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, We especially thank F. Poly for contributing to the quantification of the nitrification-to-ammonium responses for the temperate and south African soils, L. Simon (isotopic ecology plateform, UMR LEHNA, Villeurbanne) for the measurements of the N concentration of the plant compartments, and the farmers from the villages Aheremou-2 and Pacobo for their active participation to field trials. This research project was supported by the PAES UEMOA program N°P-Z1-IAD-002, and INRA-EFPA funding, Nitrification and mineral nitrogen analyses were performed at the AME platform of UMR 1418 in Villeurbanne. Bioinformatics were conducted on the local Linux Server of the iBio platform of UMR 1418 in Villeurbanne

X. L. and T. J. , analysed the data and wrote the first draft of the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript