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, Is/are the research question(s) clearly stated/written out in regards to the title of the article? 2. Does the article fulfil its stated aim/objective? For instance

, Is the methodology adapted to the article objective and title?

, Are the results clearly, meticulously and objectively presented?

, Are the conclusions validated and come back to the state of the art?

, Is the impact of the article considerable within this field of reflection?

, Is/are the research question(s) clearly stated/written out in regards to the title of the article? 2. Does the article fulfil its stated aim/objective? For instance

, Is the review of the literature thoroughly conducted, transparent and replicable?

, If adequate, is the sampled group clearly identified? b. If adequate, is the control group clearly identified? c. If adequate, is the sample size adapted to the study?

, Are the results clearly, meticulously and objectively presented?

, Are the conclusions validated and come back to the state of the art?

, Is the impact of the article considerable within this field of reflection?

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N. Lazaric, C. Longhi, and C. Thomas, Gatekeepers of Knowledge versus Platforms of Knowledge: From Potential to Realized Absorptive Capacity, Regional Studies, vol.42, issue.6, pp.837-852, 2008.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00452506

I. Liotard, Les plateformes d'innovation sur Internet : arrangements contractuels, intermédiation et gestion de la propriété intellectuelle. Management International, 16, 2012.

I. Liotard, Transferts de connaissances sur internet et innovation : Le role de nouveaux intermediaries. (Knowledge Transfer on the Internet and Innovation: The Role of New Intermediaries, With English summary.). Innovations, issue.39, pp.49-69, 2012.

M. J. Livingston, Soybean Producer Perceptions and Management of Soybean Rust in the United States under the USDA Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, vol.39, issue.3, pp.547-560, 2010.

M. Maarleveld and C. Dangbegnon, Managing Natural Resources: A Social Learning Perspective, Agriculture and Human Values, vol.16, issue.3, pp.267-280, 1999.

J. Meisel, The Emergence of the Internet to Deliver Video Programming: Economic and Regulatory Issues, Info, vol.9, issue.1, pp.1463-6697, 2007.

S. O. Ogutu, J. J. Okello, and D. J. Otieno, Impact of Information and Communication Technology-Based Market Information Services on Smallholder Farm Input Use and Productivity: The Case of Kenya, World Development, vol.64, pp.311-321, 2014.

M. A. Peters and R. Heraud, Toward a Political Theory of Social Innovation: Collective Intelligence and the Co-creation of Social Goods, Journal of Self-Governance and Management, vol.227, 2015.

, Economics, vol.3, issue.3, pp.7-23

R. L. Purvis, V. Sambamurthy, and R. W. Zmud, The Assimilation of Knowledge Platforms in Organizations, Organization Science, vol.12, issue.2, pp.117-135, 2001.

H. M. Ravnborg and M. Guerrero, Collective Action in Watershed Management-Experiences from the Andean Hillsides, Agriculture and Human Values, vol.16, issue.3, pp.257-266, 1999.

N. Röling and M. Maarleveld, Facing strategic narratives: An argument for interactive effectiveness, Agriculture and Human Values, vol.16, issue.3, pp.295-308, 1999.

N. A. Steins and V. M. Edwards, Platforms for Collective Action in Multiple-Use Common-Pool Resources, Agriculture and Human Values, vol.16, issue.3, pp.241-255, 1999.

N. A. Steins and V. M. Edwards, Synthesis: Platforms for Collective Action in Multiple-Use Common-Pool Resources, Agriculture and Human Values, vol.16, issue.3, pp.309-315, 1999.

P. Van-der-boor, P. Oliveira, and F. Veloso, Users as Innovators in Developing Countries: The Global Sources of Innovation and Diffusion in Mobile Banking Services, Research Policy, vol.43, issue.9, pp.1594-1607, 2014.

M. H. Zack, Research query 2 In total, 15 references kept as relevant with respect to knowledge-based platform development in research query 2, Sloan Management Review, vol.40, issue.4, pp.45-58, 1999.

J. C. Aker, Dial A for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries, Agricultural Economics, vol.42, issue.6, pp.631-647, 2011.

J. C. Aker, I. Ghosh, and J. Burrell, The promise (and pitfalls) of ICT for agriculture initiatives, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.35-48, 2016.

P. Courtois and J. Subervie, Farmer Bargaining Power and Market Information Services, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol.97, issue.3, pp.953-977, 2015.

U. Deichmann, A. Goyal, and D. Mishra, Will digital technologies transform agriculture in developing countries?, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.21-33, 2016.

