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A. S. , Denis 1,2 , Frédéric Azémar 2 , Arthur Compin 2 , Samuel Danflous 1 , and Laurent Pelozuelo 2

U. Ecolab, . De-toulouse, . Cnrs, F. Toulouse, ;. Abstract et al., Lieftinck (1965) and Belle (1983), Macromia splendens has become an emblematic species of South West Europe's odonatofauna and continues to trigger great interest from odonatologists (e.g. travel reports of Chelmick in the Iberian Peninsula Chelmick (2015c)). Various authors tracked M. splendens larvae in their macrohabitat in order to understand their ecology and describe their microhabitat. First, Grassé (1930) provided a precise description of the larva's morphology and indicated that the larva "habite les eaux dormantes, enfoncée dans la vase qui souille ses téguments" (i.e "lives in standing waters, immersed in the sludge, which soils its tegument"). Later, Leipelt et al. (1999) investigated the microhabitat of M. splendens larvae in the Gardon du Mialet (Gard county, France). They searched for larvae by snorkeling at the foot of rocks but could find only one larva. Then, using net sweeping, they obtained four larvae, with some information about their microhabitat, reported to be composed of sand with some leaf detritus. Later, a behavioural choice test in sub-natural conditions (i.e. a four-area choice device), suggested that larvae prefer leaf detritus on sand rather than sand alone or sand plus stones. During a more intensive net sweeping search, Leipelt et Suhling (2005) found 53 larvae in "sandy patches with a little leaf litter in shallow water (depth : < 0.35 m) near the river margin, Macromia splendens is a rare species of dragonfly, endemic to southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, that has triggered odonatologists' interest for a long time. Knowledge about its distribution has recently increased but, despite first insights by, 1999.

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