&. , 0:90@$#8:9&"/&H"!#H"0/8B"#& ! "#!$%&'(

K. ,

I. $(#$'?:0>!-"o#&, ;. 6&*',!-'$!-#))', ,. 6&*', and !. 9+%, ! 1'! $',$,! 1'! 16#?5+,$6)! B#%$'2'5$!

$. ')$'(!*', !. &. 9d)', and !. 1%!)+29*'a'!1'!$%&,

, $6)! )+5;'5$6+55'*! ,+5$! *626$7, +6$! 9#(! %5'! C#6&*'! ,'5,6&6*6$7! '$! ,97)6C6)6$78! ,+6$! 9#(! %5! 17*#6! 1'! 16#?5+,$6)! $(+9! *+5?>!!

$. and !. *',!-)#,!-1'!-c+,

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E. , 65$!%5!56

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!. +9$626-;-!-&apos;$!-&apos;**&apos; and . 6+,

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, $(6&%'!1'!2#56D, vol.6, pp.56-62

, F+5)'(5#5$!*'!16#?5+,$6)!1'!*#!27565?6$'!#,'9$6<%'!<%6!, p.29

, ! *'! )B#29! 1%! 1796,$#?'!1'!

#. %5!-1+ and !. , 97)6C6<%'8!, p.1

, #H"0/8B"#& "! H29*72'5$'(!%5'!EFG!)+22'()6#*'!&#,7'!,%(!*?#29*6C6)#$6+5!1=HI!""#!-EFG!1

, 26D('!*6?5'!-G6C#296)65'8!H,+56#e61'08!;+6(!1'! 1'%A6D2'!*6?, 5'!-J265+?*:)+,61',8!R*%+

!. +c!$b&apos;!!,

J. C+,

$. !. /!-$&apos;,$!-d6$b!, 2+20):C0BGG',*.:-2*-&07:J+&*-':208+)**1+=0`)2D-:A*':!-99>!TY`TS0>!, vol.6

, $6$6, 5+$:965?! 65! )*656)#*! 2:)+&#)$'(6+*+?6)#*!#5#*:,6,>!

, :29B+):$6)! 2'565?6$6,>!5,)Q-1-):0 _'.,:)10 'J0 7:J+&*-'.20 ?-2+)2+28!""-^08! b_c`bc^>!

#. &amp;#, !#51!2')B#56,2,!+C!1(%?! (',6,$#5)'! 65! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6, vol.6

%. *+,6, !. , $. , !. B+d, and !. , 6C6)! 65,'($6+5! 9+65$,! 65! $B'! /'6465?! ?, '5+$:9'>!5$E0K+:'/-&28!-Ub08!bTT>! J2'(6)#5!.B+(#)6)!I+)6'$:>!-TVVV0>!K6#?5+,$6)!,$#51#(1,!#51!)*#,6C6)#$6+5!+C!$%&'(

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J. (+5+d6$e8, !. G&gt;!-tvvb0&gt;, !. B&apos;!-g6, &. , #. et al., ! 1'$')$6+5! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6,! 65!, B65?8! TVVY8! 99>! Tb_8!, vol.16, p.96

B. +c!-$b&apos;!-hi!, #!, vol.65, issue.6

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$. , !. , and !. R#, ! E>F>[8! g#)+&,! G8! I>! g>! K>!-UccV0>! J2'(6)#5! .B+(#)6)! I+)6'$:>! K6#?5+,$6)! ,$#51#(1,!#51!)*#,6C6)#$6+5!+C!$%&'(

#. and 6. +c!-655#$&apos;!-622%56$-;-%*+, , vol.6

/. &apos;54#2658!-&quot;&gt;!-j&gt;8!-i&apos;**-;-!-q&gt;8!-f+b&apos;58!-k&gt;8!-&apos;$!-#*&gt;!-tvuy0&gt;!-k&apos;$&apos;)$6+5!-+c!-b, $'1! ;6(#*! 2'565?6$6, ! 65! Q#*#d6>!7:J+&*8!U"-U08! Tk`YU>! /'55'1, vol.9

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, $6;'!1',)(69$6, %1:>!5$E07:J+&*0?-28!"!-U08!TbS>!

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#. +c!$b&apos;!#5#*, +&6+*8!b_-k08!Tbc^`T^VU>!

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$. , , vol.2

#. ,

!. %&amp;,

!. Cc-;-5&apos;, and !. +c!,

!. G&gt;!f&gt;!g&gt; and !. ,

#. , +&#)$'(6#*!KLJ!65!)*656)#*!,#29*',>0N):&+*8!<<U-_SkU08!UVSc, vol.2

!. #51!-$b&apos;!-j$$&apos;5%#$&apos;1!-q&gt;!-$%&amp;,

+. , 6+5!)#9#)6$:!65!B%2#5, vol.2

, )*656)#*! ,9')62'5,! )+5$#6565?! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'(

!. and 9. #29*&apos;,&gt;!-_0e1, )+&#)$'(6%2!$%&'()%*+,6,!#51!(6C#2965!(',6,$#5)'!65, #?68!g>!

