.. , http ://comete.licef.ca/reference/# 21. http ://comete.licef.ca/ 22. http ://comete.licef.ca/snorql, p.36, 2013.

M. Organisation-du, , p.41

, Caractéristiques représentées dans le modèle de l'apprenant et le modèle du MOOC 42

R. Au-début-du and M. , , p.46

M. Recommandation-À-la-fin-de-la-section-n-du, , p.47

.. Module-de-recommandation, , p.47

M. Modélisation-des-Éléments-de-connaissance-du, , p.48

, Modélisation de l'évolution des éléments de connaissance dans le profil de l'apprenant 49

.. , , p.51

R. , Instances des ressources pédagogiques dans les entrepôts, p.64

R. , , p.68

R. , Instances des propriétés sur le niveau d'agrégation, p.68

R. , , p.69

R. Instances-des-propriétés-sur-la-langue-des, , p.69

R. , Instances des propriétés sur la durée d'apprentissage, p.69

R. , , p.69

L. Classes-de-l-'ontologie, , p.73

L. Propriétés-objet-de-l-'ontologie, , p.73

L. Propriétés-données-de-l-'ontologie, , p.74

.. Architecture-de-la-plateforme-open-edx, , p.78

.. , Architecture de l'Analytics Pipeline d'Open edX, p.79

X. Interactions-du-xblock and . .. Mas-avec-les-bases-de-données-de-la-plateforme, , p.82

.. Tables-exploitées-par-les-xblocks, , p.83

, Interface de la collection des informations sur le style d'apprentissage de l'apprenant 83

.. , MOOC (exemple Structure de données), p.84

.. Interface-des-ressources-recommandées, , p.84

.. , Pourcentage de satisfaction par rapport à la recommandation de ressources externes dans le cadre d'un cours en ligne, p.100

M. Approches-de-personnalisation-pour-les, , p.27

C. Types, , p.56

.. Classes-représentant-les-ressources-pédagogiques, , p.63

.. Éléments-représentant-les-aspects-pédagogiques, , p.65

R. Au-quiz-d-'évaluation-avant-et-après-les-recommandations....., , p.100

, Taux de précision Precision ad1 de la sélection des REL par mots clés, p.102

, Taux de précision Precision ad2 après le filtrage par similarité sémantique, p.102

.. , Notes moyennes attribuées aux ressources pour les critères de durée d'apprentissage, de granularité et degré d'acquisition de la notion, p.104

A. , Notes moyennes attribuées aux ressources pour les critères du style d'apprentissage des, p.105

, Annexe A Ontologie LOOM 1 %\lstset{language=XML} 2 %\lstset{breaklines=true} 3

, @prefix : <http://www.semanticweb.org/hajri_hib/ontologies, p.21, 2017.

. @prefix-dc, 7 @prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . 8 @prefix lro: <http://unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#> . 9 @prefix owl, p.21, 2017.

, 15 @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org, p.21, 2000.

, untitled-ontology-21> rdf: type owl:Ontology ; 22 owl:imports < http://www. w3.org, 2008.

, organic-edunet.eu/educational> rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 38 owl:equivalentProperty loom: hasEducationalInformation ; 39 rdfs:domain <http://data.organic-edunet.eu/ LearningObject> ; 40 rdfs:range <http

, rdf:type owl: ObjectProperty ; 45 rdfs:domain <http

, org/meducator/ns/resourceType 49 <http://purl.org/meducator/ns/resourceType> rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 50 rdfs:domain <http

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#apourprerequis 54 lro:apourprerequis rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 55 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasPrerequisite ; 56 rdfs:domain lro:Lro ; 57 rdfs:range lro

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#hasAggregationLevel 61 lro:hasAggregationLevel rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 62 rdfs:domain lro:Lro ; 63 rdfs:range [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; 64 owl:onProperty skos1:broaderTransitive ; 65 owl:hasValue lro:g_aggregationlevel 66

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#hasEducationalInformation 70 lro:hasEducationalInformation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 71 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasEducationalInformation ; 72 rdfs:domain lro:Lro

, 73 rdfs:range lro:EducationalInformation

, schema#hasLearningResourceType 77 lro:hasLearningResourceType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 78 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasLearningType ; 79 rdfs:domain lro:EducationalInformation ; 80 rdfs:range [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; 81 owl:onProperty skos1:broaderTransitive ; 82 owl:hasValue lro:p_learningresourcetype 83 ]Nature pedagogique de la ressource

, org/ontology/core#hasPrerequisite> rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 89 owl:equivalentProperty loom: hasPrerequisite ; 90 rdfs:domain <http

, untitled-ontology-21# hasEducationalInformation 95 loom:hasEducationalInformation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; 96 rdfs:domain loom:OER ; 97 rdfs:range loom:educationalInformation, 2017.

