, Hypothèse I : Interroger le taux de Marqueurs Pragmatiques avec l'avancée du Trouble Cognitif Léger, p.235

I. I. Hypothèse, Interroger les fonctions des Marqueurs Pragmatiques pour obtenir un profil pragmatique des locutrices de VIntAGE _________________________________________________________________ 236

I. I. Hypothèse, Point de vue qualitatif de l'évolution de l'usage des Marqueurs Pragmatiques Verbaux et des Marqueurs Pragmatiques Non Verbaux au cours du temps chez les locutrices présentant un Trouble Cognitif Léger

, Hypothèse II.2. Profil de l'usage des Marqueurs Pragmatiques Verbaux et des Marqueurs Pragmatiques Non-Verbaux chez les locutrices présentant un Trouble Cognitif Léger

I. Hypothèse, Interroger le contexte autobiographique dans le Corpus VIntAGE _________________ 240

, Hypothèse IV : Interroger l'hétérogénéité des profils des locutrices de VIntAGE

, Présentation des données et des participantes ____________________________________________ 340

. .. Méta-données, Méta-informations : Présentation individuelle des participantes de l'étude, .1. Méta-informations sur Constance -ageSC3

.. .. Méta-informations-sur-fleur--agehf1,

.. .. Méta-informations-sur-séraphine--agebs2,

.. .. Méta-informations-sur-mathilde--agehm1,

. .. Elan, Présentation des données verbales au sortir d'

, Synthèse des données traitées et annotées _______________________________________________ 347

.. .. Synthèse,

, Suivi longitudinal des MPV et MPNV dans le cadre d'un TCL __________________________________ 350

, Evolution longitudinale globale de l'utilisation des MPV

M. Les, MPNV comme marqueurs précoces d'évolution vers un vieillissement problématique ___ 351

, 1.1. Paysage fonctionnel des marqueurs pragmatiques verbaux dans le corpus VIntAGE et évolution longitudinale, Paysages fonctionnels des marqueurs pragmatiques par modalité, p.352

, Paysage fonctionnel des MPNV dans le corpus VIntAGE et

, Analyses intégratives unimodales pour l'étude de l'évolution longitudinale des variations fonctionnelles, 3.1. Analyses factorielles des correspondances des fonctions de MPV

, Analyse intégrative multimodale longitudinale pour l'étude de l'évolution longitudinale des paysages fonctionnels des MP, p.363

.. .. Synthèse,

, 1.1. Variations fonctionnelles des MPV dans le corpus VIntAGE et impact du contexte de récit autobiographique, Paysages fonctionnels des marqueurs pragmatiques par modalité, p.372

.. .. De-la-synergie-fonctionnelle-entre-mpv, Analyses intégratives unimodales pour évaluer l'impact du contexte narratif sur le paysage fonctionnel, Analyse factorielle des correspondances des fonctions des MPV : impact du contexte narratif

, Analyse intégrative multimodale pour l'étude de l'évolution des paysages fonctionnels des MP en contexte narratif passé-présent

, Analyses de l'hétérogénéité des profils entre locutrice ______________________________________ 381

. .. Analyses-individualisées-pour-constance,

, Diversité lexicale des marqueurs pragmatiques verbaux par locutrice

, Discussion et Critiques des analyses _____________________________________________________ 402

.. .. Discussion,

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.. .. Child-tiers-of-gaze,

. .. Gaze-d], Gaze dir ection

C. ]. ,

&. Lips and . .. Mouth-l],

. .. Hand-ge-stures,

.. .. Gu-idelines-per-tier, .1. Phases [RHand-Ph and LHand-Ph]

L. .. Pos, -. Rhand, and L. .. ,

. Movement-[rhand-mov and ]. .. Lhand-mov,

. Contact-[rhand-contact and ]. .. Lhand-contact,

L. .. Child-tiers-of-contact,

-. Body/-object-;-rhand-contact and L. .. Bo,

-. Activity-[rhand-contact and L. .. ,

]. .. Hand_sy-mmetr-y-pl,

. .. Hand_sy-mmetr-y-s], Time

©. Bolly-corpagest, , 2015.