!. G&gt;8!i628!j&gt;!q&gt;8!g+8, !. H&gt;!g&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvub0&gt;, !. H5-;-#*!c&apos;#$%(&apos;, and !. +c!b, !#51!)*656), vol.61

, FB%58!g>!m>8!i628!i>!g>8![d#5?8!H>!.>8!'$!#*>!-TVVk0>!K%#*!9(6265?!+*6?+5%)*'+$61'!,:,$'2!C+

F. , , pp.6-6

!. +c!!-q,

C. %+, !+C!Q'16)65', +2Z0O-*D0)0*,):21)*-':0-:*'01)*-:=0):C0+:A1-2D>!! F*#

$. , F+**65,8!K>!Q>8!?!I$'9B'5,8!K>!Q>!-UccU0>!H1'5$6C6)#$6+5!+C!#5!, vol.65

!. , $. #$6-;-!-#51!-?*+&amp;#*!-b&apos;#*$b!-&apos;, and $. ,

*. G%6e8 and !. Q+,

, 1'2-2!-99>!UYb`YS0>!G+)B',$'(8!Lm]! W56

, )#>!@N'80

K. S+, _YV>! K655',8!g>8!K''Z,8!g>8!i%5, !#5)6'5$!KLJ>0N):&+*07:J+&*0?-28!U-c08!^_b~ ^cT>! K+(2#58! I>! X>8! I)B%2#)B'

!. and -. ,

#. , #. :. , and !. C+, <%'5)'`&#, 6+5>!I/90L+>90L+2G-,90?-28!"UU8!UUSV`UUSY>! X6,'5#)B8!i>!K>!-Uccb0>!W,'!+C!#5!, vol.5

X. X&gt;!l&gt;8 and !. &amp;#, , vol.6

X. G#+%*$8!-k&gt;8!-&apos;$!-#*&gt;!-tvvc0&gt;!-k&apos;$&apos;)$6+5!-+c!-q,

, $6+5M6+56e#$6+5! $62'`+C`C*6?B$! 2#,! ,9')$(+2'$(:! 61'5$6C6)#$6+5! +C! 2:)+&#)$'(6#!65!(+%$65'!)*656)#*!9, >!@1'80':+8!!-c08!'TbkTV>! X, vol.9

, 2:)+&#)$'(6#*! 65$'(,9'(,'1! ('9'$6$6, B6?B`9

&. 9%$%2!-)+5-;-%*+,6 and &. , 0_0E1-:00$-&,'(-'107:J+&*0?-28!RY-c08!_bc~_^^>! R#&(68!Q>8!I$'5?, 210$+C8!<-UVb08!UVb(#UVT>! R#5?8!s>8!K+6?8!F>8!Q+

$. , -. &apos;18!&quot;t&quot;-y08!uvtu`uvtb&gt;!-r*&apos;6, and ). X6,

!. , $. , !. C+(!$b&apos;!-;-$6+5!+c!$%&amp;-;-&amp;*+, and -. ,

!. I&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!h!-uccb0&gt; and ;. , <%'5)'!$:965?, #1!,%&$:9'!d6$B!#!,65?*'! )+9:!+C!HISUUV>!4.(+,0N.:A0?-28!YV-S08!bY^`bbV>! R+(,?('58!Q>8!IZr*1'5&, vol.5

$. 6+5!#51!#**&apos;*&apos;!, <%'5)'!1'$'), 6265#$6+5>!$'10E+110@,'(+28!"V-S08! YSY`Ykb>! j#?5'%A8! I>!-TVUY0>! j'5'$6), vol.16

#. +c!$b&apos;!j&apos;5+-;-!!-q./kg, *. , 6. , and #. , +51`*65'! 1(%?! (',6,$#5)'! 1'$')

%. , U^^~USY>! jB#5'Z#(8!i>8!Q)/(61'8!, vol.6

#. +c!-65, `. B+%, and &. ++9,

#. +c!-$b&apos;!-h1#b+!-.&apos;)b5+*+,

!. K&gt;8!g+5, ;. , and -. , , p.0

!. , ,. #c8!-q&gt;!-i&gt;8!-&apos;$!-#*&gt;!-;-!-#29*6c6)#$6+5!#,, #. :. , !. C+-;-!q&gt;!&quot;&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-ucc_0&gt;, and !. Hi!, UccS0>! I9')6C6)6$:! +C! HISUUV`&#, 1658.

, #%,65?!2:)+&#)$'(6#>!, vol.6, p.0

*. and ). ,

#. +c!-$b&apos;!-j&apos;5+, , vol.9

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, 2:)+&#)$'(6#*! I'5PY~G'?

!. B8!-g&gt;, d+`)+29+5'5$! #51! 9B+,9B+

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#. +c!r*%+(+$-;-%*+,6,!)+29*&apos;a!klj!, 65!)*656)#*!,9')62'5,!C(+2!#!*+d`65)61'5)'! )+%5$(:>!5$E07:J+&*0?-28!"U-U08!^c>! [+5+('8!L>8!G+)B'8!E>!f>8!j(+, p.58

!. , ! 1';'*+965?!d+(*1>!5-'&D+/08'&04,):28!Yk8!bUc`bTY>!