, untitled-ontology-21# hasLearningType 101 loom:hasLearningType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty, 2017.

, 21# hasPrerequisite 106 loom:hasPrerequisite rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty, 2017.

, 109 ################################################################# 110 # Data properties 111 ################################################################# 112 113 ### http://data.organic-edunet.eu/aggregationLevel 114 <http://data.organic-edunet.eu/aggregationLevel> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 115 owl:equivalentProperty loom: hasAgregationLevel ; 116 rdfs:domain comete:LearningObject

, 158 rdfs:range xsd:string

, schema#pre-requisites 162 <http://purl.org/locwd/schema#pre-requisites> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 163 rdfs:domain <http

, org/meducator/ns/educationalPrerequisites> rdf:type owl: DatatypeProperty ; 169 owl:equivalentProperty loom: hasPrerequisite ; 170 rdfs:domain <http, rdfs:range xsd:string

, org/meducator/ns/language> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 176 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasLanguage ; 177 rdfs:domain <http

, schema#KnowledgeGrouping 181 <http://purl.org/vocab/aiiso/schema#KnowledgeGrouping> rdf:type owl: DatatypeProperty ; 182 rdfs:range xsd:string

, org/vocab/aiiso/schema#description> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 187 owl:equivalentProperty loom: hasDescription ; 188 rdfs:domain <http

, schema.org/description> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 195 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasDescription ; 196 rdfs:domain <http://schema.org/CreativeWork>, rdfs:range xsd:string

A. A. Ontologie and L. , unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#Description 201 lro:Description rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 202 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasDescription ; 203 rdfs:domain lro:Lro, rdfs:range xsd:string

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#typicalLearningTime 208 lro:typicalLearningTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 209 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasLearningTime ; 210 rdfs:domain lro:Lro ; 211 rdfs:range xsd:dateTime

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#userLanguage 215 lro:userLanguage rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 216 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasLanguage ; 217 rdfs:domain lro:Lro ; 218 rdfs:range xsd:string

, core#description 222 <http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#description> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 223 rdfs:domain <http

, 228 agrega:aggregationLevel rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 229 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasAgregationLevel ; 230 rdfs:domain agrega:LearningObject ; 231 rdfs:range [ rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ; 232 owl:oneOf [ rdf:type rdf:List ; 233 rdf:first "1" ; 234 rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf:List ; 235 rdf:first "2" ; 236 rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf:List ; 237 rdf:first "3" ; 238 rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf :List

, agrega:educationalLanguage rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 245 owl:equivalentProperty loom:hasLanguage ; 246 rdfs:domain agrega:LearningObject, p.244

, open.ac.uk/openlearn/ontology/OpenCourse 297 <http://data.open.ac.uk/openlearn/ontology/OpenCourse> rdf:type owl:Class ; 298 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, OpenCourseware 302 <http://data.open.ac.uk/openlearn/ontology/OpenCourseware> rdf:type owl:Class ; 303 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 304 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, Podcast 308 <http://data.open.ac.uk/openlearn/ontology/Podcast> rdf:type owl:Class ; 309 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 310 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, AudioPodcast 314 <http://data.open.ac.uk/podcast/ontology/AudioPodcast> rdf:type owl:Class ; 315 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 316 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, VideoPodcast 320 <http://data.open.ac.uk/podcast/ontology/VideoPodcast> rdf:type owl:Class ; 321 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 322 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, Educational> rdf:type owl:Class

, LearningObject> rdf:type owl:Class ; 332 owl:equivalentClass loom

, org/locwd/schema#OCW 336 <http://purl.org/locwd/schema#OCW> rdf:type owl:Class ; 337 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, Resource 341 <http://purl.org/meducator/ns/Resource> rdf:type owl:Class ; 342 owl:equivalentClass loom

