. %$!,

, !50>>161.2!Ck'!0.!.32463+!<13]3216!J>6-7!Md!??F!2-!<32463215!Ck'!->!L!??7PQ!)

. &lt;d&lt;217&lt;b!], , vol.0

!. 0&lt;!,

, !51<,60?20-.!->!2;1!,61/0,1!>-6716!>-6!?, vol.17320

, !3.5!,3+0F63215!2023.047! 50<,!<?60.:<Q!)023.047!JT6351!cP!>3<21

!. J&quot;*kb!cdmmpq,

-. !. 3&lt;!f11, , vol.20

, a,61/0,1!<37?+1<Q!);1!7-.02-60.:!->!2;1!?-21

, 3215! FD! +36:1! ?-21.203+! 56-?J<PQ! ), vol.50

!. 73h0747!1h?-&lt;461,

!. and -. &gt;0, , p.46320

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. 4&lt;15!3&lt;!, 20/1!<46>3,1!,-.26-+!2-!F1!, vol.54

!. &lt;230, . +1&lt;&lt;!&lt;211+!f3, and . 21603+!-;-%$!, 774.0201<Q! '`9W)

, !<070+36!<12!4?!3<!51<,60F15!0.!^0:461!MN!]3<!4<15!2-!1H?-<1!<4?16a54?+1H!<230

. !l!, 7!3.5!513163215!]3216!4.516!Md!??FQ!955020-.3+!:+3<<!<37?+1<!]161!1H?-<15! 5460
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00022554

!. , , vol.26

*. 20&gt;0 and B. ,

, 16!2;32! X1?2!2;1!077150321!3613!<2160+1Q!)U*!<-+420-.<!]161!2;1.!<2-615!0.!0,1!>-6!263.<?-62!2-!2;1!7-+1, vol.0

!. ,

, 21603+!736X16a:1.1!]3<! 37?+0>015! FD! 3! ?-+D7163<1!

, ! "++470.3! 353?216<!3.5!<37?+1a<?1,0>0,!<12<!->!F36

!. , , p.2

!. 9&amp;w461!qw and !. J9,

!. Jp and -. ,

!. =43+02d!&gt;0+2160,

!. 3+, , p.602

+. X. 3+!+0,

. R!12!3+qb!cdmmpq!p1!4&lt;15!#*%9$&apos;`!j$-, 1<!12!3+QB!cdMLP!2-!5121,2!3.5! '`9W)%$!

D. Kr+,

G. Ck, &. Odamdd, and !. ,

!. and -. , 5020-.<B!54?

, U3,21603!4<1!615-H!613,20-.<!>-6!1.16:D!

. 16&lt;!1+171 and . 2&lt;!&lt;4,

!. F3 and . 21603+!&gt;63, !0<!61<?-.<0F+1!>-6! 2;1!1..-F+171.2Q!p02, p.20

!. 0&lt;!,

!. , !F3,21603!+0X1!2IG"#%OCE"F\5, vol.51, p.6350

, 0<!2D?1!->!F3,21603!]3<!3+<-!

!. 717f16!-&gt;!2,

, !12!3+QB!cdMmFPQ!k0+a5160/15!

. &lt;245d!], , vol.0

, 1D!, vol.70

-. 2q!-&apos;`9w)%$!,

!. F0-736x16!-&gt;!-46!&lt;245db!s&apos;e%g, , p.32

, 0<!<245D!]1!?6-?-<1!3!+0<2!->!F3

. 60&lt;x!-&gt;!+-, 66-<0-.Q!".216?612320-.<!3F-42!2;1!6-+1!->!F0-736X16<!F3,21603!0<!+070215!2-!102, vol.16

!. Och&quot;g&amp;ae%&quot;ga&quot;ab!-y&apos;&amp;auammcb and !. G&amp;ae%, , vol.0

!. 0&lt;!,

, 3+! Ck'! F12]11.! Od! 3.5! Mdd! ??F! F1+, vol.6020

!. F3, , p.15

, 54?+1H! <230.+1<<! <211+Q! 9F-/1! Mdd! ??F! ->! Ck'B

!. 61&lt;0&lt;23.2!-3++-d&lt;q!,

. D56-, , vol.0

!. 1+1, 20/1! F3,21603! FD! -2;16!342;-6<!Jp3, pp.26-29

3. -. D56-, , vol.51, p.6350

, 0F02! 3!