, 9$6)!2'565?6$6,!#51!, vol.6

#. %+, <%'5)'!#29*6C6)#$6+5!65!#!)*+,'1!;','*>!I:)105-'&D+/8!<"U-U08!kk`_S>! g#?

%. *+,6, !. #51!-+$b-;-%, and !. , U>! g#2',8!I>![>8!i62&'(*658!K>!f>8!?!fB6$*':8!G>!g>!-TVVc0>!J5$6, +&#)$'(6#>!5-'$+C0,+2+),&D0-:*+,:)*-':)18!R#, vol.6, p.0

, ?6',! #51! 2#5#?'2'5$! +C! #,'9$6)! 2'565?6$6,!65!9#$6'5$,!#126$$'1!$+!#5!65$'(5#*!2'16)65'

!. , !. +2!bcsu, !. , %. , ;. !. et al., J+&*0?-28!"#-U08!Sk>! gr5

#. , !. #&lt;q#5!q./!!-$&apos;, and $. , +&#)$'(6%2!$%&'()%*+,6,!)+29*'A>!7:J+&*0?-28!UY-b08!TYU`TYS>! i#2'(&''Z8!g>8!I)B+%*,8!">!X>!l>8!i+*Z8!J>8!'$!#*>!-Ucck0>!I62%*$#5'+%,!1'$')$6+5!#51!,$(#65! 16CC'('5$6#$6+5!+C!Q:)+&#)$'(6%2!$%&'(, p.0

$. , 18!<V-b08!cVk`cUb>!

!. Fb&apos;z&apos;8 and !. B#z8!h&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvvv0&gt;!x,

#. Xf?!qjh.?!!-csv, !. , :. , and $. &. , ! (')'9$+(! 16(')$,! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6,! *69+#(#&65+2#55#5`2'16#$'1! 9B#?+,+2'!&6+?'5',6,>!_0FPG+,0$+C8!R#R-k08!c_k`ccc>!!! i'5$8!">8!Q), +9B#?'! 2#55+

#. *!16, &. #. , and &. !#51!$b&apos;!!-629#)$!+c!;#,

#. +c!$b&apos;!9, :)+&#)$'(6#! 65! (',96(#$+(:! ,9')62'5,>!4D+0c',+):0d'.,:)10'J01

%. and !. , 565?6$6

!. and #. , 6C6)!#5$6?'5! ,$62%*#$6+5!65!dB+*'!&*++1!C(+2!65C')$'1!6516;61%#*,>!_0$'10?-)A:8!"Y-U08!cV`cc>! i+)#?re8!.>8!m6*2#e8!X>8!leZ#

!. and 9. , !9+*:2'(#,'!)B#65!('#)$6+5!%,65?!#!,629*6C6'1!9

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!. G&gt;!-u_cv0&gt;, !. , and !. &amp;#)$&apos;,

$. , %. , $. !-$b&apos;!-&apos;a6, and $. , XA$(#)$6+5! Q'$B+1! F+2&65'1! f6$B! HISUUV`J29*6C6)#$6+5! C+(! K'$')$6+5! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6,!65!E#%)6&#)6**#(:!I9%$%2!I9')62'5,>!H, +5!+C!2'$B+1,!! &#,'1!+5!16CC'('5$!2+*')%*#(!'961'26+*+?6)#*!2#(Z'(,!C+(!$:965?!+C!Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'(

!. #8!j&gt;!e&gt;8!k-;-!f&gt; and . Q&gt;!&quot;&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!, UcSY0>!I9%$%2!16?',$6+5!#51!1')+5$#265#$6+5! d6$B! L`#)'$:*`"`):,$'65'! `! ,+16%2! B:1(+A61'! C+(! )%*$%('! +C! 2:)+&#)$'

#. #58!i&gt;8!e*6z#,

C. 0&amp;&apos;+, &. , &. R&gt;!k&gt;8!fb6$*-;-!g&gt;!g&gt;8!?!l#$6+5#*!h5,$6$%$&apos;!+c!j**&apos;-;-$6+%, !. K6, &. #. et al., &6+9,6'1! 9#$6'5$,!#51!)+(('*#$6+5!d6$B!16,'#,'>!_07:J+&*0?-28!"Y"-b08!_^k`_SY>! "#226'8!j>!J>8!, ]! #11(',65?! $B'! )B#**'5?',! +C! ,)(''565?! #51! 16#?5+,6,>!_0 7:J+&*0?-28!R#U-,%99*OEb08!IUU^c`IUUSk>! "#d58!I>!K>!-TVUT0>!E+65$`+C`)#('!1'$')$6+5!+C!*69+#

C. Uvy&gt;!-&quot;#d58, !. I&gt;!k&gt;8!qd#&amp;#8, and !. E&gt;8!/#$&apos;,8!q&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvuy0&gt;!j1, #5)',!65!$%&'()%*+,6,!16#?5+,$6), &+*07:J+&*0?-28! "<-b08!Ybc~YSU>!!