M. Fafchamps and B. Minten, Impact of SMS-Based Agricultural Information on Indian Farmers, World Bank Economic Review, vol.26, issue.3, pp.383-414, 2012.

A. Goyal, Information, Direct Access to Farmers, and Rural Market Performance in Central India, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol.2, issue.3, pp.22-45, 2010.

S. A. Isard, J. M. Russo, and E. D. Dewolf, The Establishment of a National Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education, Plant Management Network, pp.1-4, 2006.

R. Jensen, The Digital Provide: Information (Technology), Market Performance, and Welfare in the South Indian Fisheries Sector, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.1-48, 2007.

R. T. Jensen, Information, efficiency, and welfare in agricultural markets, Agricultural Economics, vol.41, pp.203-216, 2010.

T. G. Karippacheril, F. Nikayin, M. De-reuver, and H. Bouwman, Serving the poor: Multisided mobile service platforms, openness, competition, collaboration and the struggle for leadership, Telecommunications Policy, vol.37, issue.1, pp.24-34, 2013.


E. Nakasone and M. Torero, A Text Message Away: ICTs as a Tool to Improve Food Security, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.49-59, 2016.

S. O. Ogutu, J. J. Okello, and D. J. Otieno, Impact of Information and Communication Technology-Based Market Information Services on Smallholder Farm Input Use and Productivity: The Case of Kenya, World Development, vol.64, pp.311-321, 2014.

J. J. Okello, O. K. Kirui, Z. M. Gitonga, G. W. Njiraini, and J. M. Nzuma, Determinants of Awareness and Use ICT-Based Market Information Services in DevelopingCountry Agriculture: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, vol.53, issue.3, pp.263-282, 2014.

, The 2 papers classified as grey literature are

T. George, H. Bagazonzya, P. Ballantyne, C. Belden, R. Birner et al., The World Bank, ICT in Agriculture. Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions, 2011.

, The Food and Agriculture Organisation, The State of Food and Agriculture, vol.34, 2014.

, In total, 6 references kept as relevant with respect to knowledge-based platform development in research query 3. The 6 scientific papers are

J. C. Aker, Dial A for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries, Agricultural Economics, vol.42, issue.6, pp.631-647, 2011.

F. Aulkemeier, M. A. Paramartha, M. Iacob, and J. Van-hillegersberg, A Pluggable Service Platform Architecture for E-Commerce. Information Systems and E-Business Management, vol.14, pp.469-489, 2016.

U. Deichmann, A. Goyal, and D. Mishra, Will digital technologies transform agriculture in developing countries?, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.21-33, 2016.

J. Meisel, The Emergence of the Internet to Deliver Video Programming: Economic and Regulatory Issues, Info, vol.9, issue.1, pp.1463-6697, 2007.

E. Nakasone, M. Torero, and B. Minten, The power of information: The ICT revolution in agricultural development, Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ, vol.6, issue.1, pp.533-550, 2014.

K. Poetz, R. Haas, and M. Balzarova, Emerging Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Partnership Initiatives in Agribusiness: The Case of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative, Journal on Chain and Network Science, vol.12, issue.2, pp.151-165, 2012.

, In total, 8 references kept as relevant with respect to knowledge-based platform development in research query 4. The 6 scientific papers are

J. C. Aker, Dial A for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries, Agricultural Economics, vol.42, issue.6, pp.631-647, 2011.

U. Deichmann, A. Goyal, and D. Mishra, Will digital technologies transform agriculture in developing countries?, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.21-33, 2016.

A. Mukhebi and J. Kundu, Linking farmers to markets in Kenya: The evolving KACE model, Cah Agric, vol.23, pp.282-287, 2014.

H. Munyua, E. Adera, and M. Jensen, Emerging ICTs and their potential in revitalizing small scale agriculture in Africa, Agricultural Information Worldwide, vol.2, issue.1, pp.707-717, 2009.

K. Poetz, R. Haas, and M. Balzarova, Emerging Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Partnership Initiatives in Agribusiness: The Case of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative, Journal on Chain and Network Science, vol.12, issue.2, pp.151-165, 2012.

A. W. Wawire, S. M. Wangia, and J. J. Okello, Determinants of Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture: The Case of Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange in Bungoma County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Science, vol.9, issue.3, pp.128-137, 2017.

, The 2 papers classified as grey literature are

T. George, H. Bagazonzya, P. Ballantyne, C. Belden, R. Birner et al., The World Bank, ICT in Agriculture. Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions, 2011.