. 713&lt;463f+1!1+1, , vol.26

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, 1! ?6-F3F0+02D! ->! ?0220.:!3.5!,61/0,1!,-66-<0-.!3<!2;1!k'W!:12<!,+-<16!2-!2;1!?0220

!. &lt;211+!-361!--&gt;!, , vol.6020

-. 2b!+022+1!0&lt;!x,

*. and -. Mnnl?!$-,

, 0166D!12!3+QB!cdMm?!t, vol.3

, 0<7!2;32!,-4+5!1H?+30.!2;1!1..-F+171.2!>-6!3++!61?-6215!, vol.3

, 38! 3<! 3! F0-736X16! ->! 1..-F+171.2! J)60:-512! 12! 3+QB! cdMNPQ! s!"*! )1.51603! 1+1,26-?, *! )1.51603! 1+1, vol.26, p.32

, 20/1! F3,21603! 361! 3F+1! 2-! 4<1! 1H263,1++4+36! 1+1, vol.26, pp.26-26

, 0<!<245DB!]1!307!32!051.20>D0.:!1+1, pp.26-26

!. F3, , 21603.

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. 4&lt;!-1h?-&lt;15!-&lt;230.+1&lt;&lt;!-&lt;211+!, , pp.6-9

, 1<B! ]1! ,-4+5! 051.20>D! ?-?4+320-.! :1.-71! 50>>161.203++D! 61<?-.50.:!2-!?-21.203+!7-54+320-.!3.5!0.<?1,2!2;106!?-21.203+!7123F-+0<7Q! ! + '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9

&. =t+=re+b#ulkev+,

!. 4&lt;15!&lt;4?16a54?+1h!&lt;230.+1&lt;&lt;!&lt;211+&lt;!j*lcomdp and !. , !3<!51<,60F15!0.!)60:-512!12!3+QB!cdMNQ!W+321<!->!

!. ^1q!, 1!?0220.:!61<0<23.,1!1=40/3+1.2!.47F16<!0<! ecQl!Jx'6!u!lBlJx&-!u!dQmxpP!u!MLx, p.3

, k46!1H?16071.23+!51<0:.!0.,+4515!m!<12<!->!<37?+1<!,-7?-<15!->!,-4?-.<!0.!-?1.a,06,402!-6!, vol.13

, <477360Z15!0.!)3F+1!e\!JMP!-?1.!,06,402!?-21.203+!>-6!Ml!53D<?!JcP!-?1.!,06, pp.402-423

, 21.203+!]3<!51,613<15!FD!Mdd!7#!4, vol.516

!. Fd!md!7#!3f-/-;-!+3&lt;2!k&apos;w!/3+41?!, JeP!, vol.2

!. Ml and !. Jmp, +3<<!,-4?-.<Q! p1!1H?-<15!3++!,-4?-.<!<074+233??6-H073215!McG{

!. 6321q!*230,

. 3&lt;!-f11, , p.2

, J%<?1+05B!cddlPQ!p1!4<15!?-21.20-<232!J&0,6-<232!>6-7!*D,-?1+P!2-!07?-<1!<?1,0>0, p.21

, {9:'+!3<!3!61>161.,1!1+1,26-51Q!^0/1!61?+0,321<!]161!4<15!>-6!3++!,-.5020-.<!3.5!1H?-<15!>-6!Ml! '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9, vol.9

!. 47f16!-&gt;!, , vol.3

#. %&amp;!r,

, ++#9W!#27!9#1,.2#%&(!k'W!>-6!k?1.!'06, p.402

!. &lt;211+!-k&apos;w!-*23, +1<<!<211+! k'W!3.5!,32;-50,!51?-+360Z320-.!aMdd! 7#!/<!k'W!>-6!2;1!+3<2!ce

