!)0!:9*8

, 3#!3'!:0T(:':!3#!670(1#:A)0>/#!#*!2

!. ,

A. 27#,

, >1!0!(>3(='9!='#!)I92, vol.39

. 3#!-&amp;,

#. and %. !-0&apos;!-c, , p.0

&. 3i802,

, *V2#1! 0! 9*9! <9>979! M! 207*(7! 3#! e%! <9>;:#1! 3#! /#! 607

. &gt;1!3#!@01,

, >!3#!)0! ?

&. , , p.0

#. and %. ,

S. %l!r*-!)#!3#&apos;t,

. O&apos;*#,

. 20&lt;0*,

. #!3#!o&apos;*#:a,

. L!!,

. &gt;*7#d,

!. 3#!-/#**#!-92, HF!, vol.392

, V91! );71! 3#! )I92(39:(#!

, V1#!3'!<5>#!"-!*7

. 730&gt;/#1!p&apos;&gt;#!30&gt;1!, , vol.0

. !c]-!#*!&apos;&gt;!1#, , p.9102207

!. 30&gt;1!-;-/#!1#&gt;1!3&apos;!*#1*!`#&gt;#h2#7*!ra, !M!207*(7!3#!)I#T*79, vol.0

. &gt;1!/, 2079!)0!)

&. ,

, >0'T!s@022!(>3(6(3'#)1!P,cH.-!$`e!#*!e`bQ!1#!1

. Rojk!-l!pn*&apos;q!`]i-j!06#/!&apos;&gt;#!#44, , vol.9

. &gt;0&apos;t!,

&. ,

, >>'!)#!607(0>*!ROJk!lUUN*'tL!H#2#>30>*-!)0!:'*0*

, #:#>*!044#/*9!)0!)

. &gt;!3#, !:\Ae`b!M!)0!`]i-j!3UROJk!l!pN*'qL!Z0>3(1!, p.960

, >0)!, vol.392

. V9!-/,

A. #&gt;*,

&. 27#,

&. 2#7, ! 3U(3#>*(4(#7! )I0<#>*! 9

. &lt;(=&apos;#!-#*!-3#!-/,

:. #7!=&apos;#!/#**#!92, >4, vol.39

. &lt;(=&apos;#,

!. 3#!, ! :n:#! 0>>9#! 30>1! )0! 27;6(>/#! 3#! )

A. ,

. &gt;*!, 19#1!2, vol.9

, >0'T! 3

. &gt;(a)#1!-#*, , vol.392

, V91! 1'7! *#770(>L! "#! 19='#>X0<#! <9>, vol.279

. /#!-#*!-/,

. &gt;*7#d, #1'7#1!:93(/0)#1!#*-!3#!:0>(57#!79*7

. !*70&gt;1,

. &gt;!#*!, , p.96

#. 012&amp;, 3(#41'(4)-1'%25)&"()6789):;0/#)<%'14)-%4

, >0'&")?%<1)#2-)@&1'%)A'0<%2.(4)0B)&"()C(30

!. 0250e)#)&apos;#$%-, , vol.5

!. %&amp;&apos;(#)%$&amp;&apos;*+,

. B/115017b/00,

&. and !. Fl!e&apos;&lt;#,

. 1#28!\l!h8(**v-e--!]#*#7!\l,

, O#(*?#) e -!\8

!. \v;&apos;a0-$--!c-;-#!k-;-$--!y*, , vol.7

&. ,

. 8&gt;!e, A# d -!\>01*01(#!@')':A0 ,+ -!H87(1*(0>Dg')(0>! k(, p.0

$. #!-&quot;l!-o07*)#**-e- and . Y80&gt;, >?0)#? e -! @0<<

!. &lt;#7!z-;-f--!g#&gt;1 and .. ^l!e&apos;8&gt;, >8'0!g'>#!s80

*. 8#!-c3&amp;,

!. Y0&gt;/8#?d,

/. B807*-e- and $. , ! \L! Y0)) % -! g#0>D, p.3

/. V#, , vol.0

, ewx -!Y*#6#!\8'B0D@'>3#B#, vol.1

. N&gt;1*(*&apos;*!-c0*(;&gt;0)!-3#!-f#/8#7/8#!-o, , p.93

. F#/8#7/8#!-2-;-#!-g96#, >0)! 3#! )0! Y0>*9! #*! 3#! )0! F#/8#7/8#! @93(/0)#! PNCYRF@Q-!, vol.22

. &gt;*2#, , p.7

!. &gt;&lt;,

. L!-e-!h#&gt;*#7!4-;-!h#&gt;*#7-!j, , vol.7, pp.80-701

, !o)0<1*044-!\7(?;>0-![Y\L! b !H;::0>3!0>3!`#>#70)!Y*044! H;))#<#-!o*!"#06#>K, vol.7

. &gt;!`9&gt;970)#!3#!&quot;&apos;**#!/,

&. G#, !@0)03

L. , !F#2791#>*0>*!3#!)IJ7<0>, vol.1

. &gt;!@,

#. and !. G#,

L. and ,. H#&gt;*7#!4,

. &gt;!y,

&. El! and $. G#207*:#&gt;*!, , vol.4

. &lt;v!y!@,

!. H#&gt;*#7-!-j,

!. 7#0)d*,

. &gt;!0a,

. &lt;#&gt;!&lt;#&gt;,

*. 70&gt;1,

, >! 0>0)V1(1! 0>3! /8070/*#7

&. 7#12, , p.702

. &gt;1#1l!-n&gt;!-7#12,

. &gt;1#!-*,

!. ,

. 7#/#&gt;*)v!#1*0a,

. _#!&apos;1#3!*07&lt;#*#3d#&gt;7, , vol.8

, !, vol.3

&. ,

!. 011#11!#07)v!*70&gt;1,

&. #7,

. Z8#!-&lt;#&gt;,

!. , %. Rkg, and !. ,

!. G#,

, F#2'A)(/!;4!*8#!H;><

. L!], , vol.7, pp.7-7

. A#!,

!. 3#2,

#. &lt;#&gt;, !, issue.2, p.3

V. Ra,

&. ,

!. *#(&gt;!-p`]i-!-jq,

, A1#76#3! (>! 0))! e%! <#>, pp.1-3

. V#3!,

. &gt;0)!,

. 3v!*8#702#&apos;*,

%. J&gt;!-g&apos;)v!-$%-!-$+,

, @0A0)0B

!. 8#0)*8!?;&gt;#!(&gt;!c,

Y. %q!k8, 60-!0>3!1#:#>!, vol.10

!. N&gt;1*(*&apos;*!-c0*(;&gt;0)!-3#!-f#/8#7/8#!-o, , p.93

Q. K8,

. 73#7!@;&gt;;&gt;#&lt;06-;-v!o, , vol.6

$. and %. ,

*. 8#7!rkg and !. ,

, K8#>!022)(#3!*;!;'*A7#0B!7#12

. &gt;1#1!806#!a##&gt;!3#, >1*70*#3!47#='#>*)V!PO0(?#!#*!0)L-!$+,ez!\7

. #*!-;-l-!$+,.z!e&apos;&lt;#,

!. #1*0a,

&. &lt;#, , vol.7028

. Rkg!;&apos;*a7#0b!(&gt;!k8,

. &gt;#&gt;*!;4!*8#!;&apos;*a7#0b!7#12,

. !`#7,

, >4, p.0

. #1*0a, , vol.18

. &gt;#!p\7,

. K#3!av!*8#!3#2);v:#&gt;*!,

. V#3!&lt;#&gt;,

!. _#1*#7&gt;!\47-;-*#)v!, , vol.10

. K&gt;!*,

!. A#!(&gt;4#/*#3!av!rojk!47-;-!*8#!;&apos;*a7#0b!p^,

$. , .. Ql, and . J&gt;/#!-&lt;#&gt;#70*#3-;-v!-*,

&. #7, , vol.7

. &gt;1#l!z8#!27#d#, *(6#!#1*0A), vol.18

&. &lt;#&gt;,

!. 1#=&apos;#&gt;/#!011#:a)v!0&gt;3-!*8#7#4,

!. A#!022-;-#3!*;!:;7#!/-;-*0&gt;/#!,

/. 020a(,

*. 8#!$+,%!rkg!;&apos;*a7#0b!(&gt;!c,

!. G#,

. V!*70&gt;1,

. $/(, 0//(.&%02)#2-)4(L1(2.%25)

, 60-!0>3!1#:#>!10:2)#1!47;:!20*(#>*1!K(*8!1'12#/*#3!RkG!47

!. K#7#!,

/. #11#3!0*!, , p.0

H. , , vol.70

. &gt;1#&gt;*!-k01!,

#. &gt;l!-\,

&. ,

. &gt;#!-4,

, Z#/8>

. B(*!pe\]\!o, 1V1*#:1-!_(

&. , Y\Q!, vol.4

. K#3!av!z7&apos;y#=!rt,

, 3#1/7(A#3!P@A0)0DE(><#A#>(!#*!0)L-!$+,dQL!\!1'A1#*!;4!10:2)#1!K01!27#207#3!'1(><!*8#!C#T*#70!

!. 0&lt;7##, #>*1!P022#>3(TQL!Z8#!:#*8

&. Av,

, >0)!1(><)#!#>7(/8:#>*!1*#2L!Z8, vol.10

, 011#:A)#3!ROJk!<#>;:#!47

. &gt;*(&gt;&apos;,

$. ,

. &gt;*(&gt;&apos;,

. &gt;!7#,

*. 8#7!,

. &gt;!1*#21-!70k!7#03!,

/. 011#,

!. Rojk and . &lt;#&gt;,

. &gt;!&gt;,

, U(203%.)#2-)-%#5204&%.)#2#/N4%4)

%. \*!*8#!-;-!*8#!g&apos;)v!$+, , vol.3, p.0

!. @0v!$+, %. Rkg, and !. , V:#>*!*80*)803!A##>!'1#3!3'7(><!*8#

*. Ra, ! \110V) P>'/)#;27

. *#(&gt;!-?c]?!-0&gt;3!-&lt;)v/, , p.27

*. &lt;#&gt;#!-?`]?!-*07&lt;#*1z, , vol.28, p.3

L. , .. Ql!-;-!-,, L. Leq, and !. K01!, #7c! P060, vol.7

!. 0&gt;0)v1#1!-;-v!,

#. , , p.33

, 7#11007!#*!0)L-!$++bQL!]7(:#7!0>3!27

. A#!,

. !*8#!060-;-!*8#!rkg, 0A)#!ROJk!<#>;:#1!47

. &apos;*a7#0b!(&gt;!g&apos;)v!$+ and . %l!c&apos;/)#,

. *(3#!-;-v!/, :0*/8#1!K#7#!:0>'0)

, >4(7:#3!AV!0!20(7K(1#!0)(<>:#>*L!