, The Food and Agriculture Organisation, The State of Food and Agriculture, vol.34, 2014.

, In total, 9 references kept as relevant with respect to knowledge-based platform development and sub-Saharan Africa / African countries

J. C. Aker, Dial A for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries, Agricultural Economics, vol.42, issue.6, pp.631-647, 2011.

U. Deichmann, A. Goyal, and D. Mishra, Will digital technologies transform agriculture in developing countries?, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.21-33, 2016.

H. E. Hudson, M. Leclair, B. Pelletier, and B. Sullivan, Using radio and interactive ICTs to improve food security among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Telecommunications Policy, vol.41, issue.7-8, pp.670-684, 2017.

A. Mukhebi and J. Kundu, Linking farmers to markets in Kenya: The evolving KACE model, Cah Agric, vol.23, pp.282-287, 2014.

H. Munyua, E. Adera, and M. Jensen, Emerging ICTs and their potential in revitalizing small scale agriculture in Africa, Agricultural Information Worldwide, vol.2, issue.1, pp.707-717, 2009.

J. Rodenburg, L. Bourgeois, T. Grard, P. Carara, A. Irakiza et al., Electronic support tools for identification and management of rice weeds in Africa for better-informed agricultural change agents, Cahiers Agricultures, issue.1, p.25, 2016.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01358593


J. S. Tata and P. E. Mcnamara, Social Factors That Influence Use of ICT in Agricultural Extension in Southern Africa, Agriculture-Basel, vol.6, issue.2, p.15, 2016.

, The 2 papers classified as grey literature are

T. George, H. Bagazonzya, P. Ballantyne, C. Belden, R. Birner et al., The World Bank, ICT in Agriculture. Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions, 2011.

, The Food and Agriculture Organisation, The State of Food and Agriculture, vol.34, 2014.

, In total, 6 references kept as relevant with respect to knowledge-based platform development specifically in Kenya

J. C. Aker, Dial A for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries, Agricultural Economics, vol.42, issue.6, pp.631-647, 2011.

U. Deichmann, A. Goyal, and D. Mishra, Will digital technologies transform agriculture in developing countries?, Agricultural Economics, vol.47, issue.S1, pp.21-33, 2016.

A. Mukhebi and J. Kundu, Linking farmers to markets in Kenya: The evolving KACE model, Cah Agric, vol.23, pp.282-287, 2014.

A. W. Wawire, S. M. Wangia, and J. J. Okello, Determinants of Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture: The Case of Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange in Bungoma County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Science, vol.9, issue.3, pp.128-137, 2017.

, The 2 papers classified as grey literature are

T. George, H. Bagazonzya, P. Ballantyne, C. Belden, R. Birner et al., The World Bank, ICT in Agriculture. Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions, 2011.

, The Food and Agriculture Organisation, The State of Food and Agriculture, vol.34, 2014.

, In total, 4 references kept as relevant with respect to knowledge-based platform development and gender relations, worldwide or sub-Saharan Africa / African countries or specifically Kenya

H. E. Hudson, M. Leclair, B. Pelletier, and B. Sullivan, Using radio and interactive ICTs to improve food security among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Telecommunications Policy, vol.41, issue.7-8, pp.670-684, 2017.

S. Kadiyala, E. H. Morgan, S. Cyriac, A. Margolies, and T. Roopnaraine, Adapting Agriculture Platforms for Nutrition: A Case Study of a Participatory, Video-Based Agricultural Extension Platform in India, Plos One, issue.10, p.11, 2016.

L. Rodriguez, S. Kulpavaropas, D. Annamalai, J. Wright, and J. F. Evans, Trends in Information Needs and Communication Channel Use Among Rural Women in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, vol.16, pp.221-241, 2000.

J. S. Tata and P. E. Mcnamara, Social Factors That Influence Use of ICT in Agricultural Extension in Southern Africa, Agriculture-Basel, vol.6, issue.2, p.15, 2016.

. Livingston, R1]) studies survey data to get a better understanding of the factors that determine beliefs regarding the Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (PIPE). More precisely, the author examines (i) the relationship between the PIPE website visitation and probability beliefs, 2010.

, The paper is based on a case study from the U.S. and is an empirically based paper. The author uses filled in questionnaires from 2006 of [1,884] U.S. soybean farmers. The findings show that the geographical location of the farms is the most significant determinant of a soybean producer's probability beliefs and in using the PIPE website. Livingston (2010) stresses policy action points

J. C. Aker, Dial A for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries, Agricultural Economics, vol.42, issue.6, pp.631-647, 2011.