, schema#Course 346 <http://purl.org/vocab/aiiso/schema#Course> rdf:type owl:Class ; 347 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 348 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, schema#Module 352 <http://purl.org/vocab/aiiso/schema#Module> rdf:type owl:Class ; 353 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 354 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, CreativeWork 358 <http://schema.org/CreativeWork> rdf:type owl:Class ; 359 owl:equivalentClass loom

, 362 ### http://schema.org/learningResourceType 363 <http://schema.org/learningResourceType> rdf:type owl:Class

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#EducationalInformation 367 lro:EducationalInformation rdf:type owl:Class

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#LearningResourceType 372 lro:LearningResourceType rdf:type owl:Class, p.373

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#Lro 376 lro:Lro rdf:type owl:Class ; 377 owl:equivalentClass loom

, org/ontology/core#Course 381 <http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#Course> rdf:type owl:Class ; 382 owl:equivalentClass loom:OER ; 383 rdfs:subClassOf loom

, agrega.es/ont/lom2owl\#Educational 387 agrega:Educational rdf:type owl:Class

, agrega.es/ont/lom2owl\#LearningObject 392 agrega:LearningObject rdf:type owl:Class ; 393 owl:equivalentClass loom

, 21# educationalInformation 401 loom:educationalInformation rdf:type owl:Class, 2017.

, Individuals 406 ################################################################# 407 408 ### http://unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#g_aggregationlevel 409 lro:g_aggregationlevel rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, 404 ################################################################# 405, pp.410-411

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#g_course 414 lro:g_course rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 415 skos1:Concept ; 416 skos:broader lro:g_aggregationlevel

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#g_lesson 420 lro:g_lesson rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 421 skos1:Concept ; 422 skos:broader lro:g_aggregationlevel

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#g_module 426 lro:g_module rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 427 skos1:Concept ; 428 skos:broader lro:g_aggregationlevel

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_animation 432 lro:p_animation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.433-434

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_case_study 437 lro:p_case_study rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 438 skos1:Concept ; 439 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_context 443 lro:p_context rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.444-445

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_demonstration 448 lro:p_demonstration rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 449 skos1:Concept ; 450 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_difficult 454 lro:p_difficult rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.455-456

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_difficulty 459 lro:p_difficulty rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.460-461

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_easy 464 lro:p_easy rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.465-466

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_educational_scenario 469 lro:p_educational_scenario rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 470 skos1:Concept ; 471 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_evaluation 475 lro:p_evaluation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 476 skos1:Concept ; 477 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_exam 481 lro:p_exam rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 482 skos1:Concept ; 483 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_exercise 487 lro:p_exercise rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 488 skos1:Concept ; 489 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_experiment 493 lro:p_experiment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 494 skos1:Concept ; 495 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_glossary 499 lro:p_glossary rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 500 skos1:Concept ; 501 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_higher_education 505 lro:p_higher_education rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 506 skos1:Concept

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_in_service_training 511 lro:p_in_service_training rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 512 skos1:Concept ; 513 skos:broader lro:p_context

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_learningresourcetype 517 lro:p_learningresourcetype rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.518-519

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_lecture 522 lro:p_lecture rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.523-524

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_meduim 527 lro:p_meduim rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 528 skos1:Concept ; 529 skos:broader lro:p_difficulty

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_methodology 533 lro:p_methodology rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.534-535

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_on_the_job_training 538 lro:p_on_the_job_training rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 539 skos1:Concept ; 540 skos:broader lro:p_context

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_other 544 lro:p_other rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.545-546

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_others 549 lro:p_others rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.550-551

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_questionnaire 554 lro:p_questionnaire rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 555 skos1:Concept ; 556 skos:broader lro:p_learningresourcetype

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_school 560 lro:p_school rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 561 skos1:Concept ; 562 skos:broader lro:p_context

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_simulation 566 lro:p_simulation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.567-568

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_training 571 lro:p_training rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 572 skos1:Concept ; 573 skos:broader lro:p_context

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_tutorial 577 lro:p_tutorial rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.578-579

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_very_difficult 582 lro:p_very_difficult rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.583-584

, unit-1.crihan.fr/lro/schema#p_very_easy 587 lro:p_very_easy rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual, pp.588-589

, untitled-ontology-21# g_grain 592 loom:g_grain rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , 593 skos1:Concept ; 594 skos:broader lro:g_aggregationlevel, pp.595-596, 2017.

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