. Z8#!-&gt;,

&. and %. Tl!y(&gt;/#!*8#!`#&gt;#h2#7*!ra, !\110V!(1!:')*(2)#T#3-!K#!K#7#!0A)#!*

!. 2#74, , vol.7

*. #7&gt;!\47,

. !c]!0&gt;3!`]!*07&lt;#*,

, #1*(:0*#3! P022#>3(TQL! \))! 30*0! K#7#! (::#3(0*#)V! 3

&. 7#12,

. &gt;1#!0&gt;3!&apos;1#3!*,

!. 3#2,

&. #7,

*. #1*#3!a#/0&apos;1#!*8#!&gt;#07d,

?. \&gt;!-;-!a01#!pfq!k01!&apos;1#3!*,

. ?!@,

!. Rojk and !. &lt;#&gt;#!-47,

. V/;,

. *#(&gt;)p`]i-jq, , vol.3

E. Projkle, BQ)(1;)0*#!Pk0)++c\)0-!`)'+eb\12-!\7<c

, \)0ec$Z87-! Z87ecf\)0-!`)Vee+Y#7-)`)'efb"V1-! "V1eb%\7<-! \)0eddZ87-! 0>3!`)Vffb\7<Q) (>*

!. 0&gt;!-#t27#11,

, !#>/;3(><!ROJklE(B!`]i-j)P`#>O0>B, p.1

. &gt;!&gt;,

/. ,

&. , <8D4(3#)(*V!GC\)2;)V:#701#!PC#K!R><)0>3!O(, vol.8, pp.0-1

. @\-!-[y\ql)-z8#!-7#1&apos;)*(&gt;&lt;!`]!-&lt;#&gt;#!-470&lt;, #>*1! K#7#! 011#:A)#3! '1(><! *8#! CRO'()3#7!^(o(! GC\! \11#:A)V! H)

, /#')(<0/1&%02)#2-)'#&()#2#/N4%4)

, >0)!ROJk!1#='#>/#1!K#7#!3;K>), p.33

, 03#3!47;:)`#>O0>Bz!)

. &gt;1*-;-!-k#7#!-7#,

. P&gt;? and . Av!1#)#/*, ><!0!1(><)#)1#='#>/#!P*8#!#07)

, <>:#>*1-) :0T(:':D)(B#)

. *d*,

, *(3#)

, :!0>0)V1#1!K#7#!<#>#70*#3!01!, vol.728

/. ,

, <>:#>*1-!O0V#1(0>!0>0)V1(1!'1(><)OR\YZ!P6#71(;>1!,L%Le!0>3!,L,+L+z!022#>3(TQ!, p.7

. L-!$++bq!k01!&apos;1#3!*;)&lt;#&gt;#70*#!, , p.0

/. ,

/. 27,

, >#! 01!, vol.27, issue.6

!. , )#3! 04*#7! ,dbb! *;), vol.10

, >1*70(>!*7##!*;2;)

. &lt;v!/,

, 7#2#0*(><) *8#! O0V#1, pp.0-27

/. #3&apos;7#!,

. &gt;#!-27#6, , vol.3, p.0

, *!*;2;)

, <V)

?. and +. @07b,

&. H07,

!. , *. #21!p$lf, !. , and +. K#7#, , vol.3

*. , , vol.803

. &gt;!*,

-. J&gt;!g&apos;)v!c and %. , )#1!47;:!*8#!@0A0)0B;)8#0)*8!?, vol.10

!. Rojk,

P. 0&gt;3)-,%o^k+d$q!0&gt;3!1#=, , vol.73, p.0

P. and B. 28v,

, ><, p.3

*. 8#7!rojk and !. 1#=&apos;#&gt;/#1!,

, :2)#1!,%o^k+%d!0>3!,%o^k+d+!P>

#. &lt;#&gt;, ><D, issue.2, pp.1-7

&. and %. Pn&gt;*#7&gt;0*(;&gt;!-y,

#. %ql!-c;!, RA;)0! '230*#! PfbQa! GFH! PC, L!, vol.73, issue.6

/. #1!-(&gt;!-k]cf!-/,

$. and %. , , vol.27

%. &gt;6#&gt;*(;&gt;1!pe&apos;8&gt;!#*!$+,bq!0&gt;3!-;-v!$+, , vol.27

. 1#!*;!&gt;0, #!*8#!607(0>*!ROJkl?N*'7(t!PROJkl?N*'tQL!! Y0:2)#1!K#7#!27

/. #11#3!&apos;1(&gt;&lt;!*8#!z7&apos;y#=!fc\!rt,

*. , , pp.6-7

. A#1l!-z8#!-c#t*#70!-o,

!. ,

. &gt;!*,

!. &lt;#&gt;#70*,

!. and .. !. ,

. &gt;*(&gt;&apos;,

$. and %. Ncfo!7#/#(6#3!c%, , vol.10

!. &gt;#1!p4(&lt;&apos;7#!,dhql, $. Ov!j/*!, and %. -!ee!/, , vol.3

. 6#70&lt;#!-;4!-dbldc~!-p,%!-fb$!, , vol.4

!. !-bel$$~!-p,e!-+bf, , vol.4

!. *(3#1q!*;!ddld.~!p,%!dfb!;4,

, *, issue.10

. &gt;*70d, *A7#0B!30*0!(3#>*(4(#3!ef!1(><)#!>'/)#

. &gt;#q!pz-;-&gt;#!#*!0)l-!$+ and . %ql!c;!-;-#*#!-&lt;#&gt;, #1><D, vol.10, issue.2, p.1

P. and %. , , vol.7

. *!-8-;-#l!-\!-&gt;,

Y. and !. N&gt;*#7&gt;0*,

#. Ra,

%. !-e-;-&apos;q-!-$+,%z!-h;8#&gt;!-#*!-0)l-!-$+ and %. J&gt;!-\&apos;&lt;!-,c-!-$+,

!. K01!-27#6, ! 03:(**#3! *

, A)#:1-! 3(#3! 0>3! K01! )0*#7! 3#*#7:(>#3! *

!. A#!-rkg, , vol.2

!. K#7#!/,

, >4, p.3

!. 806#!rkg and !. @0&gt;3, , vol.3, p.0

. !n*,

*. V2#!&gt;#*k,

. &gt;!0a;&apos;*!*8#!*70&gt;1,

, :2)#1! 47, vol.10

. &gt;#!47,

*. #3!(&gt;!*8#!07#0!47-;-v!$b-!$+ and %. , , p.227

$. ,

*. V2#!, 3#3!;>#!;4!*8#!#07)(#1*!10:2)#1!0>0)V1#3!0*!NCFO!P

*. 8#!#2, , vol.3

, 0)!30*0L!^;K#6#7-!1#6#70)!27

*. 8#!#07,

*. 7#2!$+ and %. &lt;#&gt;, F#<

*. 8#1#!-8v2,

*. 8#1#1l!-n&gt;!-\&apos;&lt;&apos;1*!-$+ and %. , , vol.7

!. K01!/,

%. &gt;!g&apos;)v!,b-!$+, , p.3

, !0>0)V1(1!(>4#77#3!0>!ROJk!*70>1

!. 1#6#70)!,

*. 8#71!-47,

. &gt;3!*70&gt;1, , vol.802

*. V2#!&gt;#*k,

*. #7!\&apos;&lt;!$+-!$+ and . %l!y#6#70,

%. &gt;1#!-*#0-;-*#!-\&apos;&lt;&apos;1*l!-j&gt;!-y#2*!-e-!-$+ and . 0&gt;, , pp.1-3

L. ,

. K&gt;!*,

!. 806#!a##&gt;!(&gt;!/,

!. O&apos;*#:a,

. O&apos;*#:a,

!. Po&apos;*#:a,

Q. ,

. &lt;&apos;7#!$.l!\!,

*. 0a)#!#6#&gt;*1!;4!*8#!$+, %. Rkg, and !. ,

. *(3#,

K. ,

!. #07)v!;&apos;*a7#0b!-;-#1!pa)&apos;#!, , vol.10

*. ,

*. #1!*8#!-*,

!. #07)v!-;&apos;*a7#0b!-;-#1!k#7#!-1#=&apos;#&gt;/#3l!-rkgdra, , vol.10

. L!fjhdf#2, A)(/!;4!H;><

. 3#!f#/8#7/8#!o, , p.93

. !*8#, , vol.4

. &lt;&apos;7#!-$bl!-r07)v!-*70&gt;1-;-!-*8#!-$+,%!-rkg!-;&apos;*a7#0b!-(&gt;!-*8#!-c, >! 0>0)V1(1! ;4

*. V2#!&gt;#*k,

. &gt;#1l!-\60, , p.0

. K&gt;!(&gt;!a;)3l!poq!f#&lt;,

, !, p.3

. A01#3!-3#*#/*,

&. 3#2,

%. &gt;&lt;!-*8#!-$+ and !. Rkg, V#3! 3'7

*. #3!, , vol.7

!. Rojk and . &lt;#&gt;#!p3#!_(*!#*!0)l-!$+,.q!*8#!c]!&lt;#&gt;#!p_#, :0>!#*!0)L-!$++eQ!0>3!*8#!:')

. !p](&gt;1bv!#*!-;-l-!$+,

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. 7k073!27, , p.7

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. 0&gt;3!;,

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. &apos;&gt;3!(&gt;!*8#!,

. 7k073!27, #7!;4!*8#!`#>#h2#7*!RA, p.47

. _#!-/, , p.1

. Rojkl?n*&apos;t!-0&gt;3!-rojkl@0b, #1! A#*K##>! ROJkl?N*'t! 2;1(*(6#!10:2)#1!K01!|cLd!/V/)#1!P70><#!|bL+!*, vol.10

!. Py#, , pp.2-7

, Z8#1#! 7#1')*1! (>3(/0*#3! *80*! *8#! 1(><)#! :(1:0*/8! (>! *8#! 4

. 7k073!-&gt;, , p.27

. *#(&gt;!-27,

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!. Tql!!,

. Z8#!s@022!,

, >0)!0>*(A;3V!

!. &gt;!#*!0)l-!$+,fql and . _#!-/,

*. Rojkle,

. K!/v*;:#*7vl:\a and . G%!k01!,

!. Rojkl?n*&apos;t!`]i-j!/,

, >1#>1'1!

-. 0&gt;*l!-o#*k##&gt;!-\&apos;&lt;!-$%|c and %. , <>(1#3! *8#! ROJkl?N*'t! 607

. K&gt;1*7#0,

. K#7#!),

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/. ,

!. Rojkl?n and *. &apos;t!`]i-jp022#&gt;3,

. 6#3!4, , vol.7, p.2011

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. &gt;!7#1, #1!)

