, the Award? Molecular genetic research into the biological causes of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease

, How did you feel in a such context? No problems, I am used to speak to the press at all media levels. Which was the impact of the Award on your career? Difficult to say since I received the award in 2006, at that time I was already professor and well known in my country, Europe and International. The least I can say that it marked the quality of my research

, You are a model for many women who decide to pursue a scientific career, is there something you would like to say to women which aspire to become scientists? Go for what you like most, define your goals and dare to take risks. Have yourself not distracted by family and others who have often low expectations of women, and are conditioned towards women as mothers and wifes. Ignore

E. Del and P. , , 2007.

, Have you spent periods abroad during your education? Where and for what reasons? Yes, I was a Fullbright scholar at

, Did you notice a difference in the choice of studies between men and women? If so why? Yes, mostly men in the physics lectures

, Students and post docs come by later. I have many collaborators worldwide. We work on exploring the frontiers of science all day. I go home after rush hour traffic is over. I spend evenings with family, sometimes friends and visitors

, Have you ever had obstacles in your career? If so, of what kind? Not so many. I stated my academic career at MIT in 1960 and am still there

, During your professional path, did you notice an unequal treatment between men and women? If so, of what kind? Sure. Men outnumber women greatly in my field. They apparently are paid higher salaries than women for the same work. I don't let inequalities bother me much

, There should be no difference in the work we do. I tend to do more mentoring of people and tend to work more hours in the week. Most of my technical collaborators are men and at this point in my life I am older they are and more senior but we work harmoniously together with respect and have a good time. Not much difference, women tend to live longer and are interested in keep up their professional life after the children are out of the house. Your professional life has influenced somehow your private life? If so, why? If not, why? My professional life influences my schedule, keeps me active and busy with lots of excitement and keeps me happy, Are there any differences? Same as men fundamentally

, There were 4 children that had very high priority, but don't take much time now, since the youngest is over 50. I like seeing grandchildren, but they are doing their own things, changes in career happen ended when I changed research fields 3 times in my life, Have you never had interruptions in your professional path? Why? Not much interruption

, How did you feel in a such context? They know how to this really well. The effect of the losers and events influenced my grandchildren greatly. Thanks. Which was the impact of the Award on your career? Big impact

, You are a model for many women who decide to pursue a scientific career, is there something you would like to say to women which aspire to become scientists? Yes. I am very supportive of the goal of L'Oréal to get more women into science

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E. Del and P. , Russia Which was the main motivation that led you to undertake a scientific education? To me it was interesting. Did someone in your family or in your environment, Fisica dei polimeri, vol.88, 2007.

, Did you notice a difference in the choice of studies between men and women? If so why? No. What are your current research interests? Statistical physics of polymers. How is your typical day at work? Lecture for students -once a week -Research Seminar, Academic Council, etc.-1-2 times per month The main time -work, preparing publications, reading research papers, discussion with colleagues, discussion of students' works, etc. Have you ever had obstacles in your career? If so

, During your professional path, did you notice an unequal treatment between men and women? If so

, What are, in your opinion, the main characteristics that a woman should have to pursue a scientific career? And a man? Are there any differences? It is necessary to love science and to overcome the difficulties that women have more (the birth and education of children, housework

, Your professional life has influenced somehow your private life? If so, why? If not, why? professional path? Why? the Award? The award was for "contribution to the understanding of the shapes, sizes and motions of large molecules, What has been your reaction after receiving the Award? I was glad

, Oréal and the Award are characterized by a strong communication system (press, television, events). How did you feel in a such context?

, You are a model for many women who decide to pursue a scientific career

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