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, Glossary ACTP Allocation compensatrice pour tierce personne, vol.46, 0200.

, ADL Activities of daily living, vol.37, p.176

. Aggir-autonomie, G. Gérontologie, and . Iso-ressources, , vol.38

, APA Allocation Personnalisé d'autonomie, vol.42, pp.274-276

. Care-capacités, Aide et Ressources des seniors, vol.38, p.251

, CNSA Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie, vol.193, p.194

, DREES Direction de la recherche, desétudes, de l'évaluation et des statistiques, p.39

, ECHI European Community Health Indicators, p.36

, GALI Global Activity Limitation Indicator, vol.36

, GIR Groupes iso-ressources, vol.38, p.230

, HSM Handicap Santé Ménages, vol.38, p.244

, INSEE Institut nationale de la statistique et desétudeséconomiques, vol.84, p.246

, OOP out-of-pocket. 47, vol.52, pp.248-251

, PCH Prestation compensatoire du handicap, vol.197

, PSD Prestation spécifique dépendance, vol.46

, RSA Revenu de solidarité active, 0200.

, SHARE Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, vol.63, p.252

, Home care providers in France

, Caregiver children of disabled elderly individuals

. .. , Sociodemographic characteristics of children (two-child families), p.77

. .. , Determinants of care behaviors in two-child families, p.86

, Synthesis of additional results

. .. , Determinants of care provision by younger children, p.99

.. .. Children,

. .. Parent, 101 1.10 Individual and parental determinants of care provision, p.103

. .. Sample, 104 2.1 Descriptive statistics on the estimation sample and APA beneficiaries, p.125, 2014.

, Price elasticity of home care by disability level, income and marital status, p.126

, Descriptive statistics for department studied and metropolitan France, p.129

). .. , Descriptive statistics on the pooled sample, p.133, 2012.

, Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (absolute consumption)

, 154 2.10 Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (relative consumption, IV), Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (relative consumption)

.. .. Bootstrap-inference,

, 162 2.13 Descriptive statistics on the SPA and non-SPA sub-samples, p.163, 2014.

, Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (SPA/non-SPA)164

, Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours, controlling for the type of area of residence

, Consumer price elasticity estimations: comparing truncated and censored regression models

, Consumer price elasticity estimations: censored Poisson model, p.170

, Descriptive statistics on the sample

, Departmental determinants of formal care use

, Individual determinants of formal care use

, Departmental characteristics and response to the Territoire survey, p.201

, Departmental characteristics and generosity of the APA policy, p.203

. .. , Departmental characteristics and regulation of the supply, p.204

, Distribution of the sample in the departmental categories, p.205

, Katz Index: definition and comparison with the GIR indicator, p.207

, Determinants of formal care use -functional forms

.. .. Random, , p.215

. .. , Sociodemographic group and departmental practices (supply side), p.215

, Description of departments according to demand side indicators, p.217

, Distribution of travel variables for one day

, Travel costs over daily rounds

, APA status, consumption profile and area of residence of consumers, p.233

, Travel costs and area of residence of consumers

, Travel costs and lengths of interventions

. .. Travel, 244 1 Volume et structure de la population française entre 1900 et 2060, p.45, 2017.

. .. Apa-program, 112 2.2 Correlation between provider price and number of municipalities served by the provider

, Distribution of absolute home care consumption, by disability level, p.137

, 148 2.6 Provider price according to the share of hours served on Sundays and public holidays, by legal status

, Distribution of the size of regulated providers, p.157, 2014.

, Percentile-t bootstrap quality: distribution of bootstrap t-statistics (Tobit estimation)

, 160 2.10 Distribution of providers in the department -Schematic representation, Percentile-t bootstrap quality: distribution of bootstrap t-statistics (IVTobit estimation), p.161

, Hourly out-of-pocket payments of an APA beneficiary served by the biggest regulated provider in the department

, Odds-ratios for the effect of public generosity on formal care use (Estimation 1)

, Odds-ratios for the effect of supply regulation on formal care use (Estimation 2)

, 189 3.5 Contribution of the central government to the APA spending of departmental councils between, Odds-ratios for the effect of public generosity and supply regulation on formal care use (Estimation 3), 2002.

, Example of the effect of computation formulas

. .. Five-sociodemographic-groups,

, Hourly wage depending on years of experience and qualification, p.227

, Weekly volume consumed, by disability group

. .. , Average length of interventions, by disability group, p.236

. .. , Duration of interventions depending on qualification, p.236

, Distribution of interventions over days of the weeks during the month, p.248