, +1<<!<211+! W-21.203+!>0H15!32!uldd!7#!/<!9:{9:'+! W61/1.2!1+1, pp.26-26

!. Jmd, !. 7&amp;!)60&lt;b!mmd, and . 7&amp;!,

, !3613!<2160+1Q!)U*!<-+420

, ! dQcc! ?7! T))W! ?-+D,36F-.321! 717F63.1<! J&16,X! &0++0?-61B!, pp.6-10

, X02! Jy03:1.B! T1673.DPQ! p1! ?61/0-4<+D! ,-++1,215! ,-.26-+! <37?+1<! 2

. Pq!-!-&apos;`9w)%$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW

!. Mdd and !. ,

. B!cdmcp, , vol.7123, pp.1-70

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!. &amp;%t9-;-!/mqmqm!jg0,

. 3+qb!cdmlpb!36,

!. !u-]201c!/cqlqm and . Jg3, , pp.7135-7138

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. !&apos;k-;-!j9+,

&. and J. , !hdP!2-!70.070Z1!2;1!>63:71.2320-.!166-6!F1>-61!73, vol.13

!. F0, , p.2

. J}!nd!x!, +120-.B!w!m!x!6154.53.,DP!-6!715047!=43+02D!&9T<!J}!md!x!,-7?+120-.B!w!Mdx!6154.53.,DP! JU-]16<!12!3+QB!cdMOPQ!! '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9

!. 3&lt;&lt;0,

, W>37!/lcQd!J%+aT1F3+0!12!3+QB!cdMNP!4<0.:!3./0a64.a.,F0a, p.2

!. 1+1, 20/1! F3,21603\! 2G%$%&D%CH"G%II, pp.26-29

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. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

C. =t++, , vol.613

. !-u!-cmc!-7#!-j?!-l!-7#p!-/&lt;q!-*&apos;%,

!. Q!nmx and -. &. , 1!3613!0<!<

, 5020-.!M '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9

C. , &. B#u=\#rkb#+=re+b=\i&lt;ai, and !. ,

!. &lt;1=41, !+0F63601<!>-6!3!2-23+!->!Nlh!Ole!OLN!63]!6135<Q!9>216!2;1!=43+02D!>0+2160.:B! hNl!LOh!mmm!<1=41

!. &amp;%t9-;-!61&lt;4+20,

!. F. !hd,

. !&apos;k,

!. J}!mdx and !. , +120-.B!w!Mdx!6154.53.,DP!3.5!hc!;0:;!=43+02D!&9T<!J}! Ndx!,-7?+120-.B!w!mx!6154.53.,DPJ)3F+1!mPQ!

, !F1!1H?+30.15!FD!2;1!/16D!, vol.0

!. &lt;1=41,

!. ,

, 0<!?3620,4+36!<37?+1!JMNd!Mdc!

, !6135!73??0.:!2-!&9TrONrMQ!p1!>462;16!0.<?1,215!&9TrONrM!, vol.13

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/. and &. !. A!z]ghunh,

, ! $1?61<1.2320-.! ->! 2;1! hc!, vol.0

!. =43+02d!-&amp;9t&lt;!--f230, 15! FD! ,-a3<<17F+DQ! );1! ,1.263+! ,+35-:637! -6516<!2

, 1<<0/1!+3D16<!3.5!,-+-615!?16!,-.5020-.Q!);1! ,-+-6!0.21.<02D!61?61<1.2!2;1!713.!,-/163:1!->!2, !<37?+1Q!$1?+0,321!<37?+1<!361!:6-4?15!0.!<4, vol.13

, ! +3D16!61?61<1.2!73??0.:!61<4+2<!>6-7!, vol.13

!. ,

. 1&lt;1!&lt;?+02&lt;q!, , vol.1

!. +02,

. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

, C"2"!FKBN=7=U?P#+\#RKB?F+

!. and -. , 515!2-!s!"*! )1.51603! 1+1,26-?, :38! JNLx! <070+3602DPQ!, vol.3

!. 1+1, , vol.26

. 0&lt;!9-;-!-&gt;!hcqhxq!k&lt;0, , vol.163, p.2

, 0=41!>-6!s'3Q!)1.51603!1+1, vol.26

!. F+41q!c!ndn, PB!eee!4.0=41!>-6! &9TrONrM!J-.+D!F+41P!3.5!edN!4.0=41!>-6!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1,26-?;3:38!J-.+D!-63.:1PQ! ! '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW

!. 1+1, 26-?;3:38!0.!)3F+1!LQ!! p3

!. !&apos;d,ca+0x1 and . D2-, !s!"*!)1.51603!1+1,26-?