&. , $. Qa, and !. ,

!. &gt;v,

. _#!1#=&apos;#&gt;/#3!1#7, , vol.10

!. 7#!0&gt;3!04*#7!:\a and . #&gt;*!*,

. #/*,

&. ,

&. Rojk,

, )#1!803!4#K!, vol.10

. 6#70&lt;#-!0&gt;3!*-;-!*8#1#!*k;!, , vol.10

*. 7#0*:#&gt;*!-*,

, >1(3#7(><!*8#!1:0))!10

!. ,

. #6;)&apos;*,

!. &gt;&lt;,

*. #7!-*,

. &lt;#*8#7l!-y-;-v-!-*, , vol.07

. !-*8#!-1-;-!-*8#!-h;&gt;&lt;,

. !-f(6#7-!-*8#!-*87##!-&gt;-;-*8k#1*!-;-*#7!-*, , vol.7

. Q-!-;-!*8#!*k;!&apos;&gt;&gt;0, , vol.01, pp.3-607

&. %l!, >7

*. #3!, D/)03#!/7#3(A()(*V!*7##!P\Q!0>3!1/0)#3!:02!POQ!), p.0

!. Rkg and !. V#,

K. ,

. 70&gt;&lt;#-!0&gt;3!a,

. K1!ra,

. *d*,

!. Rkg and !. ;&apos;*a7#0b1!47,

!. \27(-;-!, -. , and E. K8, 3#3!ROJkl@0B!P1)

+. 2#!+lb.!&quot;?!,

, 77#)0*(

. &gt;!/,

. !$+,

!. Av!rojkl, ;. P\&apos;&lt;&apos;1*!$+,eq-!rojkl?@, &. Vt, !. P@0v!$+,bq-!-rojkl?z, and ;. %q-!-0&gt;3!-rojkl?n*&apos;t!-p,

!. #6,

L. , 0:!#*!0)L-!$+,fQL!Z8#!(>/)'1(;>!, !ROJkl?@'Vt!0>3!ROJkl?N*'t! 607(0>*1! 4'7*8#7! 7#3'/#3! *8#! #1*(:0*#3! 70*#! 0>3! ), vol.4

. 2#!-p1,

. 2#!-+lcb!-&quot;?! and . +|,

L. ,

. &lt;&apos;7#!$dl!f,

. *d*,

*. Rojkluun and . Rojkluu@,

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!. Rojk and . P&gt;?,

!. Hhd/,

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. &gt;!-/,

!. G#, , vol.7

!. 011#11!-rojk and !. #7d,

. !;&apos;*a7#0b1!p&apos;&gt;*(-;-!\27-;-!$+,eq!0&gt;3!/&apos;77#&gt;*!;&apos;*a7#0b1!p&apos;&gt;*, 27#6

. P4(&lt;&apos;7#!$$oq!0&gt;3!7#)0t#3!/,

*. 8#!, , p.33

!. 3#&gt;1(*v!-+l.d|+l%+!-&quot;?!-,+|l?z!-\&apos;&lt;&apos;1*!, D. |\&apos;&lt;&apos;1*!-$+,%-!-+leb!-&quot;?!, and . +|l!, , vol.7

. /b!, #0>!#1*(:0*#1L!

. Z8#!-7#)0t#3!-/,

. /b!,

. *#/*(;&gt;!, , vol.4

*. &gt;&lt;!*,

*. #7-;-!3#&gt;1(*v!+l, , vol.7

|. , L. , and !. +|l?q!k01!, , vol.8

. A1#76#3!(&gt;!, 7#!A010)!A70>/8#1!)#03(><!*

!. ,

$. ++$|+c!rkg and !. #07,

D. &gt;! and !. Rkg,

. K#7#!;,

. A1#76#3!0,

. &gt;&lt;!:;7#!*#7,

. K#7d*80&gt;!06#70&lt;#!#6,

!. &gt;&lt;!*,

!. Rojkl?n, *. &apos;t!p+lcd, !. , and +. ,

. *!2-;-!3#&gt;1(*v!+l$c|+lbc!&quot;?!, &. +|l?q-!rojkl?@, !. Vt, and . P+lcc, , vol.7, pp.1-7

!. V#07!?+l, %. $!&quot;?!, and +. Rojkl?z,

!. +le, ;. +|l?q-!0&gt;3!rojkl, . P+l$b!&quot;?!, and . +l!,

!. ,

, >4, pp.3-4

. /*#7, *, issue.10

$. C|, .. ). Rkg, and !. ,

!. 011#11!, , p.3

&. #7,

. *!#2, , vol.3

. L-!$+,.z!e&apos;&lt;#, #44;7*1!(>!7#0)D*(:#!P\7(01!#*!0), p.0

. A0)!#44,

. &lt;#&gt;!&lt;#&gt;,

, 6#! 2'A)(/! 8#0)*8! 7#12

. &gt;1#1l!-_#!-7#2,

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!. #*#)rojk, !. &lt;#&gt;-;-#*#!rojk, and . &lt;#&gt;, #1!0>3!*8#! 1'A1#='#>*!, vol.702, pp.1-47

$. and %. Rkg!;&apos;*a7#0b!(&gt;!*8#!c, , vol.7

!. 0&lt;#&gt;*!-0&gt;3!-/,

:. #3!-*8#!-;&apos;*a7#0b!-k01, >4

, #2(3#:(;)

!. , %. Rkg, and !. ,

, 0A)#!0>3)3#2)

. V#3!,

. &gt;*(&gt;&apos;, , pp.2-3

. V:#&gt;*!,

!. Rojk and !. 70&gt;1,

&. , !. K##b!;4!*8#!rkg, and !. , , p.0

. 6#3!104#*v!/,

:. 207#3!k, , vol.8

*. 8#7!=&apos;0&gt;*,

. K8#&gt;!k,

, #!), vol.70, p.0

#. ,

. 7k073!27, , p.207

!. 011#11-;-v-!*8#!7#3&apos;&gt;30&gt;/v!, #>*1!;4!ROJkl@0B!K#7#!, vol.1

. &gt;!k,

, 0A)#!:;>;/)

. &gt;0)!0&gt;*(a;3v!,

*. 8#702(#1!p:\a,

, !'1(><!, vol.4

. K!/v*,

!. !`]i-jl,

. !`]i-j!,

. &gt;!p,

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!. 3#*#7,

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, #!3704*1!(1!3#1(70A)#!P40/()(*0*#3!AV!#07)(#7!#1*0A), vol.18

!. #&gt;1&apos;7#!,

. V#3!*8#702#&apos;*,

K. A#,

!. \a, , pp.7-13

*. , :2)#3! A#4, vol.10

. 7#!-0&gt;3!-04*#7!-*7#0*:#&gt;*l!-c, , p.1

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!. #q!, , vol.7

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, eL!Z8#!1:0))!10:2)#!1(?#!0>3!)

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. K!-#60, 0*(

. &gt;!0a;&apos;*!*8#!#44,

. &gt;*(&gt;&apos;-;-!&lt;#&gt;#70*,

!. Rojk and . #6, *

&. #t*l!-rojkl?n*&apos;t and !. A#,

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&. !*8#!$+,b!rojkl?@, !. Vt, and . 1#=&apos;#&gt;/#!47, , p.1

*. 8#7!#t*0&gt;*!rojk!-;-*#)v!c+|e+ and !. V#071!0&lt;, , vol.T

!. 0&gt;3!1##,

!. A#!-#&gt;3#,

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. V!-*,

!. K01!&gt;,

, *!2;11(A)#!A01#3!

&. , , vol.10

, 1(;>! ;4! ROJkl?N*'t! 0>3! ROJkl?@'Vt! 7#1')*#3! (>! 0! 1)

&. ,

*. , )#!)(>#0<#1!806#!7#3'/#3! 1'A1*(*'*

. &gt;&lt;!-rojk, , vol.607

*. , #3!P@A0)0DE(><#A#>(!#*!0), p.0

!. 0&gt;!, >D

$. Dql!j&apos;7!;&gt;&lt;,

!. Ncfo!*,

!. 7#12,

!. ,

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*. 8#!1 and *. ,

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#. Eh-!h]-!gz&quot;-!gfe-!-gh-!hgdk\ and -. Gz,

, #&%02)0B)%2&('(4&4)

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. 0k073!*,

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, 7B!K01!4'>3#3!(>!207*!*87;'<8)O0**#))#!@#:;7(0)!N>1*(*'*#U1!, vol.27

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. #1!&gt;,

*. &gt;#/#1107(-;-v)7#27#1#&gt;*!*8#!, , vol.44

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. +!6+=2, +B!1'7E.37=.+!3+!12!=2123.+!:!5.486!9

, <+!38!5, vol.486, pp.12-16

!. +=+;-!-3+6!-=+684+6!-3+!, (. , and +. 3. +b!+,

, 6+! 38! 5.486! 2! 7-7! 4721.67+! 04i,+! :! 1'(

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. T-84, ! ;(==7! l!T-84.!m! 9Gne

!. Mnob!-+;!-c@d?!-9, , vol.5

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!. 3+!-;-+!-+;-4+!-1+!-07, =+! 38! 5.486! 9

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-. B!4+6e+ and . 5+=+;-?!d+6!e47521+, +6!/2.)1+6!,<+_!1+6! ,<285+6H6(84.6!/480.5(4+6!,(=E247+6!28Z!7-83+6!E47,73+;-+6!Ja(8448-!+-!21?B!"MMW!X!s2b=2

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. !-+-!-21?b!-&quot;mnf!x!-s(+;+;!-+-!-21?b!, MNjP?! D+E+

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. &amp;2!-=.6+!-+,

!. E12, +. , and &. ;. Q8+6!-3+!, ! E47,.6! 28Z! 6.-+6! 3+6! 7E.37=.+6! 2! E+4=.6! 3+!, vol.42, 1920.

, !()-+;2

!. 2ee,

!. E186!3+!&quot;m!,

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. C@d!--.4+!,

!. E+, , vol.32

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. C@d!-jc862=.42b!-&quot;mm$p?!-@+e8,

!. ^+e-+=)4+!&quot;mn#?!&amp;+6!,

. !t-84.b!q8,

!. 37e12 and . +=+;-!-3+!-e186!-$mm!mmm!-e+46,

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. +6!-+-!-67, , vol.84

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+. !. =e-;-+! and 2. , , pp.4-6

. !+-!21?b!&quot;mnwp?!-d+e+, , vol.32

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!. 3+!g+;.!+-!g8-+=, , vol.38

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. +!2-;-/, , vol.18, pp.4-6

(. 7+6!,

!. &lt;8=2,

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!. and +. , FX!K73+, vol.2, issue.2, pp.4-6

!. N#b!&quot;mnw?!&lt;--e6h, , pp.4-6

. !h!, 4.6.6H!8E32-+P?!9-!*86Q8'28!
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. !3+!k2.!&quot;mnwb!1+!37e24-+=+;-!3+!67, , vol.84

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!. C@db!:!,+11+n8+6-!jc8,

, 84! 3+! 1'7E.37=.+! 3+! 12! =2123.+! :! 5.486! 9, vol.47, pp.12-18

. +!-280=+,

!. ^+e-+=)4+!,

!. @7 and . +=)4+!&quot;mn#!+-!1+6!,

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!. C@d!j232e--;-!3+!t18,

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/. P&amp;?-#%, -. #&apos;($!$%#.(/#@#c&amp;.$!-n?!-@+!rb6!skb!v?, and !. L#,

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. 3+f+b!l+2,

, HL2,Q8+6!K8b+=)+!`2=/8=B!9

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. K8;3+f+?!&quot;mn#!9,

!. 6&lt;+3!-;-+!ue4.1!nfb and . Mnw!, , vol.1, p.32

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. +4b!l+//4+b!c!s80+1=2,

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, Q8+6!K8b+=)+B!U=23(8!^211B!c86-25(!a212,.(6B!^-+5+!U<8F2?! c+, vol.2

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. 3+f+b!l+2,

, HL2,Q8+6!K8b+=)+!`2=/8=B!9

. Stvu!z!,

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, =+$#! "A)! "D?0B%! ")! 3M?0&([9#?,+! 4)! +1! %

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!. Efgf`!gfu!pav, Y+%1! M2?](&+6! ($6(#;16! ($1?! 2(6=6! J?2! M?1+$1(%,!$+O!82?66[6M+8(+6!12%$6Y

$. &amp;+=+!*)!&quot;d?0b%!,

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!. +1!-% and .. !. Efgz.!-i-%\?$?yd!-?j!, Y%6! f2(+6+)

, +! g2&+2! 3?$?$+#%](2%,+6U!