. Aker, It is a conceptual paper, based on a review of the current scientific literature. Knowledge-based platforms in agriculture are among the ICTs that are analysed in this regard (e.g. the Infonet Biovision Farmer Information Platform). The author discusses the reason to as of why ICTs are considered a more effective solution in advisory services, based on a historic analysis of the agricultural extension system in SSA. A major argument is the low performance of the traditional public this system in different SSA countries, 2011.

T. George, H. Bagazonzya, P. Ballantyne, C. Belden, R. Birner et al., ICT in Agriculture. Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions. The World Bank, partnership with infoDev and, with substantial contributions from outside experts, 2011.

, The Government of Finland majorly financed the work. The objective of the report is to provide new insights on ICT progress in agriculture in developing countries. Accordingly, the document was designed to support decision-makers, development organisations and practitioners, working at the crossing of agriculture and ICT. Case studies from various developing countries are presented in the report relating to ICT development in agriculture (e.g. different ICT knowledgebased platforms and smartphone applications providing virtual advisory services to farmers, where some of these technologies are especially targeting women farmers). The report is presenting different types of financial models and solutions for ICT devices in agriculture, The report is part of the program on 'Creating Sustainable Businesses in the Knowledge Economy

M. Fafchamps and B. Minten, ) examine the impact of the ICT initiative by the Thomas Reuters company, namely the Reuters Market Light (RML). The RML is a mobile phone-based agricultural information system (based on standardised interaction via SMS). More precisely, the RML content include market information, weather forecast, crop advisory tips, and commodity news. The paper is based on the case of India. The authors use a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to test the effect of RML on the price received by farmers, World Bank Economic Review, vol.26, issue.3, pp.383-414, 2012.

, major economic sectors in Kenya (agriculture, health, education?)? a. In particular, with regards to the devolution and the role of the National Government, the Intergovernmental body and the County Government? b. What is the role of policy and legislation in this regard (in particular related to negative impacts of 'open' ICT, e.g. the post-election violence in 2007, gendered impacts, etc.)? c. You mention the importance of PPPs a number of times in the interview with Rushda Majeed 160, What is your opinion on the future of ICT development in Kenya and what is the impact on the

, What are the gendered effects of the ICT development in Kenya 161 ? a. And in particular in rural areas? b. How have gender issues been taken into account in the

, knowledge-based platforms, mobile applications)? a. Are there public evaluation measures in place to assess the impacts of emerging ICT services in agriculture in Kenya? Or perhaps you and your team at the time in Government put in place such measures? If yes, which ones? b. What is the role of ICT suppliers in delivering agricultural services? How should these services be developed in order to meet the needs of the users? c. What, in your opinion, are the needs of ICT users, What is the role of ICT in agriculture in Kenya and in particular when it comes to farm extension services

, What is the role of ICT in addressing these gender inequalities? 162 Based on the 2006 ICT Master Plan Summary made by yourself and team at the Ministry of Information and Communications at the time 163 (Also referring to a transcribed interview with Rushda Majeed, 18/06/2012 and 04/07/2012, where you mention talk about subsistence farming and food insecurity, pp.13-14, 2000.

, However, when I look at World Bank Data from, 2009.

, ) N/a Female: 15,9% Male, vol.16, p.3

, World Bank Data 10% 14% PHC Eastern Province Data 1% N/a

, Internet users (per 100 people): Internet users are individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 12 months. Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, digital TV etc, p.15, 2009.

, Where does the other 9% Internet users then come from in this case? What is your opinion? By looking at data from KNBS in 2010, it is mentioned that the total fixed and wireless Internet subscriptions in Kenya were in total 8%. This result is not only for individual users, as I have understood it, The PHC raw data from the Eastern province in Kenya also gives a very low number of Internet users, 2009.

, 3% and 15,9% men and women of the Kenyan population respectively had Internet subscriptions (how they got this result is not explained). But then, the source from KNBS mentions that there are in total 8% of internet subscriptions in Kenya, However, according to the same Statistical Abstract from 2015, in the year 2010, vol.16, 2010.

, Are you using the Gender and Development Policy and/or the Constitution of Kenya is this regard?

, Do you have specific gender activities within this programme/project? If yes, which?

, Are you targeting any specific value chains?

, Have you budgeted for these activities?