, /1!:1.1<!,-50.:!>-6!7-+DF5-?2160.!-H05-6154

, ! 1+1,26-.! 263.<>16! ,-7?+1H1<! ]161!

!. !me,

. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

C. and &. Kr++,

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!. &gt;4++!?;-&lt;?, 321!263.<?-62!<D<217!J?<2*'9UB!?;-KP!051.20>015!0.!S*5JAEECCF%$"#(!JU36

, 36051B!+0?-a-+0:-<3

!. , , vol.6154, p.2, 26021.

!. 3&lt;&lt;17f+d!-&gt;!&amp;9tronrm,

. &gt;4++!4613&lt;1!,

. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

, !FKBN=7?VKR+`?UL+KUL#7+#T#FU7K=FU?P#+S=FU#7?=+

!. 1+1, , vol.26, p.38

, U-2

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!. Ffl and !. D2-,

, 1<1! 2;611! F3, p.21603

$. 4u0&lt;&apos;k!,

, 3615!;161Q! ! + '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9

D. Vfzvv?kr+-d&quot;!&quot;!#t#fu7k=fu?p#+s=fu#7?=+=re+#rrkst#b#ru+,

, !2;1!?61<1.,1!->!&9TrONrM!3.5!02<!?42320/1!7123F-+0<7!0.>16615!>6-7!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1, p.26

, 0<!7-51+B!1+1, p.2

!. and -. &lt;1=41, 2+D!0.,613<1!2;1!k'WQ!)

. 0&lt;!;d?-2,

. 1&lt;0&lt;!0&lt;!,

. U3653+b!mnhm?!g36,

. Mnnl?!,

, :38!J&3+3.-<X0!12!3+QB!cdMh?!), vol.3

, !73X1<!2;1!?61<1.,1!->!3!?42320/1! 1+1, pp.26-26

, !2

. 0&lt;!;d?-2,

, 4+47!>-6!<230.+1<<!<211+!,-+-.0Z320-.Q! '`9W)%$!"""!\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9

, !FKBN=7?VKR+KX+B=\i<Ai!+`?UL+j!"*+U#RE#7?=+#T#FU7KNL=\=Q+

, !2-!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1,26-?, vol.0

. 0&lt;!,

!. , , vol.0, p.2

!. , -. 7?-&lt;15!-&gt;!hm, !. , and -. , 20:<B!2

!. and -. &gt;06715!fd!2, , p.2

!. 1d!3+&lt;-!&lt;;361, , p.2

, ! (9C`a-H05-6154,23<1! ,-7?+1HQ! *-71! 7-+DF5-?2160.! -H05-6154

. !-s*,

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!. 1+1, , p.26

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D. and C. , *5JAEECCF%$"#(!F42!7123263.<,60?2-70,<!1H?16071.2!-.!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1, p.26

!. 1h263 and . 1++4+36!-1+1, , vol.26

. 0&lt;!-&apos;`9w)%$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW`"'!U9')%$"9! ! ! MdN

, J$, vol.0

. 365&lt;-, ! 12! 3+QB! cdMcP! 3+6135D! -F<16/15! 0.! -2

, !2

. 0&lt;!&gt;0, , pp.461-361

. %$!, !\!&%)9T%(k&"'!%#"C%('%!k^!%G%')$k)$kW, p.9

, 7KR+KW?E?b?R\+S=FU#7?=+=RE+#RRKST#B#RU+

. B!], , vol.0

!. 0&lt;!,

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, 161>-61B!0.!2;1!?3<<0/1!>0+7!,-7?-<020-.B! 1J

, 0<!1H?16071.23+!51<0:.!]3<!<4,1<<>4++D!4<15!2-!, vol.61

. 0&lt;!&lt;245d!61+d!-,

, 1<1!61<4+2<!361!F10.:!?6-,1<<15!3.5!