!. Efgz.n!-;-+6!-?j!-l,

D. %2d!&lt;.!k++&amp;)!-%2%!b.!*+% and . )!*1+m,

.. !. +$!f%-;-!k?b+21!-*o%$+m?+,)!&quot;,%$!b+ym)!+1!%, . Efge.!i*+%6?$%, and . 6+6!?j!3%2b02#!l, $.N! 7d?*! 7%1;?#+$6! a! SGFT.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GPQGX'?02$%

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. 2&amp;)!&gt;?&quot;$$!&lt;.!:? and . +y%$-;-!%$&amp;!&gt;?$%1, :2%D)!f2?8=!4.!3%21($)!*10%21!-.!9, vol.38

!. %$!*.!--?o$+2.!-efgr.!-ig2% and . +&amp;&amp;($#!-?j!-3%2b02#!-l,

, $1?($+11+! :.! L%$! &+2! b0D

$. &gt;%%m!-_,

!. Efff)!rfp, !e%16?$!*>)!"6?#0$!<)!+1!%,.!K%M(&!?01B2+%=!6+o0+$8($#!?J!4B?,%!

. !-&gt;)!-e?$#!-_)!-e%$#!-/)!-+1!-%,

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!. +!&gt;?02$%, .. !. Efgq, ?. I&lt;+]+, and . My+$1!?j!%!*+$, 06!<(6+%6+6)!$?.!q\!q\\\U!GWGF.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFZPX($J&(6X'(pFFV.! "D?0B%)! ";(&'?)! "B&?0,%D+! -?02@)! :;2(61+,+! f01+, vol.6

, d+!_0+$$?)!<27

, 2Y(8=)! %$&! ",%($! >! _+?2#+6.! GZZZ.! I<+J+81(]+! /0Y?2%,! K+6M?$6+6! %$&!, vol.38

!. A%1% and %. Y+!-($!-4b?, , p.206

!. , ]. &lt;+, and M. Sghtu!-grgawgreh, +2)! d(6%! g+61+2+(8;)! -?$(! K(+#+2)! d%Y($+! b?, #0()! 9rA%,D! 3%#%66?0B%)!f%22s!*?2?M?#0(

!. &lt;%$(+ and !. , !:;+21?O)!b%2,!3.!>?, $6?$)!/+($p!A+,&Y%$$)

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!. &lt;%$(+, !. _. Efgh.!-i*+o0+, %. , and %. ,

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, M+!g&0D+B?)!3!<!3M;)!d%02%!4!K, pp.3-66

. 06+116!_+$+2%, !/?6M(1%, pp.3-66

). 06+116!-_+$+2%, !. , ?. B%, ). , and .. !. Efga,

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!. 3%1+2$% and . Y+6n!-gfz!-shtu!-phpwpve, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFFEXB&2%.EPHHa.4B?,%.! f+,)!f+1;!7.)!^$#+2!b.!<%Y?$)!<%$(+,!f.!>+2$(#%$)!-;?Y%6!".!b+$D?$)!*10%21!-.!9

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+. , %!4M(&+Y(8.N!33eK!

*. 0mm, !. +y+$16, and . Vh!sptu!rwgg.!;11m6uxx&amp;?, 2#XGF.GHHaHXYYO2.60VHFP%E.! f+2Y+'?)!3%#&%,+$%)!>?6@!<?Y($#?!K?&2k#0+p[-+('+(2?)!_+2Yt$!^,+2%)!",+\!f%22?6?)!:%2,+6! L

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%. +d!&lt;&gt;)!e, (. +d!3k)!d%&amp;$+2!&gt;-)!+1!%, and .. !. K+&amp;08+&amp;!+-;-!efgv`!eu!+gvffpqa, $%2D!2%1+!($!2++Y+2#+&!4B?,%!, p.1

, %11$+2)!:?,($!3!3?21%p(+)!, vol.3

+. and %. , N!<+2Y%1?, #D!g$,($+!>?02$%, pp.3-28

!. Efgh)!l? and . 0y+!eg)!^660+,

, 0Y%$&?0=(!7)!A?2Y+$1D!7)!4M+

+. , %. 01b2+%=!j2?y!g81, and ?. B+2!1?!&lt;+8+yb+2!effp!($!k+m0b-;-!?j!, $#?.! f0,!*?8!7%1;?,!4\?1!EFFH`!ZaU!EGa[EEP.! f?O+$)! 4! -! e)! _! d,?D&)! e! >! /%22(6)! _! *! 7,%11)! "! f%6=+2](,+)! %$&! 4! 4! L+,%.! GZQQ.! IL^K"d! /43gKK/"_^:! A4L4K!^9! *gh-/4K9! *h<"9

!. +!d%$8+1!pfz!safggtu and . Hqgwhqp, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFGVX*FGRF

!. C. ,

. Y%$$)!c.!-60&amp;%)!-.!/?+$+$)!&gt;,

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. !. B+2#+2 and . Efgr, $%,D6(6! ?, J!, vol.1

%. , !. K+#0, and !. %1(?$.n!&gt;?02$%, #D! aa!SEGTU!GEHHaWGEHQG.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GGEaX'](.FGaVP[GR.! f2%0B02#+2)! b2, vol.682

+. , ?. #d!geh!srtu!-erpwhp.!-f2, and ?. %&amp;, =6)!%$&!9

$. &gt;_)!&gt;?;$6?$!b3)!]%$!&amp;+2!_2?+$!_)!k?bb,

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. +!-efgr,

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, &6! ERR! S>0$+TU!

&. +!e?2, . 8. 11m6uxxooo, . #?]x];jx+b?, and . %x;, 61?2DX8;2?$?, #D.;1Y,.! :+$1+26! J?2! <(6+%6+! :?$12?,! S:<:T.! 4B?,%)! 4B?,%! L

. 8. 11m6uxxooo, . #?]x];jx+b?, and . %x?01b2+%=6x($&amp;+\efga, , vol.1

%. +(&amp;.!-efgh.!-iqm+21!-v!-4b?, 66%D)N! $?

$. Mo!, , vol.2, p.61

%. , (. %)!-_-;-&amp;!&gt;!f,%8=, and . +d)!&quot;!*, 11!d%$+D)!<+6Y?$&!4!e

!. +1!%, .. !. Efgh, and . Id?$#, 06!f?&D!A,0(&6!&02($#!:?$]%,+68+$8+U!4, vol.4

!. +!-d%$8+1!^$j+81-;-y%$!-*8;?? and . 70b,

. +2%md!%#%, , p.1

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, $(o0+6! ($!+\M?602+! %66+66Y+$1.! 9+O! C?2=U! 7,+$0Y! 72+66`!GZZZ.!M.!aGWGHZ.! :021(6!_.!/%D+6)!>%Y+6!7.!f02%$6)!-;?Y%6!_.!b6(%p+=)!K+$$(+!".!<+,!K?6%2(?)!3%2D!4, p.1

, ?)!"#$+6!f.!f%22(+$1?6)!:+,+61($%!_.!K?B,+6)!3%$0+

!. &lt;%d2-;-)!-:, !. %2+$8+!-&gt;.!-7+1+26.!-gzze.!-ig01b2+%=, !. , and $. %y?$#!, , p.1

. &lt;.!d.!/+dy%$$)!&gt;.!*, !e+(6J+,&)!7.!".!e+BB)!b.!3.!>?

!. +!&gt;?02$%, 06!<(6+%6+6!

. Gre!sptu!pqewpqv,

!. 461+b%$!-;-!+1!%, <z%28!3)!"D?0B%!")

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, 1%$=?)! 3.! "$%$1M%&Y%)! C.! *%=02%()! b

. %$&amp;2%$)!-%$&amp;!-e.!-3%02d.!-efgq.!-i3+8,

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. +!-53%mm, B)!%$&!3f, vol.53

. &lt;+$!, $)!*%6=(%)!f%2B%2%!>.!3%261?$)!-?,B+21!_.!9D+$6O%;)!"Y%2%!>%YB%()!3?0Y(+!f%22D

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!. +1!%,.!d%2#+!6+2?, ?. , !. +80, ]. %2!602, and %. +d!?j!4b?, ?06!B%1!6M+8(+6!($!_0($+%)! :%Y+2??$! %$&! 1

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. %6!&gt;.!d?y%$)!/%&amp;&apos;%!, {66%1?0!f%;)!/%O%!f%, !3%2D! :,%(2+!e?22+,)!dD%!*%(&?0!:?$&+)!+1!%

%. Hff!-&lt;%d6,

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. %2&amp;!3-;-!q(+!&lt;)!k%yb%01!,

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. +!-d%$8+1!^$j+81,

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URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01439509

. Efgh.!i3?,+80,

%. , %. , !. &lt;+%1;.n!-:+,, and !. &lt;+%1;!-%$&amp;!-&lt;, #+$+6(6U!A?806!?$!

!. , +. , and %. %+, #1)!g6Y%$!f.3?(!_B%B%()!-?Y!<+82??)!3%2(%$!b+%$+)!/(,&+!<+! :,+28=)

+. , %. , !. , and ?. %&amp;!-%1!, &Y(66(?$! %$&! g1;+2! 7%1(+$1!, !1?!3?21%,(1D!($!%!3@&+8($6!*%$6!A2?$1(s2+6!4B?,%!:%6+!3%$%#+Y+$1! :+$12+)!b%(,%;0$)!*(+22%!d+?$+)!>0$+, vol.12

. Ege!sgftu!gqhewgqha,

?. Y%$)!&gt;?6+m;!g# and %. , 06! <(6+%6+6! EH! SHT.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.PEFGX+(&EHFH.GaGVVV.! A?2Y+$1D)!, vol.7

+. , +68;)! 3?$(o0+! eD+26)! :,%0&(%! *1+($+2)! A2%$8%! <?$%1(

. A2%$8-;-$+!e%, !. =+2)!%$&amp;!f+2$%2&amp;!d+, and . _0+$$, !GZZZ.!I4B?,%!L(206!g01B2+%=!%Y?$#!e

!. +!&gt;?02$%, , p.6

&. Gqz!s*0mm, !. Gtu, and . Gefwgev,

,. !-%$&amp;!-b+ and D. &lt;%, d%26+$)!/?O%2&!".!C?0$#)!<?0#,%6!*.!K++&)!>?%$!f.! _+(6B+21)! <%$%! 7.! *8?11)!, vol.4

,. _+(6b+21)!--;?y%6!e-;-$#)!-b+ and D. &lt;%, O%2&!".! C?0$#)! 7+1+2!f.! >%, vol.2

!. A+]+2u!-g]+2+\m2+66, $! ?J! -(660+! A%81?2! ($! 72(Y%1+! 3?$?8D1+6X3%82?M;%#+6!^6! %!

