. .. Shadows, 108 6.2 Studying the use of virtual shadows in projection-based systems

. .. Results,

. .. Discussion, 119 6.4.1 Virtual shadows and virtual embodiment

. .. Conclusion, 1 1.2 Simplified classification of mixed reality systems

. , Examples of mixed reality display

. , Mixed reality industrial use cases

. , Global framework of mixed reality projection-based systems and research axes of the PhD thesis

. , Examples of virtual reality near-eye displays

, Video see-though and Optical see-through technologies, p.14

. .. , Examples of optical see-though head-mounted displays, p.15

.. .. Examples,

.. .. Examples,

.. .. Examples,

. .. Examples-of-surround-screen-displays, 20 2.10 Examples of spatial augmented reality displays

. , Examples of handheld projector displays

. , Examples of head-mounted projector displays

. , Examples of mechanical tracking systems

. , Examples of magnetic tracking systems

, Position and orientation integration process in Inertial Measurement Units, p.28

. , Examples of hybrid tracking devices

, Inside-Out and Outside-In tracking spatial arrangements, p.30

, Example of natural features used in optical tracking devices, p.31

, Examples of markers used in optical tracking devices, p.32

. , Overall rigid body tracking workflow

. .. 3d-cloud, 33 2.22 Patterns used for internal camera calibration, Constellation structure and Constellation

, Examples of tracking techniques used in surround screen displays environments 35

. , Industrial fields using Mixed Reality applications

. .. , Mixed Reality training applications for the industry, p.40

, Example of AR industrial applications for maintenance and task assistance, p.41

. .. , Design applications of Mixed Reality in the industry, p.42

. .. , Planning applications of Mixed Reality in the industry, p.44

, 3D scene of our VR application dedicated to the construction field, p.49

. , Our pilot study VR application in use

, Workspace covered by the tracking system used in our pilot study, p.50

C. .. , , p.53

. , Influence of the interaction state and the user's past experience with VR on head and hand 3D positions

. , Influence of the interaction state and the user's past experience with VR on 3D head and hand orientations

. , Influence of interaction state and user's past experience with VR on the speed of the head and the hand

. , Illustration of MonSterTrack and CoCaTrack compared to current optical tracking systems, p.61

, Global architecture of our approach for maximizing the tracking workspace 62

. , Impact of different radial distortions on an image

. , Standard two-view situation

. .. , Standard two-view optical tracking configuration, p.68

, Different chessboard views used for internal camera calibration, p.69

, Calibration of the relative transformation between two cameras, p.70

. , Infrared view of the camera before and after the threshold

, Cameras configuration with two cameras and one pan-tilt head, p.79

, Frame configuration for controlled camera calibration with 2 camera positions 79

. , Prototype 1: Holobench with MonSterTrack

. , 83 4.15 Workspace gain of MonSterTrack and/or CoCaTrack compared to state-ofthe-art stereo optical tracking, Wall-sized display with MonSterTrack and CoCaTrack, vol.2

. .. , Transition between stereo and monocular tracking modes, vol.87

.. .. Proof-of-concept-for-uav-localization,

. , Pose comparison with Vicon's optical tracking

, Positional jitter comparison with Vicon's optical tracking, p.89

. , Our MoSART approach enables Mobile Spatial Augmented Reality on Tangible objects

. , Main components of the MoSART approach

. .. Mosart, , p.95

, Frame configuration for the MoSART calibration process, p.98

. , Tangible interaction tools in use

. , 103 5.11 Medical visualization on a tangible chest with MoSART, p.105

. .. , 119 7.1 Virtual embodiment in VR projection-based systems through user's virtual shadow, 3D models used to cast the virtual shadow

A. , Fonctionnement général d'un système de projection pour la réalité mixte et les axes de recherche de la thèse

. , Illustration des contributions de la thèse

. .. , Configuration de deux caméras avec un moteur pan-tilt, p.135

. , Prototype 2: système de projection en réalité virtuelle avec MonSterTrack et CoCaTrack, A.5

A. , Gain en volume de travail de MonSterTrack et CocCaTrack par rapport à un système stéréo standard

A. , Outils d'interaction tangibles de MoSART

. , 10 Visualisation médicale sur un buste tangible grâce à MoSART, p.140

A. , 11 Les ombres virtuelle des utilisateurs dans les systèmes de projection, p.141

A. , 12 Notes di questionnaire d'appréciaiton et contrôle de l'ombre virtuelle, p.142

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