;. Chapter, ?. Ug, (. Uc, and ?. , UG and UC. The criteria (3.1.1) and (3.1.2) of Lemma 3.1.5 being trivially checked, we abuse the notation and write c for the functor UG ? UC induced by c : G ? C. The short exact sequence (3.4.1) implies that the braided strict monoidal structure (G, ? G , 0 G ) induces a braided strict monoidal structure on K

, As for the morphisms {c n } n?N , the morphisms {k n } n?N induce a strict monoidal functor k : UK ? UG. We fix F an object of Fct

, For all natural numbers n, we abuse the notation and write F (n) for Res G n

, the boundary connected sum along marked half-discs ? defines a monoidal product on SA, and the 3-disc D 3 is the unit. The braiding of the monoidal structure is given by doing half a Dehn twist in a neighbourhood of the marked half-disc and it is a symmetry

, Z/2Z) ? S n , where S n acts on (Z/2Z) n permuting the copies of Z/2Z. Let W? be the skeleton of the groupoid with finite sets as objects and hyperoctahedral groups automorphism group. As for the groupoid ?, the disjoint union of finite sets ? induces a symmetric monoidal structure

, Moreover, we have the following result

N. , ?. Gr, and S. , surjections {ps n } n?N define a strict monoidal functor PS : SA ? W?. Let PS ?

. Ps-?,

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