!. +!&gt;?02$%,

. I_+$06,

!. Gz)!-efgz.!-;11m6uxx1% and =. , I4B?,%! /+Y?22;%#(8! A+]+2! g01B2+%=6! ($! _%B?$)! GZZRWGZZQU! 4M

!. +!-&gt;?02$%, 02B?1)!3%2

, _+2Y%($! 3! SGZQaT! :?,+81(?$! ?J! Y%YY%,6! %$&! %21;2?M?&6! &02($#! 1

+. +m,

!. J+]+2!-($!-5%(2+.!^$u!-7%11d$!-*!-s+&amp;t!-4b? and %. ,

%. +2,

!. and %. $&amp;!f, Y+&(8%,!72+66)!"Y61+2&%Y

_. , A??=6! "K)! /%DY%$! <-)! /?21?$! <d)! 3u, vol.7

!. and .. !. &lt;+8(m;+2($#!-6+2?, #D! 1?! 0$&+261%$&! 1

+. and ?. #d!-?j!-($j+81,

.. !. _(2+!*b)!_?b%!&quot;)!&quot;$&amp;+26+$!b_)!+1!% and . _+$?y,

. +!efgr!?01b2+%=.!*-;-+$8+!efgr`!prhu!gpvzwqe, , vol.8

_. and D. $$)!&gt;0&amp;,

Y. +ym, +. , and .. !. Efgq%.!-i, JJ+81+&!/?06+;?,&6!($!*(+22%!d+?$+U!"!

_. , D. &gt;k)!f?o+2!/)!&gt;?;$6?$!*)!+1!%, and .. !. , 6DYM1?Y%1(8!($J+81(?$!%$&!0$2+8?#$(6+&!4B?,%!

%. +o!-$?$,

!. _b%=,

. %!-9-;-!-f+, (. %#%$%;%,, .. !. Efga, and . !-i-,

. +!-&lt;, +2D! ?J! f?YB%,(! L(206! "&&6! A021

, +2! *0MM?21! J?2! f%16! %6! /?616! ?J! 4B?,%](206+6.N! 9%102+! 3(82?B(?,?#D!P!SGFTU!GFaRWaZ.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFPaX6RGHVR

. _?2&amp;?$!-*y,

. +&amp;!%6!l? and . 0y+!e)!^660+!qhev!,

. Ezf!sqhevtu!gggzweg.!;11m6uxx&amp;?(.?2#xgf and . Gfgvx*fgrf,

!. &. , , pp.2-3

!. ,

, 26!?J!4B?,%!L(206!<(6+%6+!($!*(+22%!d+?$+U!

. +!d%$8+1!^$j+81,

. _2+$($#+2)!, +\%$&+2! d.)! *%Y(%! 9

, *8?1! A+&+2Y%$)! _0(\(%! C0)! 7,%8(&+! 3B%

.. !. L%$+66%!f2+6)!&lt;?0#!*12d=+)!+1!% and . Efgh.!ik%m-;-$+!q!sgtu!gwgp,

%. _2+6 and . &amp;+)!3%#%,

, *)!:%Y%8;?!")!b08, _6+, vol.26

%. %88+66!-($!-2+6m?$6+!-1?!-%$!-?01b2+%=!-?j!-4b?,

, &! 6M?16.! >! L

. /%$!-;-!*,

!. &gt;7)!&quot; and +. De, O&+$!*4)!/%DY%$!<-)!<2%=+!>3.!h$&(68?]+2+&!B%1!;?616! ?J!J(,?](206+6.!7d?*!9+#,!-2?M!<(6.!EFGV`GFU+FFFRaGH.!;11MUXX&\.&?(.?2#XGF.GPQGX! '?02$%,.!M$1&.FFFRaGH.!

/. %21 and . +d)!3%2d!&quot;$$+)!,

!. Gg!-setu!-gwef, $! *8?2+! J?2! 4B?,%! L(206! <(6+%6+.N! 7d?*! 9+#,+81+&! -2?M(8%,! <(6+%6+6, p.1

. %2&amp;!*00-;-$d!k.!-a??=6)!&quot;$&amp;2+o!-;-$$($#;%y)!%$&amp;!&gt;%y+6!d.!9-;-&amp;.!efgf and . Id?$#-;-%,!-?j!-%$!-h2b%$!-a20, ! f%1! *+2?M?6(1(]+! J?2! 4B?,%! %$&! d%#?6! f%1! L(206+6.N! 4&(1+&! BD! f2%&,+D! *.! *8;$+(&+2.! 7d?*! g94! H! SaTU! +GGZQa.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GPQGX'?02$%

/. %dy%$!&lt;, C0!3)!:2%Y+2(!_)!e%$#!dA)!*00[^2+!K)!e??&!>d)!+1!%

%. and .. !. ,

. /+$%-;-+$+66!?j!%$!2l*l, K+612+M?!"3)!d?$#($(!^3)!4##+2!3)!+1!%,.!4JJ(8%8D!%$&!+JJ+81

/. , K+612+M?)! "$%! 3%2(%)! "$1?$! :%Y%8;?)!^2%! 3.! d?$#($()! :?$%,! /.! e%16?$)! e

+. Kl*l,

. *0jj(1?t.n!--,

+. Paz, !. Sgffvatu, and !. Hfhwhga,

+. , 0Y?2! 9+82?6(6!A%81?2!K+8+M1?2!*0M+2J%Y(,D.N!^YY0$?,?#D!d+11+26!aF!SPTU!GVZWQZ

/. and +. %b, , pp.1-1

%. #+, ?$!_2?6+1;)!bD,+!K?6+$=+)!K?B+21!>.!A(68;+2)!"$&2+%6!/?+$+$)!*+1

!. &. &gt;0&amp;6?$)!-:d$-;-%!-3%21+, %2?)! +1! %,.! EFGV.! I9%$?M?2+! *+o0+$8

?. &lt;+m, +. D%b, and %. !g01b2+%=!-??,.n!4y+2#($#!^$j+81, ?2#XGF.PEFGX+(&EEFE.GHGQZV.! /?,Y+6!4:)!<0&%6!_)!K%YB%01!")!"$&+26+$!b

+. and %. , , p.1

, B2+#16)!f%6)!7%0O+,!<+!e%8;1+2)!d?0(6!*?61;s$+!9&?

. +!&lt;+8, ?&D1+6! 7?M0,%1(?$6! ($! 3($=+B+! A?2+61)! 9?21;[4%61+2$! _%B?$.N! g2D\! PQ! SFRT.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFGQX*FFPFVFHPFPFFFaFE

, /0$1)! d0=+)! "$=02! _0M1%

, (81?2(%! b$?11)! b?$#?

. +!d%$8+1!,

$. J+81,

. !-%$&amp;!-l, (%! b$?11.! EFGV.! I*+2(?06! %$&! :?YY?$! *+o0+, vol.81

. +!-d%$8+1!^$j+81,

!. , .. !. Effe, ?. &lt;+]+, and . My+$1!?j!%$!^yy0$?j,

. +!&lt;+1+81, $!?J!"$1(B?&(+6!1?!4B?,%!L(206!*0B1DM+!K+61?$!BD!1

. +!h6+!?j!-k+8, YB($%$1! 908,+?M2?1+($[4\M2+66($#! /+d%! :+,6.! 3(82?B(?,.!^YY0$?,.)! RVSZT)!

. Vpp?vpa,

. +)!-%$&amp;!,

. +2!-a.!-f%6, . !. +2, . !. Efgh, and . Ia,

. 9%1!k+, ?B(?,.!EFGH!9

!. I^$1+2$%1(?$% and !. Yy(11++!-?$!--%\?$?yd!-?j!-l,

=. 11m6uxx1%,

$. 1+2$%1, 06!<(6+%6+6)!72?34<[Y%(,.!4B?,%!0M&%1+!SHQTU!<+Y?82%1(8! K+M0B

, 11MUXXOOO.M2?Y+&Y%(,.?2#XM?61XEFGaFaFG.HZRGREQ! S%88+66+&! 3%28

$. 1+2$%1, ! ?J! :?$#?! S9?21;! b(]0T! 8%6+! 0M&%1+)! 2+6M?$6+)! 2(6=.! EFGa

, 11MUXXOOO.M2?Y+&Y%(,.?2#XM?61XEFGaFaFH.HZRaGZa! S%88+66+&! 3%28

!. Eg)!,

$. 1+2$%1-;-!-?j!, 06!<(6+%6+6)!72?34<[Y%(,.!4B?,%!0M&%1+!SaRTU!<+Y?82%1(8! K+M0B

, 11MUXXOOO.M2?Y+&Y%(,.?2#XM?61XEFGaFZFa.VFGVFEH! S%88+66+&! 3%28;! Ea

, 2O($!<3)!b?8

. +2!-&lt;)!e,

,. +!8d1?8;2?y+!b!#+$+!?j!y%yy%-;-&amp;!&gt;.!f+ and ). !*%$&apos;%d!f,

. %#%$(-;-!^%$!,

!. +!d%$8+1!paa and . Sgffrptu!rzawhfp,

!. +!-d%$8+1!pph!savaatu and . Hfewh,

!. Y+,

!. ,

&. %o$!-?&amp;&amp;-;-%=)!_,+$$!-;-!3%26;)!%$&amp;!&gt;?%$$+!3%8&amp;?$% and . Efga,

+. %$!-3?,

. &lt;+1+81(?$!-3+1, &6U! 72+M%2($#! J?2! 1

+. , #D! >?02$%,! GH! SGTU! QH.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GGaVX6GEZaH[FGa

, >+%$!d?0(6)!A2%$1p)!>+$$(J+2!C.!/0%$#)!C%8?0B%!b.!9+B(+)!d%Y($+!b?(]?#0()!_%D%12(!>%D%2%Y%$)!

%. 9%&amp;($+!-&quot;b(?, %. , .. !. Efgq, . I^ym, and . +y+$1%1, $! ?J! f2?%&!