, Who are your target groups

, How often do you go out to see the farmers? Do you assist farmers continuously or is it "once in a while" visits? 10. Is it per request (i.e. demand from the farmers)? If yes, who in the household generally asks for advice?

, If yes, how much? 12. Would you say that a certain group has been/is being excluded? If yes, who and why? 13. Do you know if the information is relevant and accessible for all groups? If yes, how? 14. What are the different types of groups that men and women are members of? What are the barriers to group membership for both sexes?

, Have you started involving women in the services that you provide? If yes, what are the implications on their workload?

, Appendix 6A: Open questionnaire: Interviews with Nafis platform staff

, Tell me about your professional background (prior to Nafis)

, What is your role at Nafis and when did you start working for Nafis?

, When was Nafis launched?

, What is the primary objective of Nafis?

, How is Nafis structured (HQ placement

, What is your connection to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock? Where is Nafis place in the organogram of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock?

, Who is the target group?

, What type of gender structures does Nafis have in place / put in practice? (I.e. type action guideline applied; administrative documents used to support gender equality; evaluation and coordination measures in place to support gender equality

, Is Nafis based on a demand or supply based model? 12. What are the services you are offering to your target groups

, Are the services / trainings you deliver to the targets groups changed depending on the needs of the target groups?

, Is the content of the training material adjusted according to the target group's needs? 15. What system does the platform have in place to verify whether the results respond to the platform objective(s) of the platform and the interaction quality with the target group? a. Can the target group add inputs/knowledge to the platform? b. Can they request certain type of knowledge and information? the target groups? 18

, What is your annual budget? Has it changed over the years? 21. From where do you get your finances? Is it from governmental support or do you receive support from international donors? If yes, whom? 22. How many full-time staff are you working at Nafis? 23. Is the service free of charge or not? If no, Where does the platform get its information sources (R&D)? How is the research conducted? 20

, Is NAFIS an economically self-sufficient organisation? Appendix 7B: Open questions: Interview with AgriProFocus staff for cross-verifications 1. Kindly tell me about your professional background

, / ivinda ya makulyo aa ni kuma mwei wa mbee 2016 kuvika mwei wa katatu 2016 PLEASE notify the respondent that /tavya ula ukusungia atii: ? This survey is anonymous/ndukaandike isyitwa ? It will take 10 minutes of their time/makulyo aa wisungia na ndakika ikumi ? It should be filled in by the selected person ONLY and the same person CANNOT fill in the survey twice /makulyo aa maikasungiwe ni mundu keli SECTION 1: Characteristics of the household /muungamie wa musyi ailyi ata g, 2016.

, Is there a farming activity in the household? (You can select MULTIPLE options, for instance if you have livestock, coffee and crop farming you can tick all three options, Total number of adult males:/aume ala aima_____________ Total number of adult females:/aka ala aima_____________ j

, If you are a farmer, please specify the number of acres you are farming on /ethiwa wi muimi wa kaawa,wina kaawa eka siana, Code: M5) / Muvai (Code: M6)

, Female / Mundu muka Male / Munduume b. Are you a farmer?, We wi muimi? (Code: M7)

, Kindly specify your age (Code: M8):______________years/ Elesya ukuu waku _______________________ d. Do you consider yourself as the household head? Niwiyosaaa we ta wimuungamii wa musyi waku? (Code: M9)

, If you have answered NO to question above, then you are NOT the household head: Kindly tell us your relationship to the household head (you MUST be living in the same household unit and select ONE OPTION ONLY): / Kethiwa usungiite tautemungamii wa musyi waku elesya we uilenie ata na mweene musyi usu wikalaa

, Please cite the number of persons living at the household (including children and elderly) /mwikalaa mwi meana musyi usu vamwe na syana na andu aima (Code: M11)?_____________________________________ g. What is the highest form of schooling you attended (select ONE OPTION ONLY, / Kiwango kya kisomo kyaku? (Code: M12)

, What do you work with (select ONE OPTION ONLY, Uthukumaa wia mwau? (Code: M13)

, Retired/ninaminie myaka yakwa ya wia Homemaker/wi museuvya wa musyi Full-time student/ni sukulu Incapacitated /nditonya wia Other, please specify/wia ungi,weta ni wiva i. Are you the member of this cooperative society? /wi umwe wa ala maseuvitye kyama kya ngwatanio kya aimi? (Code: M14) 3: Access to and usage of Information and Communication Technologies and services /kukwata na kutumia mauvoo ma kuneenania na ui wa kiumunthi m. Do you regularly (once per month or more, Volunteer/wi yumitye kuthukuma andu mana Seeking work (action taken)/niendee kumantha wia No work available/vai wia wakutethya