. .. Body-ge-stures,

.. .. Gu-idelines-per-tier,

F. ]. ,

]. .. Shoulder_symmetry, Shoulders' Symmetry

]. .. , Time

L. ]. Rfoot,

. .. Feet_sy-mmetr-y-s], Time

. Rleg-mov and ]. .. Lleg-mov, Legs' move

, Em ot ion from the face

. .. Guidelines-per-tier,

. .. Re-ferences,

.. .. Corpus,

©. Bolly-corpagest, , 2015.

, Starting with mono-modal analyses (gesture vs. speech) and focusing on one group of articulators at a time within each modality (viz. face, gaze, head, shoulders, torso, hands, legs, and feet -for the nonverbal mode), the annotation procedure next moves to a multimodal and functional perspective on pragmatic cues (viz. emotions and (non)verbal pragmatic markers. The model for the annotation of pragmatic functions is part of the MDMA project (see above) and is a collaborative work (see Bolly & Crible, progress) is dedicated to speech transcription (via Praat), alignment (via EasyAlign), and annotation (in ELAN), 2015.

A. , the ELAN annotation scheme dedicated to the physiological description of facial expressions is comprised of 9 annotation Tiers, 2005.

, Mouth Openness

A. , Eyebrows' moves are described using a Controlled Vocabulary, distinguishing between "Frowning" and "Raising" moves (see MUMIN project, 2005.

, Frowning of one single or the two eyebrow(s)

, Any other visible eyebrows' move, which is considered to be potentially meaningful, but cannot be classified as a "Frowning" or "Raising" move

A. , Exaggerated opening" of the eyes and various types of "Closing" one or the two eye(s) (see MUMIN project, 2005.

, Any other visible eyes' move, which is considered to be potentially meaningful

. Forward-front,

. Forward-right,

. Forward-left,

. Up-front,

. Up-right,

. Up-left,

. Down-front,

. Down-right, Gaze is downward -oriented, towards the right side of the study subject

, Any other perceivable gaze, which is considered to be potentially meaningful

©. Bolly-corpagest, , p.11, 2015.

, Right Hand Phases

. Movement,

, Target

/. Body and . Object,

. Activity,

, Left Hand Phases

. Movement,

/. Body and . Object,

. Activity,

, PERI lower [Peri-Low ] PERI lower right [Peri-RightLow] PERI right [Peri-Right] PERI upper right [Peri-RightUp] PERI upper [Peri-Up] PERI upper left

. Center-center,

, Contact is made with the speaker's body, even if covered by clothing (unless acting on pieces of clothing directly)

. Self-object, Contact is made with an object that is attached to the speaker's body in a semipermanent manner. E.g. Clothing (if it is clear that it is specifically the clothing that is being touched and not the body part covered by the clothing), jewelry, glasses

, This Tier specifies further the body part or object that is in contact with the hand. The following items are included in the Controlled Vocabulary

, If an object or self-object is contacted, the Controlled Vocabulary item "Object" is selected, and followed by a colon and the name of the object

E. ,

©. Bolly-corpagest, , p.20, 2015.

, On the activity Tier, the activity of the hand is annotated (while in contact with another entity). The elements of the Controlled Vocabulary are described below

, Percussive movement of hand/finger(s), even if only a single beat. No change of location. In the case of a single beat, percussion can be distinguished from touching by being in contact with other body part/object, then breaking and re-establishing contact, Hand/finger touches something. Percussion, Rhythmic

, Percussion, Distributed [Percuss-D] Percussive movements in different spatial locations (multiple beats by definition)

, E.g. playing with folds in clothing or with ring. Move [Move] Object is moved from one location to other

, Rolling, turning, rotating, while in contact. Scratch [Scratch] Scratching movement. Other [Other] For example, hand moves slightly from wrist

, Also, when contact is still or re-established before/after a gesture, when the hand is not at rest anymore but some parts of it are still in contact with something else, and the movement cannot be qualified as rub

©. Bolly-corpagest, head move (i.e. downward move followed by another move or a static head position). The direction of the move is from an "upper, 2015.