#. +c!$b&apos;!/6+r6, 62'5,>!_0E1-:0$-&,'(-'18!gFQ`VVkYV>! "''8! i>! I>8! I+5?8! i>! I>8, #5,>!I_L0I/0_0L'+:*A+:'18!"!#-b08!k^Y~k^_>!, vol.9

#. , !. #&lt;q#5!q./!!-(&apos;#*`$62&apos;!efg!#,, and #. , , vol.16

#. , !. , and $. , +&#)$'(6#! #51! C+(! #5$6` $%&'()%*+,6,!1(%?!,%,)'9$6&6*6$, 0E1-:0$-&,'(-'18!"Y-b08!UU^`UTT>! "'%5?8!X>!.>!m>8!sB'5?8!">8!f+5?8!G>!m>!i>8!'$!#*>!-TVUU0>!G#961!#51!,62%*$#5'+%, vol.2, p.0

!. Sb, , vol.6

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#. I&gt;!s&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvuy0&gt;!x,

#. #&lt;2#5!-(&apos;#*`$62&apos;!-efg!-#, and #. :!-$+!-1&apos;$&apos;)$!-q,

$. $*&apos;8!q&gt;!f&gt;8!j51,

!. B+2+,

!. , $. , and !. +c!-q, , p.0

, GD-&)102S+*&D+20'J0*D+0

*. Fb#,

, Q#*6Z8! s>8! J>8! K'5565?8! j>! Q>8! ?! i%,5'(8! K>! g>!-TVVV0>! H5B6&6$6+5! +C! F#T}! ,6?5#*65?! &:! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2!$%&'(

, #*!d6$B65!B%2#5!2#)(+9B#?',>!_0FPG+,0$+C8!"X"-T08!T_k`YVT>!

. Q#**&apos;d#8!q&gt;8!\#**&apos;*,

, &+*0K1'(0^+)1*D8!"-Y08! 'U^Y`'USV>! Q#()B'$$68!j>8!j+(68!J>8!F#$+ee68!">8!\#?+8!">8!'$!#*>!

#. Efg!65, !. , +. , and #. :. , 62'5!! 'A#265#$6+5,!65!$B'!16#?5+,6,!+C!9%*2+5#(:!$%&'()%*+,6,]!#!,:,$'2#$6)!(';6'd>!, &++C-:A20'J0*D+0:)*-':)10)&)C+/%0'J08&-+:&+28!XT-b08!UcVU` UcVU`UcVS>! Q#e%('Z8!j>!, vol.9

$. , 18!U-c08!USVk~USUY>! Q)X

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+. %&amp;, , p.0

%. and &. , H29*6)#$6+5,!C+(!Q+*')%*#(!X961'26+*+?6), vol.6

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G. and #. Hi!,

*. $?-;-z8!g&gt;`&quot;&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvvt0&gt;!.d+!)#, &. , and !. +c!9%*2+5#, '58!g>8!Q+(6**+58!Q>8!i+')

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#. and #. , +&#)$'(6%2!,9')6',!#51!1'$')$6+5! +C!1(%?, 5'd!*65'!9, vol.6, p.0

#. *&apos;5)&apos;!-+c!-$%&amp;-;-%*+%, '565?6$6,!65!L6#2':o,![+,96$#*8!L6?'(>!5.1108'&00@)*D'10FP'03"XX#68!XX-U08!Yc`bV>! Q6:#e#Z68!m>8!i+?#8![>8!i+B5+8!I>8!'$!#*>!-UccY0>!L, p.65

#. and &. E1, 1'2-2! 65! )*656)

*. , ). *!v!-uk08!uctk&gt;, !. Q%*)#b-;-!j&gt;!q&gt;8!i#265, !. Z68!s&gt;, !. X&gt;!j&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-uccs0&gt; et al.,

!. J&gt;8!he%8, !. 2#6*8, !. Hb&apos;zd&apos;#e%8!f&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!l#$6+5d61&apos;!#51!-;-%*+-;-#*!,#29*&apos;, and &. , $6)! 9+$'5$6#*! +C! HISUUV8! Y_ZK#8! S^ZK#! #51! _^/! ,'<%'5)'`&#,'1! 9+*:2'(#,'! )B#65! ('#)$6+5! 65! $B'! 16#?5+,6,! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2!$%&'(, vol.6

#. +c!-j&apos;5+-;-$!-.&apos;,$!-#51!-j&apos;5+, ;#5)',! 65! 1')69B'(65?! $B'! )+5$(6&%$6+5! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2!$%&'(

, )#]!#!1',)(69$6, %1:>!0N):&+*07:J+&0?-28!""-UU08!_Uc`_Tb>! L6'2e8!J>8

!. F&gt;8!g# and ?. L#,

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$. and $. , +&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6,! 65! )*656), ! 5%)*'6)!#29*6C6)#$6+5!2'$B+1,>!E1-:-&)10$-&,'(-'1'A%0):C07:J+&*-':8!"#-b08!Tc^`YVU>!

