C. Sommaire,

, Description Mixture of logistic regressions parameters (H)estimation with (U)spectral methods. The main methods take d-dimensional inputs and a vector of binary outputs, and return parameters according to the GLMs mixture model (General Linear Model), the PhD thesis of Mor-Absa Loum

. Author-benjamin-auder, Mor-Absa Loum "Mor-Absa.Loum@u-psud.fr

M. Benjamin, Auder@u-psud.fr" Depends R(>= 3.0.0), Imports MASS, jointDiag, methods

. Collate-'utils.r'-'a-namespace,

. Date,

, C.1 R topics documented

, Details The package devtools should be useful in development stage, since we rely on testthat for unit tests, and roxygen2 for documentation. knitr is used to generate the package vignette. Concerning the other suggested packages : ? tensor is used for comparing to some reference functions initially coded in R, Description Mixture of logistic regressions parameters (H)estimation with (U)spectral methods

, ? jointDiag allows to solve a joint diagonalization problem, providing a more robust solution compared to a single diagonalization

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