, Do you feel comfortable reading and accessing information from a computer screen? / Ni withwaa wimwianiie uisoma kana kutumia kombyuta? (Code: M16)

, Have you received any agricultural service from the following items? (You can select MULTIPLE options) /waa kwata mauvoo ma uimi kati wa imwe sya syindu ii syi vaa nthi? (Code: M17) in the household uses Internet (you can select MULTIPLE OPTIONS)? /nuu wa nyumba yenyu utumiaa mutandao? sakua vaa nthi (Code: M18) specify/mundu ungi,weta nuu: q. How often do you use Internet (ex: email, chatting, accessing information, etc.) -(select ONE OPTION ONLY)?/utumiaa mutandao ta keana? (Code: M19) did you mainly use the Internet (select ONE OPTION ONLY)? /utumiaa mutandao muno muno va

, Micro-finance group

, Other, please specify / vandu vangi, weta niva: s. What source do you prefer getting agriculture service information from (select ONE OPTION ONLY)? /weendeawa ni kukwata mauvoo ma uimi ata? nyuva kuma vaa itheo kindu kimwe, p.21

. Other?-please-specify/-undu-ungi, Access to and usages of Nafis and/or AgriProFocus platform/kukwata na kutumia mauvoo kuma kya kyama kya selikali kya uimi (Nafis) kana kyama kya usyaaisya wa mausyao ma uimi(AgriProFocus) a. Have you been able to get agricultural advice from any of these two services?/waakwata mautao ma uimi kuma syamani ithi ili? Nafis (The National Farmers Information Service)/kyama kya selikali kya mauvoo ma uimi, vol.4, pp.22-23

. Separated,

. Widowed,

, Full time student (ref.: worked for pay

, Homemaker (ref.: worked for pay

, Dependent variable: Internet use (0=never use internet, Family agriculture holding (ref.: worked for pay, p.739

, Pseudo R, vol.2

. ***,

, As business activity: considered as 'farm managers' but not ultimate decision-makers (if non-widowed) -Carry out most of productive activities for coffee, food crops and livestock production, Controlling for 44 counties in Kenya Bi-functional: ?, p.13, 2009.

, vested in the Trust Land Board by virtue of any law or registered in the name of the Trust Land Board; (b) the areas of land that were known before 1st June, 1963 as Special Reserves, Temporary Special Reserves, Special Leasehold Areas and Special Settlement Areas?; an escheat?, the Special Areas?.and which was on 31st May, pp.93-94, 1963.

, Community land refers to land lawfully held, managed and used by a specific community as shall be defined in the Land Act. Families and individuals within the community are allocated rights to use the land in perpetuity, subject to effective utilization. The ultimate ownership vests in the community, Ministry of Lands of, pp.13-14, 2009.

, Private land refers to lawfully held, managed and used by an individual or other entity under statutory tenure. There are two type of rights of ownership; (1) Freehold tenure, individual 'absolute proprietorship' and (2) Leasehold tenure, which is the right to use land for a defined period of time in exchange for the performance of certain obligations, pp.15-17, 2009.

, Land tenure refers to the terms and conditions under which rights to land and land-based resources are acquired, retained, used, disposed of, or transmitted, Ministry of Lands of, p.12, 2009.

, Appendix 11 Figure 3: The proportionate number of women and men farmers per main employer in rural Machakos county, individuals above or equal to 18 years of age (nwomen= 51,916, nmen= 30,744). (Source: PHC special data processing, 2009.

F. Kaliluni, F. Kakuyuni, and F. Ngomano, The Government of Kenya 2010); the National Agricultural Sector Extension Policy (Nasep) (Ministry of Agriculture of Kenya 2012); and individual interviews with extension officers and staff working at Machakos Cooperative Union in (n=15), various extension organisations supply farmers with agricultural knowledge in the area. These are: (1) public extension services; (2) private enterprises; (3) public and private research institutes, e.g. Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF); (4) local and international nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), e.g. Action Aid, We Effect, Red Cross Kenya, World Vision, Plantwise; (5) civil society based organisations (CSOs), such as the Catholic Relief Services and (6) farmer based organisations (FBOs), for instance, Machakos Coffee Cooperative Union and respective 24 primary societies, Based on findings from the Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), 2010.