*. 82++$-;-$+!v!sgtu!gwq, d%B?2%1?2D!3+&

%. and !. , _?0$?$!7, p.9

G. Sgrtu!ggzpwgefg.!-&gt;?-;-!+1!%, .. !. 3%2b02#)!4b?, %. L%, and +. A+]+2!, $6?$!fb)!_(1%0!d_)!

?. !l(2, !. , and ). !. Ggu!gfgwr,

&. %1,

. %$!-*.!-?o$+2, f%068;)! "$1;?$D! *%$8;+p)! *;%2?, $!3.! :2%2D)! 3%21($! L($8+$1)

. +o!d0=o, !?J!g018?Y+.N! >?02$%,!?J!L(2?,?#D!F!SaTU!, vol.81

. &gt;?$, +6!34)!*8;0

D. !&quot;&gt;)!&quot;yy%$!fk)!*+% and . !-b)!5%=(!*k, !*-)!+1!%,.!4\M+2(Y+$1%,!($?80,%1(?$! ?J!4#DM1(%$! 2?06+11+! B%16!SK?06+1106!%+#DM1, vol.9

+. and %. ,

. &gt;?6+m,

, !72+68?11)!-2+$1?$!f06

. Y%=+2)!k?b+21!a, +2)!b+22(!3(%p#?O(8p)!*+1;!>0&6?$)!L($8+$1! >.!30$61+2.!7?61Y?

!. , >06106!96(?)!>(YYD!b%M+16

+. , %. , %. , .. !. Efgq!g01b2+%=, !. et al.,

. +2$!&lt;+y?82%1-;-!k+m0b,

!. +!&gt;?02$%,

. %y!, &! >d)! K+61(J! g

. %$%, %$6!M?1+$1(%,D!+\M?6+&!1?!B%1[B?2$+! p??$?6+6! 1

. B%$+2)!-&gt;?,(+)!-%$&amp;!-*%2%,

. B%$#)!-&gt;, $)! e+?$!C?0$#!

$. %$#)!-*0 and . #o??=!-;-!-&gt;?6+m,

. !-k;,

I. ,

+. Efgp,

?. and ?. #d!rh!srtu!pfrwpgp,

E. R. Pfr,

$. +&amp;d)!*1+m,

. +$!, A%1?2Y%!f?,%D)!3%2=!b(+;)!_2+#!_2%$&(16)!3?6+6!f%&(?)!K(M,+D!f%

K. , .. !. Efgq, and . I7,

. %6+!-e!-7,

$. Sghtu!grpawgrrq,

!. +1!-% and .. !. Gzzz.!-i-, =?)!<%](&!d.!/+DY%$$)!f+2$%2&!d+!_0+$$?)!7(+22+!9%B+1;)! f%2B%2%! b+261(?$6)! C?$! A,++2%8=+26)

+. and %. +y, , p.22

!. , %#(8! A+]+2)! <+Y?82%1(8! K+M0B

. +!-:?$#?)!-gzzh.n!--,

!. +!-&gt;?02$%,

, +D)!3.!7.)!4.!-.e.!f?O+$)!_.!4&&D)!3.!^6%}86?$)!b.!3.!>?;$6?$)!>.!f.!38:?2Y(8=

%. , .. !. Gzae, and . Ia,

$. 1+2,

(. , (. 8=!k)!48=, and . +d!^,

%. ,

%. #+m, !NM?N#j$O]*66?5Mf#?.M$! b?8

,. +2!--&lt;)!--;?y%6!-eb)!-3+d+2!-;-!4&amp;o%2&amp;6!*l)!7}}b?!*)!l(, %. %b, ). $8%!aq, and .. !. &lt;d$%y, , p.1

, $)! 7.! f.! >%;2,($#)! 4.! >?;$6?$

%. ^#_!-%$&amp;!^#3!, )! <+Y?82%1(8! K+M0B

. +!:?$#?)!gzzh.n!-,

!. +!&gt;?02$%,

, Y%6!_.)!:D$1;(%!7.!e+61)!7(+22+!4.!K?,($)!7+1+2!f.!>%, vol.2, p.6

+. ,

!. +!&gt;?02$%, , p.6

&. Gza, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFaVXHGRPGP.! b0#+,Y%$)!>+JJ2+D!K.)!3

!. K. %+, +D)!*0p%$$+!3%1+)!>%6?$!-.!d%&$+2)!f2+11!f+(1p+,)!d%O2+$8+! A%=?,()! A%

$. and .. !. Efgh, ! I3?$(1?2($#! ?J! 4B?,%! L

!. 461%b,

$. J+81,

!. %$!f+8=+2)!-;?y%6!e and . _+, 6B+21)!b%2,!3!>?, $6?$)!*10%21!-!9

?. !l(2 and .. !. Efgf!&lt;+8`!ghh!sgetu!efapwegfp,

. $!&gt;/)!&quot;$&amp;+26+$!b_)!f%,

+. and %. ,

+. , 82%1(8!K+M0B

%. $!&gt;/.!4b?, $6.!^$U!>%Y+6?$!>d)!A%08(!"*)!b%6M+2!<d)!/%06+2! *d)!d?$#?!<d)!d?68%,p?!>)!+&6.!/%22(6?$r6!M2($

!. +&amp;$.!,

$. , ! _0(&+! 1?! 1

!. and !. Efgq`!rggu!rrqwvf, ! b02?6%=()! C?;+()! 9rA%,D! 3%#%66?0B%)! /%&'%! "{66%1?0! f%;)! f%22@! *?2?M?#0()! "Y%&?0! <?2@)! A?&@! b?02?0Y%)! 3%;%Y?0&! *%Y%! :;+2(J)! *%=?B%! b+(1%)! %$&! >(2?! C%60&%.! EFGV.! I<+M,?DY+$1!?J!%!K+]+26+!-2%$, vol.682

&. and !. Ptu!*eezwpp, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFZPX($J&(6X'(OEHH.! b02?6%=()!C?;+()!9rA%,D!3%#%66?0B%)!g,%Y

%. and 0. , , vol.682

. !-%!,

. Gf!setu!+fffrrqe.!;11m6uxx&amp;?, 2#XGF.GPQGX'?02$%,.M$1&.FFFRRQE.!! b0pY($!^L)!9(+p#?&%!3)!A2%$=%!K)!"#O%$&%!f)!3%2=?11+2!e)!f2+

!. L+#%)!-3%28, $1?($+! &+)! _%2D! e?$#)! _%2D! 7.! b?B($#+2)! %$&! q(%$##0?! ?(0.! EFGR.! I

+. , +. +6!-?j!-*_7!-($!-4b?, and %. #+$+6, , vol.30, p.1

Y. , D. !-;-!-3%2d]?$$+!-b?yb(, %. , and ). !-%$&amp;!-k,

+. D% and !. ,

%. and ,. !^/)!d,

.. !. +$!c)!c%$!d)!+1!% and ?. , ?2#XGF.PEFGX+(&ERFG.GQFRFG! d%Y!--)!5;0!/)!:;?$#!Cd)!/?,Y+6!4:)!_0%$!C.!70pp

+. and %. ,

+. , 82%1(8! K+M0B

. +!-:?$#?)!-efgr.!-&gt;!-l,

$. , d%2&+0\!A)!-?22(8?!_)!",(%#%!:.!:%, vol.80, p.1

, JJ!B%6+&!?$!1

%. #+,

+. , $12?,6.! 3+Y!^$61! g6O%,&?! :20p.! EFGV`! GGGUHFGWR

%. ,

%. #+m, ?2#XGF.GaVPQX!'66.!]FHa.(FP.! d+&#+2O??&)!>0,(+!4)!"&%Y!<!<+502+)!<%M

$. and +. 4y, , pp.1-6

$. %y%-;-$+!-pqv!-sgftu!-zeawzpa,

. D++$&amp;+21p!*-;-!_?#%21+$!&gt;a)!&lt;u\,

. +!+, &+$8+! 60MM?21($#! J20(1!B%16!%6!1

. +!m2,

,. !*)!7%11d$!a)!/+, +. +y%$6!&gt;)!l%$&amp;+6?ym+, and +. !&gt;.!*($#,

. +6!-2+&amp;08+!-m+2j?2y%$8+!-?j!-o0%, , vol.1

, ! /+2O(#)! >%Y+6!9, vol.3

. $!e, ! b2+B6)! >%Y+6!4.! :;(,&6)! <0&0! "=%(B+)! 9+%,! e??,+$)! _+?2#+! d0&O(#)! :,%2+$8+!>.! 7+1+26)! -;?Y%6!_.! b6(%p+=)! %$&! ?1;+2! 610&D! #2?0M! Y+YB+26.! GZZZ.! I*+%28

!. ,

+. and %. , ! ?J! 1;+! :?$#?U! K+J,+81(?$6! ?$! %! L+21+B2%1+! :?,+81

!. +!-&gt;?02$%, 06!<(6+%6+6!GQZ!S6GTU!*GHHWVP.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFaVXHGREZZ.! d+2?D)!4!3)!*!f%(p+)!L!4!L?,8;=?])!3!:%M2?$)!7!<+B2@)!>!f!388?2Y(8=)!%$&!"!>!_+?2#+6.!EFFF%.!

+. Eegfweegh, ?$#+)! q%](+2! 7?02201)! >+%$[7%0,! _?$p%,+p)! >+%$[ >%8o0+6!30D+YB+[-%YJ0Y)!%$&!7(+22+!A?2Y+$1D.!EFFZ.!I/0Y%$!4B?,%!g01B2+%=!

$. , $#?)! EFFQ.N! L+81?2[f?2$+! %$&! 5??$?1(8! <(6+%6+6! Z! SVTU! QEPWQEa.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFaZX]Bp.EFFa.FGVQ.! d+2?D)! 42(8! 3.)! f2, vol.60

*. O%$+m?+, .. !. Effh, and . Ia20, ! f%16! %6! K+6+2]?(26! ?J! 4B?,%! L(206.N! 9%102+! RPa! SQFVaTU! HQHWQV.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFPaXRPaHQH%.! d+2?D! 4)! _?$p%,+p! >7)

, d+2?D)! 42(8! 3.)! 7(+22+! K?0o0+1)! 7(+22+! A?2Y+$1D)! *%$&2($+! *?0o0(s2+)! "$$+,(6%! b

+. &gt;+%$[3%28!-a2?y+$-;-!-3%#&amp;%, .. !. $%!-f+2y+-;-!-+1!-%, +. Effr.-;-m, and %. Shvhvtu!paq, , vol.30, p.1

, ! d+2?D!43)!-+,J+2!7)!b0Y0,0$#0(!f)!+1!%,.!"!6+2?,?#(8%,!602]+D!?J!4B?,%!