!. and &. E1, , p.0

$. , `. , and !. ,

!. and !. Hisuuv!, , vol.65

#. +c!$b&apos;!p9&apos;($!q./mghr!#, and #. C+, , vol.6

, 58!Q>!/>!-Uc__0>!H5B6&6$6+5!+C!2#)(+9B#?'! 9, vol.9

!. Q&gt;8!r*+,

!. , $. , and !. C+(!$%&amp;-;-%*+%,

E. +5,

!. E#*+265+8!g&gt;, !. F&gt;!-tvvc0&gt;, and . Q+*&apos;)%*#,

, UUU>! E#5?8!g>8!Q+1*658!g>8!?!m+*Z'58!G>!-UccT0>!W,'!+C!2+16C6'1!5%)*'+$61, 1+&.1),0):C0&+11.1)

#. $6-;-#*!16#?5+,6 and !. +c!65c&apos;)$6+%, 5'!#29*6C6)#$6+5!$')B56<%'x! 9, vol.656

#. , 5)'! ,'$$65?, >!_0

$. , 18!UX-Y08!kkT`kkS>! !

L. Yub and `. Y^v&gt;!,

!. F%, *08!YUYT~YUYk>! E6'(,62+568! F>8! l*6;6'(68! J>8! /'5#))B6+8! ">8, ! +5! 1(%?! ,%,)'9$6&6*6$:! $',$65?! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'(

!. J&gt;!-g&gt;8, !. , and !. C+(!k6-;-$!k&apos;$&apos;)$6+5!+c!q,

#. +c!$b&apos;!&apos;cc6, , vol.6

#. %&amp;,

!. B+d8, +. , and !. +c!-q, B5#58!H>8!Q#54%8!m>!i>8!i%2#(8!G>!J>8!?!Q%51#:++(8!I>!-TVVU0>!H29*6)#$6+5,!+C!"+d! R('<%'5):! +C! HI! SUUV! 65! R65?'(9(65$65?! R6'*1, vol.6

, 69$6+5`EFG!)*656)#*!$',$65?>!E1-:0ED+/8!V"-^08!__T`_cV>!, vol.5

#. and !. Q%51,

!. 6+, , vol.9

!. and !. +c!9#$b+*+, !#51!! 9(+$')$6+5]! )#5! d'! 965! 1+d5! $B'! ?(#5%*+2#! 65! $%&'(, p.0

, <%'5)'! ,9')6C6)! <EFG! 1'$')$6+5! +C! $%&'()&*+

, 5PY`651'9'51'5$! )+5$(6&%$6+5! +C!

#. , 6+5!*626$!+C!#5!65`B+%,'!! 5

*. *#!-e+ and $. ,

, '&-+C)C+05,)2-1+-,)0C+0$+C-&-:)04,'G-&)18!U!-^08!ST^`ST_>! G+2#?5#568!I>!-UccS0>!.BU!#51!.BT!65!B%2#5!16, vol.107, p.7

G. &amp;#,

&. 0l+2g-, !. 0_8!&quot;#-_08!u_kk`u_cu&gt;, and . G%, , p.0

, L+>0$'10E+1105-'18!R-_08!^Sc>!

, :)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6,! KLJ! 65! #! 9

#. +c!-5,

, ! $')B5+*+?:! 65! $B'! 1'$')$6+5! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2! $%&'(, p.0

C. -)a-;-20f0, *. D+, ). , and :. , $65?!('9

B. ,

!. and $. #5, !XAB6&6$65?!! J5$6&6+$6)! J)$6;6$:! J?#65,$! j(#2`E+,6$6;'! #51! j(#2`L'?#$6

B. and !. Klj!!-$, !,629*'A!, vol.6

, +5! +C! J29*6)+(8! 65`B+%,'! EFG8!#51!)+5, B6(28! g>8! l+,$'51+(98! ">! J>8! ?! Q%*1'(8! g>! j>!-Ucc^0>! F+29#

, (6)#5!J)#1'26)![+,96

#. +c!$b&apos;!i,

!. Z8!.&gt;!q&gt;8!?!j++18 and !. G&gt;!f&gt;!-uccb0&gt;, J+&*0 ?-28!"<-UU08!__b~cVU>! I6?%6'(8!E>8!R6*7'8!g>8!?!FB#51*'(8!Q>!-TVVS0>!H5, vol.107

$. B8!-l&gt;!-[&gt;8!-i-;-!-&apos;$!-#*&gt;!-tvvs0&gt;!-x)+$-;-!-+c!-$b&apos;!-q, +&#)$'(6%2! $%&'()%*+,6,!)+29*'A>!_04D+, ! i>8! H5d#*18! g>8, p.65

, $6+5!)#29#6?5>!@1'80':+8!"R-UU08!'VU_kbSS>!

+. , !?'5'$6),>!7:J+&0K+:0F>'18

!. I+*+2+5 and . G&gt;!i&gt;8!,

#. and *. \6,

*. , $. , and !. +%,

, C0-:J+&*-'.20C-2+)2+8!YT-b08!Yc_`bVY>!

