, Light-field segmentation results on real datasets

, Example of angular patches

, The super-ray update step

, Average displacement of the super-ray centroids with respect to the number of iterations

, Different super-rays evaluation metrics across different parameters for a synthetic scene

, Comparison of super-rays versus independently merged super-pixels, p.95

, Super-rays for a sparsely sampled light field

, Super-rays for a densely sampled light field

, Graph-cut segmentation using our super-rays

. .. Angular-aliasing-comparison,

.. .. Duper-ray-neighborhood,

. .. , Dynamic super-rays for a few frames and views, p.108

, Over-segmentation comparison with the state of the art, p.109

M. Hog, N. Sabater, and C. Guillemot, Light Field Segmentation Using a Ray-Based Graph Structure, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pp.35-50, 2016.
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M. Hog, N. Sabater, and C. Guillemot, Dynamic Super-Rays for Efficient Light Field Video Processing, British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), pp.1-12, 2018.
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M. Hog, N. Sabater, and C. Guillemot, Long Short Term Memory Networks for Light Field View Synthesis, 2019.
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