!. +1!-% and .. !. &lt;+]+, 11+! :$?M6)! 7+1+2! L%$! &+$! 4+&+)! >%Y+6! 7+11

!. Efgv!g81!gh`!egrs*0mm and . Ptu!*gzew*efe,

, /?0)!A%$!C0+!3+$#)!*;(!7?!e0)!C0+!3+(!/0)!?(!d(%$#)!b%

!. +1!% and .. !. Efgq, ,?#?06!72

A. and !. K+m?21!-?j!-%!-k%$&amp;?y, (6+&)! <?0B,+[f,($&)! 7,%8+B?[:?$12?,+&)! 7

?. +!-d%$8+1!-_, !. B%, and . +%,1;!-h!-sptu!-+perw+ppr, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFGVX*EEGR[ GFZqSGVTPFPVQ[Z.! d(!C)!9&'%$#?!>f)!d+%2$!_/)!+1!%,.!4%61+2$!8;(YM%$p++6)!B01!$?1!B?$?B?6)!2+M2+6+$1!%!, vol.6

%. !-&quot;$&apos;%)!-7%0, ). B%, and . &lt;%,

!. K+]+%, !. %!-b+d!-k?, and +. ,

. !-&gt;?, $6?$)! b.)! 7

+. Shtu!hvzwhqg.!&lt;g^u, !. Gf, and . Gfgvx6fgrf,

+. %#+y+$1!-?j!-4b? and %. ,

. !-+#%$!b.!f?+, ++$!:.!A%2$?$)!g,(]+2!e.!3?2#%$)!7;(,(M!_?0,&), vol.4, pp.3-89

, &%Y)!4(,++$!:.!A%2$?$)!>?6+M;!e%Y%,%)!*%Y!g=O%2+)!<+B?2%, pp.3-89

. !d.!:%$$?$)!5%8;%2d!-k++&amp;)!&gt;?$%1,

.. !. %$!*.!-?o$+2)!+1!% and . Efgf.!i72?m?21,

, &%Y)! 5%8, pp.3-89

, &%Y)! -2+]?2! *;?+Y%=+2)! *1+M, pp.3-89

. +$!-f%-;-!-*,

+. , ,. +d!-:%ymb+, and ). !-&gt;?6+m,

, 06!<(6+%6+6!Ga!SZTU!GRaFWGRaP

. 3%#%$#%)!_.&lt;.)!&gt;.!b%m+16, !f+21;+1)!f.b.!^,0$#%)!A.!b%B%$#+)!7.3.!b($#+B+$()!L.!3?$&?$#+)!, p.9

.. !. +1!-% and %. Efgr.!-i4b?,

+. K+m0b, ! ?J! :?$#?.N! 9+O!

$. , %. $&amp;!&gt;?02$%, and !. 3+&amp;,

]. 3% and . &lt;+$, )!"$(1%!b.!384,2?D)!/(,&+!&+!:,+28=)!*1+M

. %$!_u$1;+2)!%$&amp;!&gt;?,

+. Sgfgqrtu!-zpvwzra, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFGVX*FGRF

!. +1!% and .. !. Efgh, 3%2(!*%+p)!".)!*.!e+(66)!b.!9?O%=)!L.!d%M+D2+)!A.!5(YY+2Y%$$)!".!<0\)!/.!*.!b0

, $?1(8! g2(#($! ?J! 1

, J2(8%$! 4B?,%! 4M(&+Y(8.N! 43fg! 3?,+80,%2!3+&

Y. !*0p%$$+!-;-!&gt;+jj2+d!k!b0#+ and . B+21!_!9d+$6o%, >%6?$!-!d%&$+2)!3

!. %+, (. K!e, and . +d)!--;(+22d!-;-&amp;+$8+!?j!*+\0%,

$. 6y,

, %8(&+)!"Y02(!"p(p%)!9, vol.7

!. %+,

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+. , 82%1(8! K+M0B

. +!-:?$#?u!-&quot;!-k%m,

. +!-d%$8+1!^$j+81,

, %8(&+)! :%1;+2($+! f! 72%11)! 3, vol.7

!. %+, +D)! 3?066%! 3! <(%#$+)! *

!. , %. , .. !. Efgz.!iefga!4b?, and %. , %6!<

. +!-d%$8+1!^$j+81, 06! <(6+%6+6! PFZZ!

%. and ,. %b?$%, %8(&+)!:;2(61(%$!>0, ?,+!L(&%,)!>%8o0+6!d(=?J%1%)!, vol.7

+. and %. , , pp.206-207

. +!g01b2+%=!?j!,

+. &lt;+y?82%1-;-!k+m0b-;-!?j!-;-!k, 06!<(6+%6+6!Va!SETU!PPFWPPP.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFZPX8(&X8(DHEQ.! 384,2?D)! "$(1%! b)! 4,=+! 3u;,B+2#+2)! %$&! :@6%2! 30c?p[A?$1+,%.! EFGa.! I^YY0$+! f%22(+26! ?J! 4B?,%! L(206!^$J+81, vol.3

. %2&amp;!*+o+, , p.4

%. , ,. , and .. !. Efgv.!i*%j+1d!%$&amp;!^yy0$?#+$, 1D!?J!9

$. &amp;%)!3%2d!4,

$. _. &amp;%)!3%2d4, !e;(1+)!3%$0+,3.!<%D2(1)!:021(6_.!/%D+6)!-;?, Y%6_.!b6(%p+=)!%$&! >%Y+67.!f02%$6.!GZZG.!I*+2?+M(&+Y(?,?#(8%,!*10&D!?J!A

!. +!d%$8+1!ppq!saqpatu and . Rehwrev,

!. Y%$!-3-;-!-b%, $. +=-;-!-+1!-%, .. !. , and !. +80,

, +%0!3)!3?$1%]?$!:)!d%02+$1!:)!*+#?$&D!3)!3?$1+6!f)!<+,%M?21+!4)!+1!%,.!4]%,0%1(?$!?J! &(JJ+2+$1!K9"!+\12%81(?$!Y+1;?&6!%$&!61?2%#+!8?$&(1(?$6!?J!&2(+&!M,%6Y%!?2!B,??&! 6M?16! J?

%. $#0)!-*%b0+)!-l-;-%$!-/.!-;-?,+!-&quot;.!-/?jj)!-k++$%!-/, ! <?6;()! 72(Y+! 30, +YB%=%$()! 9+](,+! b.! b(6%,0)!4Y(,+! g=(1?,?$&%[e+Y%=?D)!+1! %

+. , 82%1(8! K+M0B

!. +!-:?$#?.n!&gt;?02$%, ). &amp;%-;-!-k?b+21!-*o%$+m?+, and . &gt;+%$, 6X'(\VGZ.! 30,%$#0)!*%B0+)!3%11;(%6!f?28;+21)!>%$06p!7%O+6=%)!"$1?($+!-6;?YB%), $&+)! "Y%D?! b0,(&2(

!. and +. ^#_!,

+. ,

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. +!e%16%!k+#-;-!?j!1;+!:?$#, N!f3:! $J+81(?06!<(6+%6+6!GV!SGTU!EVP.!;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GGaVX6GEaQZ

!. &lt;+!k, &?!fO%=%)!30$#%,%!b(M%6%)

!. +!-&gt;?02$%,

$. 3d, ! f2%&D! g>)! /0%$#! 5)! 7(#?11! <3)! _?,&($#!9)! b2%+Y+2! 3h)! +1! %

. +$6-;-+!-&amp;%1%b%6+!?j!,

+. ,

, ?2#XGF.GFPaX6&%1%.EFGR.RE.! 9+#2+&?)! "$%)! _061%]?! 7%,%8(?6)! *?$(%! Ltpo0+p[3?2l$)! A@,(\! _?$pt,+p)! /+2$t$! <?M%p?)!

!. +1!%, .. !. Efgg, and %. I&lt;-;-+2d!?j!%$!4b?, +2?)!>%](+2!>061+)

. %d!-*.!-&lt;-;-!-k+01+26!-s_+$+]%t)!-&quot;0#!-er)!-efga, ?81?2! ($! +%61+2$! :?$#?! 8?$12%816! 4B?,%! ($! ?&2+%&+&r! 68+$%2

!. Eg)!efgzt,

, g#%O%! /)! 3(D%Y?1?! /)! 9%=%D%Y%! 4)! C?6

!. , .. , ?. , !. M2+]%, and +. Y0, , vol.1

. !*.!^.)!a.!_, !gY%6O%)!*.!5%2%YB%)!".!gM(?)!>.!>.!d01O%Y%)!>.!b%Y0#

$. , !. +%, and ;. Sgetu!-gfvawgfqh,

!. %$!/.!4m61+($)!*;%;$+%p,

%. and %. ;!-h&amp;&amp;($!-b,

%. , .. !. Efgp.!-i4b?, and %. , , vol.1

$. , ,. !-b$?o$!-4b?, and %. ,

!. &lt;%$(+ and !. ,

. %$$?$!d,

+. , !. *. !*+%, J. , and .. !. Efgh, %!L(206!4M(&+Y(?,?#D)!-2%$6Y

+. !. 7%11d$)!-*)!-_.]%$&amp;+2!-_2?+$)!-e!-&gt;%8?b)!-;-!-%$&amp;!-_!-:?021+(,, . !. Gzqq%, and . I^*gd, , vol.7

!. +!-d%$8+1!pfz!safggtu and . Hqpwhqr,

!. Bb+ and . %%2!-;-!&gt;%$6+$!]%$!l02+$!, 7%O+6=%!>-)!*1?2Y!9

. 0y%$!,

. +%,1;!-j2?y!-%!-m and . +1;?2%!-?j!, , vol.6

, 11!<3)!<+6

. M%$&amp;+, !d+1?02$+%0!^)!3?2?p?JJ!:)!K+($+2!K:!>2)!b2%+Y+2!3h_)!+1!%,.!d?8%

$. %1(?$%,)!-%$&amp;!-2+#(?$% and !. ,

, 11!<3)!_?,&($#!9.!3%MM($#!1

. +!p, $?1(8!$

+. and %. ,

!. , 11!<3)!3(,+%2!"^)!4%2,!d)!3?2?p?JJ!:)!/%$!f

. +%2+2!a3)!+1!%,

. +!p, $?1(8! $

+. and %. ,

$. 6=d!-;-!*%, !3b)!*%$&,0$&!>)!+1!%

+. _+$+qm+21!-4b? and %. ,

+. and %. , 206.! 7d?*! g$+.! EFGH! 9

. Ge`gfsggtu+fgreegv.!&amp;?(u!gf, .. M. Gpqgx-;-$%, and . Fgreegv.!+:?, $!EFGH.! 7?02201)!q.)!".!<@,(8%1)!7.!4.!K?,($)!-.!_.!b6(%p+=)!>.[7.!_?$p%,+p)!%$&

%. and !. 7%11+2$6!-?j!-5%,

!. +!-&gt;?02$%, 06! <(6+%6+6! GZV! S6ETU! *GQVWaP.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFaVXHEFHRG.! 7?02201! q)! b0Y0,0$#0(! f)! e(11Y%$$! -)! 3?066%]?0! _)! <+,(8%1! ")! C%B%! 7)! +1! %

+. , !. , and %. , 7?02201)!q%

!. %$!*!-?o$+2-;-!&gt;+%$[7%0, ;. _?$p%, and . +d!*;?o($#!, +p)!%$&!42(8!d+2?D.!EFFZ.!Id%2#+!*+2?,?#(8%,!*02, vol.280, p.1

!. and +. ,

Z. Ghz,

. 7db06!g_-;-!k%yb%01!,

+. %y,

.. !. !-&gt;)!-d?y%$!-9&gt;)!-&lt;02%jj?02!-*)!-+1!-% and . K+%, (Y+)! M?21%B,+! #+$?Y+! 6+o0+$8($#! J?2! 4B?,%!