, ! ?'5'! 65! #! 2%*$61, vol.6

!. and &. &amp;d, %*+,6,! #51! (6C#296)65! (',6,$#5)'! 65, +0 ?)*)()2+0 8%2*0 L+>8! TU-U08!! FKVVc^cY>! I$'5?'(8! I>8! ?! Q+1*658! G>! ">!-TVVT0>! F+5$

I. +z-;-%*+,6, !. J. , !. #. , !. , and +. , ! /#)$'(6%2! d6$B! Q#)(+9B#?, 8! YR-UV08! ^SkS~^S_S>!! I%99*:8! E>8! Q#?1#*'5#8! g>8

!. G+,

+. , !. G&gt;8!he%-;-&apos;$#8![&gt;!i&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvvk0&gt;, and !. , 5#)B8! i>! K>8! '$! #*>!-UccV&0>! HISUUV8! #5! HI`*6Z'! '*'2'5$! +C! Q:)+&#)$'(6%2!$%&'()%*+,6,!)+29*'A>!

#. +c!$b&apos;!*, $6)#*!#99(+#)Bx!#99(+;'1!?%61'*65

%. +%,

%. +%,

!. ,

, >8! m#2#?%)B6`IB65+e#Z68! i>8! ?! IB65+e#Z68! i>!-TVVV0>! .d+`)+29+5'5$! ,:,$'2,! 65! 9*#5$!,6?

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#. , +&#)$'(6#*! &%(1'5>!@1'80 ':+8!!-UT08!'T__U^>!, vol.2

$. , , vol.10

$. \&gt;!-ucc^0&gt; and !. #a+5+26&apos;!1,

, #*'5)'8!$:9'!#51!), p.5

!. and $. %1-;-!hisuuv!#51!$b&apos;!!-!!!!!!!!!!!s^zk#!#5, %*+,6,! )+29*'A! 65! (',96(#$+(:! ,9')62'5,! &:! j'5`E(+&'! #29*6C6'1! Q:)+&#), 6+5!#29*6C6)#$6+5!+C!$d+!2:)+&#)$'(6#*!KLJ!, p.8

!. !!!!!!!!!!#5!6,+$b&apos;-;-+!klj!#29*6c6)#$6+5!$&apos;)b56&lt;%&apos;&gt;!, &10I&-C20L+2!TVd!UScU`UScS>! f#5?8!I>8!"6C,+58!Q>!J>8!H5)68!R>8!'$!#*>!-TVUS0>!J1;#5), p.56

;. B#**&apos;5?&apos;,!-!!!!!!!!!!+c!9+65$`+c`)#(&apos;!16#?5+ and $. #&amp;6*6$:!-+c!-$b&apos;!-hisuuv!-&amp;#5165-;-%*+, (-'18!<U-c08!TYVc`TYUU>! f'4,'8!F>!-TVUb0>!E+65$`+C`)#('!16#?5+,$6),!C+(!$%&'(, vol.6, pp.0-00

[. +. ,

!. and !. +c!$%&amp;,

, ! ./!65!#1%*$,!#51!)B6*1

, $6$6;'! I'<%'5)'! R65?, #29*6C6)#$6+5]! 2')B#56,2! #51! +9$626e#$6+5!C+(!6,+$B'(2#*!KLJ!#29*6C6)#$6+5>!8&-0L+G8!R8!TbS>!! m#5?8!s>![>8!H4#e8!i>8!/#$',8!g>![>8!'$!#*>!-TVVV0>!I9+*6?+$:965?!#51!E+*:2+(9B6)!jF`G6)B!! G'9

#. , !. #&lt;q#5!q./!$&apos;, and $. , , vol.16

!. +c!-#!-b6?b*-;-+*#$&apos; and . +c!-q-;-%*+, +5!! 2%$#?'5',6,! +C! )*656)#*! 6, B+d! 2#5:! ?'5',! 1+',!#!9#$B+?'5!5''1'>!_'.,:)10'J0()&*+,-'1'A%8!"TY-Uc08!SkTS`SkYT>! sB#5?8!m>!J>!L>!I>![>!X>!L>!j>8!Q#e%, vol.6

!. Q&gt;!n&gt;8!&apos;$!#*&gt;!-tvvc0&gt;, !. , and &. +c!, %#*!*++9`2'16#$'1!6, !G>!m>8!sB#5?8!i>!P>8!sB#+8, vol.6

$. %&amp;-;-%*+,6 and !. 65c-;-$6+5!,

$. #$&apos;!-+c!-9,

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X. Hij!-2&apos;$b+1 and !. , $+Z65'! 9#$$'(5,! +C! 9#$6'5$,! $',$'1! 9+, vol.6

#. , ,. #:&gt;!f&apos;!+&amp;, &. (;&apos;1, and !. Hrl`#!, $65?!)'**,!&:!.`IEl.!#51! 629#6('1! )#9#)6$:! +C! 2%*$6, p.6

