, Enter a new metric?

B. Annexe, Compléments sur le problème plan de trois corps

, cos2 (f) h ml3 pJ ri* rl3 r22 r23* u2 + 6 cos (f) ml2 ml3 p2 ri* rl3 r22 r23* u2 + sin2 (f) ml32 p2 rl* r22 * r23* u2 + 4 cos2 (f) ml32 p2 rl* r22 r23* u2-4 cos(f) ml2ml3prl2 rl33 r2r23* u2+12cos(f), p.3

, * rl* rl3 r2 r23* u2 + 12 cos(f) ml2ml3p3 rl rl3r2r23 u2+8 cos(f) ml3 p rl, pp.2-23

, ?rl3* r23* u2 + 2ml22 rl3* r23* u2 + 4ml2ml3rl rl35 r23* u2-2hral3p2 rl4 rl33 r23* u2-6ml2ml3

, * p2 rl3 rl33 r23* u2-2 ml32 p2 rl4 rl32 r23* u2 + 6 h ml3 p4 rl* rl3 r23 u2 + 6 ml2ml3 p4 rl5 rl3 r23 * u2 + 4 ml32 p4 rl* r23* u2 + 6 cos (f) ml3m23 p2 rl4 rl3 r22 r235 u2 + 12 cos(f) ml3m23 p3 rl5 rl3 r2 *r235 u2 + 4ml2m23rl rl3* r235 u2-2ml3ra23p2 rl4 rl33 r23S u2 + 6ml3m23p4 rl* rl3r235, pp.2-2

, * sm (f) ml3 m23 p q rl* rl33 r22 r233 u2 + 4 cos2 (f) ml3 m23 p qrl* rl33 r22 r233 u2 + 4 cos(f), pp.2-23

, * q rl2 rl3* r2 r233 u2-4 cos(f) ml3 m23 p q2 rd rl33 r2 r233 u2 + 4 cos(f) ml3 m23 p2 q rl3 rl33 r2 r233 *u2-2hm23q2 rl* rl3* r23? u2-6ml2m23q2 rl3 rl3* r233 u2-2ral3m23q2 rl* rl35 r233 u2-4ml3 * m23 p2 q2 rl* rl33 r233 u2-2 m23 q rl rl3 r23 u2 + 6 cos (f) h m23 q rl rl3 r2 r23u2 + 6cos (f)

, * ml2 m23 q2 rl3 rl3* r22 r23 u2 + 6 cos2 (f) ml3 m23 q2 rl* rl35 r22 r23 u2-12 cos(f) h m23 q3 rl3 rl3* r2 * r23 u2-12 cos(f) ml2 m23 q3 rl* rl3* f2 r23 u2-12 cos(f) ml3 m23 q3 rl3 rl35 r2 r23 u2 + 6 h m23 q* ?rl*rl3* r23u2 + 6ml2m23q4 rl* rl3* i23u2 + 6ml3m23q rl rl3 r23 u2 + sin2 (f) m23 q rl rl3

, * r22 u2 + 4 cos (f) m232 q2 rl* rl3* r22 u2-8 cos(f) m232 q3 rl3 rl3* r2 u2 + 4 m232 q4 rl* rl3* u2 + 6 h * ml3rl* rl3r22 r23 ul +6ml2ml3rl rl3r2 r23 ul + 4ml3 rl r2 r23 ul +12cos(f), p.3

, ?rl3r2r23* ul + 12cos(f) ml2ml3prl4 rl3r2r23* ul + 8 cos(f) ml32 prl3r2r23* ul-2hml3rl rl33 * r23* ul-2ml2ml3rl3 rl33 r23* ul-2ml32 rl* rl32 r23* ul + 6 cos2 (f) h ml3 p2 rl* rl3 r23* ul + 6

, * cos2(f) ml2ml3p2 rl3 rl3 r23 ul + sin(f)ml3 p rl r23 ul + 4cos (f) ml3 p rl r23 ul + 6ml3 * m23rl* rl3 r22 r233 ul + 12cos(f) ml3m23p rl rl3r2r23 ul-2ml3m23rl rl3 r23 ul + 6cos (f) *ml3m23p2rl*rl3r235 ul-4ml3m23rl4rl33r22 r233 ul + 4cos(f)ml3m23qrl5 rl33, pp.2-233

, * cos(f) ml3m23prl3 rl33 r2r23 ul-2hm23rl rl3 r23 ul-2 ml2m23 rl rl3 r23 ul-2ml3m23

, * rl* rl33 r233 ul-2 sm (f) ml3 m23 p q rl* rl33 r233 ul + 4 cos2 (f) ml3 m23 p q rl* rl33, pp.233-235

, *r22 r23ul-12cos(f)hm23qrl3 rl3* f2r23 ul-12cos(f) ml2m23 qrl rl3* r2r23 ul-12cos(f) ml3 * m23 q rl3 rl33 r2 r23 ul + 6 cos2 (f) h m23 q2 rl* rl3* r23 ul + 6 cos2 (f) m!2m23 q2 rl3 rl3* r23 ul + 6 * cos2(f) ml3m23 q2 rl* rl3? r23 ul + 4m232 rl* rl3* r22 ul-8 cos(f) m23 qrl3 rl3 r2 ul +sin (f) * m232 q2 rl* rl3* ul + 4 cos2(f) m232 q2 rl* rl3* ul Références bibliographiques

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