, Down-Up Move (Nod) [DownUp] Binary down-up move: downward move with a return phase

, Up Moves (Nods)

. Multiple, Upward moves Up Move [Up] Single head upward move (i.e. upward move followed by another move or a static head position). The direction of the move is from a "lower

, Down Moves (Jerks)

;. Multiple, This is valid for moves of the head only, not when the move is initiated from the whole trunk (we do not follow Allwood, 2005.

, Forward-Backward Move [ForwBack] Binary forward-backward move: forward move with a return phase

, Repeated Forward-Back moves

, Multiple, repeated quick head forward-backward move

, This is valid for moves of the head only, not when the move is initiated from the whole trunk (we do not follow Allwood, 2005.

. Backward-forward-move, Binary backward-forward move: backward move with a return phase. Repeated Backward-Forward moves

, Multiple, repeated quick head backward-forward move

, Move of the head back and forth, side to side. It is like a mixture of shake and backward or forward move (see the Indian "wobble

, Perceivable move, which is difficult to determined and cannot be classified according to the Controlled Vocabulary and principles adopted

, Bolly CorpAGEst © 2015 of move

©. Bolly-corpagest, , 2015.

, Up-Down Move [UpDown] Binary up-down move: upward move with a return phase

, Down Moves

, Multiple, repeated quick foot up-down move

, Side-turn Return [Turn] Binary move of the foot towards one side with a return phase. Side-turn Repeated

, Perceivable move, which is difficult to determined or cannot be classified according to the Controlled Vocabulary and principles adopted

, Accept ance -TrustAdmirat ion, from weakest to strongest). intensity: Submission, Awe, Disapproval, Remorse, Contempt, Aggressiveness, Nervousness, Disappointment Attention > Interest > Vigilance Serenity > Joy > Ecstasy Acceptance > Trust > Admiration Neutral in intensity: Optimism, Love, Nostalgia The Controlled Vocabulary comprises 32 emotions (from the Plutchik's model -see Figure below), with 3 additional recurrent emotions (viz. Ne rvousness, Bolly CorpAGEst © 2015 the Plutchik's multidimensional model, 1980.

, Plutchik's circumplex and wheel of emotions

. Acceptance, , p.positive

, Admiration [Admiration] Intensity: high, p.positive

, Aggressiveness [Aggressiveness] Intensity: neutral

, Amazement [Amazement] Intensity: high

, Anger [Anger] Intensity: medium Valence: negative

. Annoyance,

, Apprehension [Apprehension] Intensity: low Valence: negative

, Attention (here: low level of interest) [Attention] Intensity: low Valence: positive

, Awe [Awe] Intensity: medium Valence: negative 10. Boredom [Boredom] Intensity: low Valence: negative 11. Contempt [Contempt] Intensity: medium Valence: negative 12. Disappointment [Disappointment] Intensity: neutral Valence: negative

, Distraction [Distraction] Intensity: low Valence: negative 16. Nervousness [Nervousness] Intensity: neutral Valence: negative 17. Ecstasy [Ecstasy] Intensity: high Valence: positive 18. Fear [Fear] Intensity: medium Valence: negative 19. Grief [Grief] Intensity: high Valence: negative 20. Interest, Anticipation (here: medium level of interest) [Interest] Intensity: medium Valence: positive 21. Joy [Joy] Intensity: medium Valence: positive 22. Loathing [Loathing] Intensity: high Valence: negative 23. Love [Love] Intensity: medium Valence: positive 24

, Intensity: high Valence: positive emotional patterns -that is, the attribution of one specific emotion to physiological patterning -is a complex process, Pensiveness [Pensiveness] Intensity: low Valence: negative 27. Rage [Rage] Intensity: high Valence: negative 28. Remorse [Remorse] Intensity: neutral Valence: negative 29. Sadness [Sadness] Intensity: medium Valence: negative 30. Serenity [Serenity] Intensity: low Valence: positive 31. Submission [Submission] Intensity: neutral Valence: negative 32. Surprise [Surprise] Intensity: medium Valence: negative 33. Terror [Terror] Intensity: high Valence: negative 34. Trust [Trust] Intensity: medium Valence: positive 35. Vigilance [Vigilance, 2015.

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