$. B!-9-;-6+%, !. , and $. %1,

*. , ! )#9#)6$:! +C! 2%*$6`):$+Z65'! ,')('$6+5,! 2#:! &'! %

*. M+&apos;)l)d&amp; and . Emkj, Lc"!:9d&-*(LU2& U25)M)& +K(2J(& (MO25*M+')L)d&

. Hk(z&apos;qz3)l&apos;+&apos;yl*k+&amp;*, , vol.3

, +&*'2! d+(*1d61'! d6$B! U>^! 26**6+5! 1'#$B

$. %&amp;-;-%*+, , vol.6

*. !9-;-$!-$&apos;, $. , &. , $. , and !. B#,

$. %&amp;&apos;-;-%*+%,

#. Hjgj,

!. Y_k^0,

$. and !. Hrl`-hrl`#!(&apos;*&apos;#,&apos;1!#c$-;-%&amp;#$6+5!+c!db+*&apos;!&amp;*++1!d6$b!#!)+)z$#6*!+c!, Y_kb0!#5$6?'5,x!660!$B'!n%#5$6RXGlL!-nR.8!n6#?'50!<%#5, vol.65

/. /&gt;!i&apos;;&apos;(#*!, $. , !. , %. ?. , and $. &apos;1!$b#$!$b&apos;!#, %(#):!65!16,)(6265#$65?!&+$B!16

+. , !. , &. )(&apos;$&apos;1!#*+5?!d6$b!hrl`#-!h&quot;`t!-65$&apos;(*&apos;%z65`t0!d#, !. , and $. , A$'5,6;'*:! 65;',$6?#$'1!#*$'(5#$6

!. &apos;$!-#*&gt;8!-tvu^0!-d&apos;(&apos;!-#* and +. ,

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!. 6+% and $. %1, ! )#9#)6$:! +C! 2%*$6, p.51

%. 65?!-$b&apos;!, IEl.8! #5! HjGJ! 9

C. Hrl`#`,

!. B6 and $. %1:!d#, !)+51%)$'1!65!$B'!Q+5$9

#. and &. E#$, 96$#*6e'1

$. Hjgj!(&apos;,%*$&gt;!.b&apos;!, $. , !. J. /!;&apos;(, %. , !. &. /h!d# et al., 6$6, &#,'1!+5!)*656)#*!9

B. and #. D#, C+(2'1! #))+(165?! $+! $B'! 2#5%C#)$%('(o,! 65,$(%)$6+5,!-n6#?'58!

#. +&amp;$#65&apos;1!-c+**+d65, ?. Uv!-#51!-./k&gt;k, !. , and $. 62%*#$6+5&gt;!g&apos;,%*$, , p.2

F. ,

#. , !. 6$&apos;1!-&amp;&apos;*+d!-$b&apos;!-1&apos;$&apos;)$6+5!-*&apos;;&apos;*!-+c!-$b&apos;!-#,, and #. ,

!. #51!&apos;a)*%1&apos;1!c(+2!$b&apos;!#5#*-;-&gt;!g&apos;,%*$, , vol.6

#. ?v&gt;v^!-d#, !. , !. +c!-$b&apos;!-;-!-(#$&apos;!-j./!-,#29*&apos;,x!-;-!#?#65, $. , and &. #29*&apos;,x!u, 6C6)6$, vol.6, p.61

. #5#*:,6,!-d#-;-$b65!-g!-g!-i+c$d#, C+(2'1! d6

,. %#*6e&apos;!$b&apos;!16, 626*#(6$:!65!):$+Z65'!'A9(',6+5!9

, 0ZK5K*(25L)(L*)&'[&(Z2&2J5'++26&LJ6LUL6MK+)!

$. , , vol.65

$. , !m+%1'5!651'A8!d'!1'$'(265'1!#5!+9$62#*!)%$`+CC!

#. *%&apos;!#$!_!hwm2*!)+((&apos;,9+5165?!$+!#!, 6C6)6$:!+C!cTy!#51!#!, vol.9

!. _8!-c!-+%$!-+c!-tb,

!. , %. !-d&apos;(&apos;!-$&apos;,$&apos;1!-&amp;:!-x&quot;hij&gt;!-h&quot;`b8!-h&quot;`ut8!-h&quot;`u^8!-h-;-!$b#5!^vy, !. +c!$b&apos;!,#29*&apos;, and !. ,

!. #51!-qhj and . Tj`f`x0&gt;!-.b&apos;!, , vol.9

9. He`uvx, !. Tvu!-uut!`!bks0, and !. &gt;+,

!. , $. , and !. 9+, E(65)69#*!)+29+5'5$!#5#*:,6,!,B+d'1, vol.6, pp.6-11

*. +$!-d6$b!-$b&apos;!-2#4+-;-/h!-,#29*&apos;, &. !. B&apos;, and &. !. #29*&apos;,

#. (6#&amp;*&apos;!*&apos;;&apos;* and !. +c!,%((+?#$&apos;!,

!. He`uv!#51!qhj0&gt;, !. &amp;%$!$d+, and !. , , p.6

!. 6+% and $. %1,

B. , !. (&apos;*#$&apos;1!-$+!-$b&apos;!-hrl`#!-)#, and ). #1&apos;!-2#,

!. , !. , and $. %1,

$. Hrl`#!-9-;-!, $. 62%*#$6+5&gt;!-.b&apos;!-*+d, and !. Qhj, 6C6)! #5$6, vol.9

T. Hrl`#!9, <%'5):!+C!,65?*'!9+,6$6;'!.LR`t!$*(`,9')6C6)!.! )'**,!B#, p.6

!. Tvubx and !. I#, 5$656! '$! #*>8! TVVc0>! Q%*$6):$+Z65'! $*(`,9')6C6)! .! )'**! (',9+5, vol.6

$. B+%?b$!$+!9-;-$!#?#65 and $. , /8!dB6*'!1'C')$!65!

