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. , 9! 1. Presentation of the criteria for choosing theme

. , Insightful Chinese conventional mechanisms: "dances without chains"

I. Title and .. .. Purchase,

B. Réticence-dolsive and .. .. ,

B. Réticence-dolsive and .. .. ,

. , Function of cause: determining the validity of a contract

C. Regimes and .. .. ,

. , Factors affecting the validity of the contract

. , Similarity in the requirement of legality

. , terms of the validity of the contract

B. Implications and . .. Price,

I. I. Lack and . .. China, Legal regime of sales: a model law applicable to other onerous contracts

. .. Price, The role of qualification of a contract in determining the conditions of validity

. .. Price, The role of judges in supervising a precisely written price, Conditions for garantie des vices cachés under

. , Comparison of the foundations for garantie des vices cachés, Contents of garantie d'éviction under

. , 117! 1. Lack of garantie du fait personnel stricto sensu, C. Implications of garantie d'éviction under

B. Rationale, Rationale for the lack of garantie du fait personnel as a corollary of the principle of good faith

. .. , Appropriateness of the existence or absence of the garantie du fait personnel, Legal issues not solved by specific rules for shares

. , 134! 1. Relations between the legal notions to be examined, B. Legal notions to be examined for the identification of shares

I. I. Lack and . .. China, 138! 1. The opposability of the transfer of ownership of shares

B. ;. , Allocation of obligations between sellers and buyers

. , Difference as to the indispensability of the identification of shares

B. , Proposition to identify shares with positions contractuelles, Advantages of the identification of shares as positions contractuelles

. , Discussions related to the identification of shares as choses corporelles

. , Uselessness of demonstrating choses incorporelles as objects of ownerships, Shares are always positions contractuelles under

B. , Simplicity of the determination of value of ordinary objects

B. Importance and .. .. , Presentation of the idea that the elements are of central importance

. , Conventional stipulations against risks of competition by sellers

. , B. Judicial restraints (retenue judiciaire)

.. .. , Badly-defined regimes of the conventional protections

. , II. Legal protections against overpricing in China

. , Unsatisfactoriness reflected in the dilemma between insufficiency and excess, Unsatisfactoriness reflected in the dilemma between rigidity and uncertainty

. , Foundations of the legal protections for buyers of fonds de commerce

B. , Transposition of the protection to protect buyers of shares

. , C. Regimes of the protection for buyers of shares

. , 249! 1. Appropriateness of the legal protection in cession de fonds

. .. , 256! 2. Inappropriateness of the method of application of the garantie du fait personnel, 255! 1. Inappropriateness in the application per se of the garantie du fait personnel

B. ;. , Clauses of price essential in maintaining the identification of contracts of sales

. , Little attentions paid to the identification of contracts

B. , 275! 1. Cases where a "transfer of shares" is identified with a gratuitous contract

. .. , 277! 2. Sufficiency of a mere symbolic price to apply the legal regimes specially for contracts of sales

B. , To protect the interests of debtors of leonine clauses

. , 295! 1. Consensus as to the validity of leonine clauses binding only certain shareholders

. , Necessity to protect the debtors of leonine clauses as not a sufficient raison d'être of the prohibition of leonine clauses

. , 303! 1. Necessity to protect other shareholders as not a sufficient rasion d'être

. , Liberté du commerce et de l'industrie": the foundation of the special restrictions

B. Désequilibre and .. .. ,

. , 314! 1. Presentation of the legal restrictions in Chinese Labour Contract Law

B. , 317! 1. Different qualification of "liberté du commerce et de l'industrie"

.. .. , French law will continue to impose special restrictions

B. , Exceptions to the general prohibitions

. , General prohibition of "monopoly agreement"

. , Rare application of anti-trust law

. , Refusal of the Chinese judges to identify non-competition clauses as anti-competition practices

. , 334! I. Objects of anti-overpricing techniques in France

B. , Controversial use of performance-based objects

. , Gradually adopted in acquisition of business, II. Objects of anti-overpricing techniques in China

. , Techniques with objects directly relevant to the value of the company

. , Enforcements of anti-overpricing techniques

B. Garantie-extra-comptable and .. .. ,

C. , Double coverage by both garanties comptables and garanties extra-comptables

. , Difficulties in the warranties and representations

. , 365! Section I. Shortcomings of the traditional non-competition clauses

. , Problems in applying remedies to the breach

. , Difficulty in establishing that the seller of shares is the debtor of the clause

. , Problems in applying remedies to the breach

. , 379! 3. Problem in demanding specific performance, B. Difficulty in remedying the breach

. , Improvement of the traditional non-competition clauses, C. Difficulties constituting the main shortcomings of non-competition clauses

. , Depriving the sellers of the possibility of continuing to trade

. .. , Deliverance realized by an active obligation of the sellers

. , Reinforcement of the enforceability of the clause