?. .. Homomorphic-signature, 6.2.3 Insecurity of HomSig

. .. Succinct-functional-signatures, 147 6.3.1 Definition of Functional Signatures

. .. Universal-signature-aggregators,

, SNARKs with Data Privacy, vol.167

, 170 7.1.1 Ensuring Correctness of Privacy-Preserving Computation, vol.170

. .. New-bivariate-computational-assumptions, 174 7.3.3 SNARK for Bivariate Polynomial (Partial) Evaluation, p.175

?. P. Snark,

. .. Snark-for-simultaneous-evaluations, 181 7.5.2 Succinct Proof of Simultaneous Evaluations in a Point k, p.182

, Proof Systems for Arithmetic Function Evaluation over Polynomial Rings

?. and ?. ]. , Insecurity of HomSig

. .. Universal-signature-aggregators, , pp.162-133

, 1.1 Ensuring Correctness of Privacy-Preserving Computation, p.170

, 174 7.3.3 SNARK for Bivariate Polynomial (Partial) Evaluation, p.175

?. P. Snark,

. .. Snark-for-simultaneous-evaluations, 181 7.5.2 Succinct Proof of Simultaneous Evaluations in a Point k, p.182

, Proof Systems for Arithmetic Function Evaluation over Polynomial Rings

. .. , 190 P ? Z q [X, Y ] in some random point k ? Z q . Our scheme is based on an algebraic property of polynomials. We remark that (X ? k) perfectly divides the polynomial

P. Gen-;-?-,-r)-?-crs-1-;-g,-h-?$-g,-g-?$-g,-?,-s,-t-?$-z-q, 2: g := g ? , h := h ? , g := g ? 3: g ij := g s i t j , g ij := g s i t j ? i < d, j < 4: g 1 := g s , h 1 := h s 5: return crs as in Equation (7.2): crs = ck

C. , C. , ). :=-u, (. , and Q. , = w 2: W := P ? Q /(X ? k) 3: (D, ?) ? Biv.Com(W ) 4:g := h 1 /h k , x, y ?$ Z q 5: U := e(h xgy , g) 6: e ? RO(u, D, U) 7: ? = x ? (? ? ?)e mod q 8: ? = y ? ?e mod q, vol.9

P. Ver-;-crs,-u,-?)-?-b-1-;-c, C. , ). :=-u, and (. , = ? 2: (c, c) := C, ) := C , (d, d) := D 3: b 1 ? Biv.ComVer(C) 4: b 2 ? Biv.ComVer(C ) 5: b 3 ? Biv.ComVer(D) 6: A = e, vol.1

M. Gen-;-?-,-r-m-)-?-crs, On input a security parameter ? ? N and a NP relation R := {(u = ({P j } j , k)

, P j (k) = p j }, define the associated relation

, ) := j=0 P j Y j , Q(Y ) := j=0 p j Y j . Output the common reference string by running crs ? P

M. Prove-;-crs,-u-=-(c, C. , ). , and =. {p-j-}-j, Given crs, the instance u and the witness w, the prover defines new bi-variate polynomials P (X, Y ) := j=0 P j Y j , Q(y) := j=0 p j Y j and compute the proof ? for those: ? ? P.Prove(crs

M. , Ver(crs, u, ?) ? b: Same algorithm as for partial-evaluation P.SNARK

, MultiCom as follows: Write W j = d i=0 w ij X i , then running Uni.Com(ck, {W j } j ) gives the same output (D, ?) as running Biv

C. , C. To-some-polynomials-p-?-z-q-[x, Y. , Q. ?-z-q-;-k, Y. )-=-q(y-),-then et al., SNARK is a public coin argument of knowledge of openings of C and C to a set of polynomials {P j } j ? Z q [X] and a set of scalars {p j } j ? Z q such that P j (k) = p j ?0 ? j <

P. and W. , From the output of this extended machine B * we can further extract {P j := d i=0 p ij X i } j , {p j := q j } j , W j := d i=0 w ij X i } j just by reading the respective coefficients p ij , q j , w ij from the bivariate polynomials P = d, i,j=0 p ij X i Y j , Q = j=0 q j Y j, We first build a knowledge-extractor. This knowledge extractor directly follows from Lemma

. Therefore, there exists an extended machine A * that runs the aggregate machine B * under its output and further returns the same statement and proof as A toghether with an extended witness wit = ({P j } j , ?, {p j } j , ? , {W j }, ?; ?, ?), where P j , W j ? Z q

X. , Y. , and Q. , Suppose there exists an adversary A against the soundness of M.SNARK, with the corresponding associated extended machine A * that outputs a cheating proof ? * that passes the verification check with non-negligible probability. We then build an efficient adversary B against P.SNARK that runs the machine A * to break the protocol with non-negligible probability. B runs A * that outputs the corresponding tuple proof-statement-witness u = (C, C , k), ? * = (D, e, ?, ? ), wit = ({P j } j , ?, {p j } j , ? , {W j }, ?; ?, ?). Then, we can define some corresponding bivariate polynomials as follows and build an extractor for B: We have the corresponding polynomials P ? Z q, Soundness. We reduce the soundness of M.SNARK to the soundness of P.SNARK

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C. , P. )-:=-x, (. {p-j-}-n-j=1-;-c, P. , C. et al., 6: t = T (k), p j = P j (k), k) 9: ? C ? M.Prove(crs C , u C , w C ), 10: ? ? ?(crs , u = (C , p, r), w ) 11: returns ? =, vol.5

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