J. B+%?b!nr.!#-;-!$b#$!hrl`#!*&apos;;&apos;* and !. #&amp;+, !9+,6$6

, ! 2+('! $B#5! ,';'5! $62, p.6

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$. 6+5!-*&apos;;&apos;*!-d# and !. , , p.6

J. B6, !&'5'C6$!2#:!&'!#$$'5%#$'1!65!B6?B!,'$$65?!)+%5$

. H5!r, #5)'8!J./!65)61'5)'!6, p.5

&. and !. , 1%)'! $B'! &%(1'5! +C! $B'! 16,'#,'8! b8cYb! )#,',! 65! TVUY! 6'! k>^! 9

$. B#$!-d# and !. 2#51#$+,

$. B6c$!$+!$#, , p.65

$. 6+58!*626, $. , and !. $b&apos;!-;-!$+!$b&apos;!d+, !)+51%)6

, ! 656$6#$65?! 9(';'5$6

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$. B#$!5-;-!+5*:!26562#*!65;&apos;,$6?#$6+5, !. , %. ). , and !. 2+5#,

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#. %#$&apos;!$b&apos;!,

#. Hjgj and !. 9+, , vol.6

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#. +5!-2#1&apos;!-&amp;&apos;$d-;-!-2%*$69*&apos;a!-#,, !. Hij!-6, &. 16cc6)%*$!-$+!-#,, !. , and &. !-$b, #116$6+58! )+29#(6

$. 6+5,!-d-;-!-$b&apos;,&apos;!-$d+!-$&apos;)b56) and !. B#, ! &''5! ('9+($'1!-*65?!'$!#*>8!TVUU0>!H5!#116$6+58!dB6*'!)+5)+(1#5)'!6,!?'5'(#**:!?++1!dB'5!%,65?! $6

#. , !. #&amp;b#z#(!&apos;$!#*&gt;8!tvvb0&gt;, and !. B#$!)+%*1!&apos;a9*#65!$b#$!$b&apos;!65,

*. 6+58!#5#*-;-!+5!651&apos;a&apos;, !. +c!h&quot;`t8!qhj, and !. Hrl, e65?!):$+Z65'!(',9+5,'!&#

, ! )#9#)6$:! +C! 2%*$6`):$+Z65'! ,')('$6+5,! 2#:! &'! %

&. , !. +c!-tb, and !. ,

*. , ! 2'16#5! 6,! ,B+d5! 65! '#)B! ?(+%9>!, vol.9

!. , $. &gt;!-pp!-)+((&apos;, 9. , !. $+!-9¡v&gt;vu&gt;!-.`!-.b&apos;!-glf!-)%(;&apos;!, and !. B+d,

$. B+*1!#$!_hwm2*!#, !6516)#$'1!+5!$B'!?(#9B>!! ! cLYM52& <;& 0'NQK5L)'J& '[& *3('bLJ2& 52)Q'J)2& LJ& ec/& )

#. and !. ,

!. 9¡v&gt;vu&gt;!-;-!-$b&apos;!-*&apos;;&apos;* and . +c!-hrl`#!-hwm2*!-#51!,

#. and !. C+(!-$b&apos;!-c6, $! #51! ,')+51! 9(65)69#*! )+29+5'5$,! #('! 65! 9#

!. Qhj, !. +%$,61&apos;!$b6, !. , and $. ,

!. ,

$. , !. , and !. 9#,

. &lt;%=&apos;**&apos;! and . +6$!%5&apos;!2#*#16&apos;!)%(#&amp;*&apos;&gt;!, )6,!1'!*#!./!#)$6, !16#?5+,$6)!(#961'!'$!9

&. , $. , and !. , !1'!16#?5+,$6)!1'!./!#)$6;'!

. #%a!-1&apos;!-$bd,

#. ,

$. Hi!, #99(+)B',!1'!EFG!'5!$'29,!(7'*!)6&*#5$!*#!,7<%'5)'!1=65

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*. , C+(2#5)',!#5#*:$6<%',!'$!*'!?#65! 1'!,'5,6&6*6$7!)+29#(#$6;'2'5$!3!%5'!EFG!)6&*#5$!*'!?, vol.9

*. , !. &apos;cc6)#)&apos;!-1#5, and !. , )%97(#$6+5! 1'! *=JKL>! "#! 9'(C+(2#5)'! 16#?5+

*. and !. , , p.96

&. , +5,! )+29#(7! *#! 9'(C+(2#5)'! 16#?5+,$6<%'! 1

, 22'5$! )+22'()6#*6

, X5C658!3!9#($6(!1'!TVY!"FG!)+**')$7,!1#5,!*'!)#1('!1%!16#?5+,$6)!1'!27565?6$',!#,'9$6<%

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#. *%7!-*#!-9,

!. Hi!, , p.0