+. and %. Hpfueeawpe, 11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GFPaX$%102+GVZZV!

, K%YB%01! ")! d%Y! --)! 3%\! :%2]%,;?! d)! 7DB06! g_.! 4\M

+. , !. 61208102+!-?j!-;-$#!-+ym461!sj?2y+2, and D. 7%1, +1+2?8;2?$?06!6+o0+$8+6!06

. K++&amp;)!&lt;?0#, .. !. %6!*.)!d-;-$#)!%$&amp;!-;?y%6!e.!_+(6b+21, . !. Effr, . I&lt;+m, and . +1(?$!-?j!-7+2(m;+2%,!-f,??&amp;!--!-ddym, , vol.2

. Gq!sptu!pzfwrff,

!. +1!% and .. !. +o!%mm2?%8, K++&!74)!30,%$#0!*)!:%Y+2?$!b9)

!. K+(1+2)!-7%0-;-%+ and !. K066+, +Y%$)! f%22D! 3(,+2)! _%2D! 3%0M($)! >?2#+! d(p)! "$%! b0+

$. , .. !. Gzzz, !. Ia(+,&amp;!^$-;-!-?j!-%$!-g01b2+%=, and %. +y, , vol.61

!. +!-&gt;?02$%,

, %68;)! *?M;(+! <02%JJ?02)! *1+M

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%. , ;. !. }#+2, . Efgv, . I4]%, and *. 0%1(?$!-?j!-k+%, , vol.682

&. +!-d%b?2%1?2d!-%$&amp;!-a(+ and !. N!-&gt;?02$%,

. K(y?($)!&quot;$$+!e,

+. +o!*.!f2%yb and . ^y=+!*1+jj+$)!k++$%!/,

!. +1!-%, .. !. Efga, and %. I4b?, 26! ?J! -;+C%YB0=0)! 5%(2+! g01B2+%=! RF! C+%26! %J1+2!^$J+81

, +2%)!"$&2+%)!%$&!^

%. and %. 7%1, #+$+6(6.N! >?02$%,! ?J! d+0=?8D1+! f(?,?#D! GFF! SHTU! aaZWZFR.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GGaZX, p.22

K. O%$+m?+, , vol.7

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. +!d%$8+1!^$j+81, 06!<(6+%6+6!GQ!

K. , ?. %68;+)!&quot;, and . B+21!&gt;%$!l%$!, +=)!7,%8(&+!3B%,%)!"$1?$! :%Y%8;?)! *+B%61

+. , 82%1(8! K+M0B

. +!-:?$#?!-)!-gzqv[efgr)n!-$,

, K?0o0+1)!7(+22+)!>+%$[3%28!A2?Y+$1)!3%#&%,+$%!f+2Y+'?)!"$$+,(6%!b

!. +1!-%, .. !. Effh, and . Ie, 7%12(8(%!K++&)! f2(8+! b0Y0,0$#0(

%. and %. !g01b2+%=6)!_%b?$!%$&amp;!k+m0b, !?J!:?$#?)!EFFGWEFFP.N!4Y+2#($#!

$. J+81,

K. +\%$&amp;+2!b,

. %$)!k?6+!30=0, ?,?#(8)!%$&!^YY0$?,?#(8!A?,?O[ hM! ?J! :?$]%,+68+

. +!-:?$#?.n!--,

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*. %#0(-;-!4yy%$0+-;-!/@,s$+!, 66%0&)!A%66?0!b?0

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*. , $! ?J! 4B?,%! L(206!^YY0$?#,?B0,($! _)! h6, vol.3

!. Yb,

. $!*-;-!&gt;+jj2+d!_.!*,

. +$!b.!_-;-!k%8,

+. , !. *. +%, J. , and .. !. Efgr,

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!. , ?. , Y. +ym, +. Efgq-;-%,, and +. #+!-, 11MUXX&\.&?(.?2#XGF.GFPaX$8?YY6GRRRV! *8?11)!>%$+1!-)

, %1! 6! 9?1! _?($#!

. +!-d%$8+1!^$j+81,

*. +ym+2)!-&quot;y%$&amp;%!-4,

+. _+$+qm+21!4b? and %. , 66%D!J?2!<(%#$?6(6!?

, 0#%D!3)!5%2+16=D!"K)!*;%#($!<")!*

. %#($%!^-;-!l?,

. +$=?]!^-;-!*,

+. , +. $=?]!-;-!+1!%, and .. !. Sefgqt!,

. $$$!-7d?*!, YM01! f(?,! GPSHTU! +GFFHRaF.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GPQGX'?02$%,.M8B(.GFFHRaF!

, =?)! <%?0&%)! *?M;(+! <02%JJ?02)! K?YD! b+2B+2)! >%8o0+6! *+2%M;($! b?,(+)! "B&?0,! /%B(B! f+%]?#0()! ",6+$D! 3?&+1! :%Y%2%)

?. +!d%$8+1!_, !. B%, and . +%,1;!h!sgtu!+afw-aa,

. *y-;-!*d)!7%6!*&lt;)!k+06=+$!,

, %2J!%2+%)! A2++1?O$)!*(+22%! d+?$+)! EFGH.!402?!*02

!. $!au!%!1??, ?. J?2!m;d, and . #+$+1,

!. &gt;%$6+$!l%$!l02+$!, 3%2=?11+2!e)!7%O+6=%!>-.!"$1(B?&D!2+6M?$6+6!1?!3%2B02#!

*. O%$+m?+, ). Gzzv.!i4\m+2(y+$1%, and !. , , vol.80

*. O%$+m?+,)!k?b+21)!*,

+. %#;!f.!*y, !d+Y%$)!",%$! b+YM)!A+

+. , !. %y?$#!-:d$?y?, and D. #06!-y%8%o0+!-$%102%,

+. ,

, +2!b3)!:?2&6!3.!f%1!M2+&%1(?$!BD!:+28?M

, ! 3?066%! <?0YB(%)! "O%! -2%?2+)! +1! %

$. %6+!-gb)!-gm+,

. +!-d%$8+1!-$j+81,

!. !-e/g!^$1+2$%1(?$% and . Gzqa, , p.22

!. A+]+2!-($!-*0&amp;%$!-)!-gzqvn,

. +!-7k4l, ($#! _2?0M)! J?2! 1, ^d!^^!, vol.2, issue.1

+. , !. 7k4l&quot;^d, and !. ^^!-*10&amp;d!--+%y.!-efgh.!-i&quot;!-k%$&amp;?y, , vol.30, pp.1-9

. Srtu!gezgwgezv.!;11m6uxx&amp;?(.?2#xgf and . Gfzqx-;-!&lt;, o0+! &@Y?82%1(o0+! &0! :?$#?.!d+!3?$&+! "J2(o0+.! EFGa.! ;11M6UXXOOO.,+Y?$&+.J2X%J2(o0+X%21(8,+XEFGaXFaXFGX+B?,%[

. +$!, !>0$!d(0)!+1!%

. I_+$+1,

D. %$!*.)!f2-;-%$!k.!&quot;yy%$)!-%2%!b.!*+% and ). )!*+2+$%!&quot;.!k++&amp;+2!:%22?,, Y+2)! ",%$! b+YM)! K?B+21! *O%$+M?+,)! +1! %,.! EFFZ.! I^6?,%1(?$! ?J! _+$+1

!. Bd!-k?$!,

. %$!*.)!q%, +2!7?02201)!:@6%2!_.!",B%2(c?)!:;(Ys$+!9p+!9=?#0+

_. &amp;%!_2%2&amp;)!-;?y%6!_.!b6-;-!&gt;+%$[7%0 and !. P%, YY?$!"J2(8%$!f%1.N!4&(1+&! BD! 7;(,(M! *1+]+$6?$.! 7d?*! g94! E! SaTU! +QVR.! ;11M6UXX&?(.?2#XGF.GPQGX'?02$%

%. L%$!-_2, , vol.4

+. %&amp;&apos;!^b2%;(y%!-f%-;-!-9d%$=?d+!-/%b%)!-&quot; and . &lt;+, %Y?0)! f

%. L%$*1++ and . &amp;%)!-&gt;?6+m;($+!, ! b2(61D$! A2%$=,($)! >%8o0+6! d(=?J%1%)! >+%$! f%M1(61+! b%Y#%$#)!*%=?B%!b+(1%)!d%Y($+!b?(]?#0()!9rA%,D!3%#%66?0B%)!d(6+!<.!3%21+,)!%$&! "$(8+1! _+?2#+! <%;?02?0.! EFGQ.! IgM+2%1(?$%,! 4]%,0%1(?$! ?J! K%M

!. &gt;%d!-f)!-&gt;+66(8%!-_!-*,

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. L+#%)!3%28, $1?($+!&+!d%)!_2%p(%!:%,+?)!*1+]+$!b+2$!>?$%1

. %$!, 0&+1)!q(%$##0?!?(0)!K?B+21!".! b?p%=)!>%Y+6!^.!f2??=6)!>%$+!_2+(#!"$'%!e?,p)!"2Y%$&!*M2+8;+2)!<%](&!b.!b%2#B?! b%Y%,($(! d?=0#+)! "$1?$($?! <(! :%2?! f2(Y%! b%2#B?)! ",+$! _2?,%)! <%2OD$! b?B%6%)!

, >%Y+6!4.!*12?$#)!_(06+MM+!^MM?,(1?)!3

+. and !. L%$!/+2m)!%$&amp;!_%2d!,

$. Sgetu!-rregwrrea, , p.1

%. and .. !. Efgz.!i*%j+1d!%$&amp;!^yy0$?#+$, 1D! ?J!%!/+1+2?,?#?06!72(Y+[f??61!4B?,%!L(206!L%88($+!K+#

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!. 7&lt;)!&quot;b+2$+1,

. D!b, !f+2Y+'?!3)!+1!%,.!:%1%612?M

%. E%y% and . )!&gt;?6+m,

!. A. ;-!&gt;%8=6?$!&quot;y?$+)!+1!%, .. !. Efgf.!i4b?, and %. Sqtu!-gfaqwgfze, !d06O%!d0=O%#?)!30#%##%!3%,(YB?)!7%12(8=!9#0=0)!5%B0,?$!C?1()!3?$(8%! 306+$+2?), vol.22

, %&!K.)!"B, issue.6

. +=!7%$&amp;+d)!&quot; and . D66%!*.!7%2m(%)!3+%#%$!, !A(1pM%12(8=)!d%02+$!".!3+D+26)! f021?

+. 82%1,

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