, Building sdp problem ( forks_density ) on basis : digraph / basis4_type0_id0 (42 flags ) Maximizing :-fork Building Cauchy-Schwartz blocks (3 bases ) Building Inequalities block

, Real Relative Gap : 5.56 e-10 XZ Relative Gap : 9.36 e-10 DIMACS error measures : 8.27

, Print the sdp program in CH. sdpa *) let _ = Problem. write " CH " inequalities

, The program then construct the s.d.p. problem and output the following summary

, Building sdp problem ( CH ) on basis : trianglefree / basis6_type0_id0 (6583 flags ) Maximizing : 1 Building Cauchy-Schwartz blocks (35 bases ) Building Inequalities block (12563 inequalities ) Inequalities list : 1. Outdegree is c (2858) [|, 1429.

, Fork ( expanded ) (1) fork >= 3*(3 c-1)^2/ a (1)

, Sigma-sources (3120) [| ( Sigma sources + ( c1-1). F0-c )

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