, ?42320/1!1+1,26-.!263.<>16!:1.1<!051.20>015!0.!&9TrONrM!3.5!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1, vol.26

. !-4&lt;1&lt;!-61&gt;161, !5323<12Q! p1! ;3/1! <1+1,215! 2;1! ,-.5020-.! <1+1,20/1! >-6! s!"*! )1.51603! 1+1,26-?, 1! :1.-71<! 2-! F12216! 3<<17F+1! <070+36! :1.-71!1H?1,215!, vol.3

. B!-1+1, , pp.26-26

, 20>D0.:!3.5!,-7?360.:!:1.-71<!->!1+1, pp.26-26

!. +0 and -. &lt;1=41,

, !73@-6!2D?1<!->!F3

!. F3, 0<7!>-6!1, vol.3

!. &lt;211+!, 3<<0/1!>0+7Q!)

*. and -. Mnnl?!$-,

. 4&lt;1!-&gt;!, , vol.7123, pp.1-70

. 1&lt;1!61&lt;4+2&lt;!&lt;26-,

!. ,

!. +#rp?7krb#ruv+,

C. W%, 20>D! s!"*! )1.51603! 1+1, vol.26

, 51<,60F15!3<!3!?42320/1!1+1, pp.26-26

-. 2q!, , vol.9

. 1&lt;0&lt;b!-1+1, , pp.26-26

!. &lt;d&lt;217&lt;!jt?7, 1+!12!3+QB!cddL?!)

, 0166D!12!3+QB!cdMmPB!,-+5!-6!26-?0,3+!61:0-.<!JU3653+!12!3+QB!MNNl?! 511?!<13Q!, vol.0

, ! F3,21603! 361! .32463++D! 61<?-.<0F+1! >-6!

/. 16d!, !->!2

. 3&lt;&lt;17f+d!-&gt;!2, , p.161

. +d!-9i&quot;och&quot;g&amp;ae%&quot;ga&quot;a!,

. 20&gt;d!x,

!. 1+1, , pp.26-26

, 3>>0+0320-.<B!>6-7!2;1!ML*!6$(9B!]161!?--6+D!61<-+/15!541!2-!61>161.,1!5323F3<1<!+3,X0.:!F3,21603!>6

!. 1+1, , pp.26-26

. Q!),

!. F3 and . 21603q!-c&quot;*&apos;k**&quot;k-;-c!w%$*w%,

. B,8;9&amp;!p&apos;(!&gt;&amp;%#1 and . &lt;&amp;!#$,

, !#RP?7KRB#RU=T+KFFZ77#RF#+KX+j!"*+U#RE#7?=+#T#FU7KNL=\=Q++

. 0&lt;!2,

. 3f0232!-&gt;!2,

!. +d!f3,

. 0&lt;!2,

. 3&lt;!f11,

!. 3+q!j0,

C. W%, +D!<37?+0.:!0.!2;1!077150321!/0,0.02D!->!-46!?47?0.:! C"*'K**"k

!. 3&gt;&gt;0+03215!, 2-!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1,26-?;3:38!0

, 0<!2071!<1601<

. 50&lt;260f420-.!-0&lt;!&lt;,

, 1<1!k)K<!]161!3>>0+03215!2-!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1

. 0&lt;!-5323f3&lt;1!-0&lt;!-- and . +d!-3f, , pp.26-26

. &lt;!&lt;4,

!. and !. , *!)1.51603!1+1,26-?

-. 0&lt;!&gt;63, 016!12!3+Q!0.! ?61?

/. 16d!, 6361!F0-<?, vol.161

!. , 71.2!0.!-46!1H?16071.23+!>3,0+02D!541!2-! 61?13215!<230.+1<<!<211+!1H?-<020, p.60

. B,8;9&amp;!ph(!&gt;&amp;%#1, !. &lt;&amp;!#$;27#2-&amp;!.a!y&quot;b0, and %. #aa,

+. 21#k&amp;!a.-;-!&amp;c/&amp;9 and . +&amp;210!-!, ! 355020-.B! 2;1! ?42320/1! 1H263,1++4+36! 1+1,26-.! 263.<>16! <D<217! 0.! &9TrONrM! -6! s!"*! )1.51603! 1+1,26-?, 2009.

!. Aecfq$,

, 1!>-6716!

. 3&lt;!f11 and . 50&lt;,

, ! 73??15! 2

. 1&lt;1!-&lt;1=41, 1<! 2-! 2;1! :1.-71! ->! s!"*! )1.51603! 1+1,26-?

, 02;!2;1!,+136!1.60,;71.2! ->!s!"*!)1.51603!1+1,26-?, vol.3

C. W%,

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