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?. Taxes and C. Frais,

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F. Protocol,

F. , Advance SL PET/CT device (GE Medical Systems) with a 5 mm full-width at half-maximum and a 30 cm transaxial field of view. Patients were scanned under resting conditions, after fasting. The blood glucose level was checked before intravenous injection of 18 F-FDG

, Thirty minutes later, a low-dose CT scan of the brain was acquired for attenuation correction of the PET data, and 15-minute emission images were subsequently acquired in 3D mode. Images were reconstructed iteratively using an orderedsubset expectation-maximization algorithm

, This included the preprocessing steps of non-uniform signal correction, signal and spatial normalizations, skull stripping, and brain tissue segmentation. Triangulated surface models of the inner and outer cortical surfaces were obtained for each subject and registered to the Freesurfer fsaverage surface using a spherical, Volumetric T1 images were processed using the software package Freesurfer (v5.1