, Annexe

I. , C. Enacdpo4-checkcif, /. Platon, <. $. Vvdduhvxowwwkhhixooovhwwriiwhvwvfdqqrwwehhuxq-7+glfwlrqdu\, and Q. Datablock, 663$572))$$5, pp.665-3257

, alpha=90 beta=90 gamma=90 Temperature: 298 K Calculated Reported183(13) Space group P n m a P n m a Hall, Moiety formula Cd2 O8 P2, 2(Na) Cd Na O4 P Sum formula Cd2 Na2 O8 P2 Cd Na O4 P Mr 460, pp.9-3118

. Dx,

. Mu, h,k,lmax Nref Tmin,Tmax Tmin' Correction method= Not given Data completeness= Theta(max)=

, R(reflections)= wR2(reflections)=

S. Npar=, The following ALERTS were generated. Each ALERT has the format test-name_ALERT_alert-type_alert-level

, Click on the hyperlinks for more details of the test

A. Level and C. Refi015_alert_1_c-_refine_ls_shift-).., su_max is missing Maximum shift/s.u. ratio after final refinement cycle. The following tests will not be performed SHFSU_01 PLAT732_ALERT_1_C Angle Calc 129

, and Reported MoietyFormula Strings Differ Please Check PLAT045_ALERT_1_G Calculated and Reported Z Differ by a Factor ... 0.50 Check PLAT982_ALERT_1_G The Cd-f'= -0.079 Deviates from the IT-value 0.119 Check PLAT982_ALERT_1_G The Na-f'= 0.129 Deviates from the IT-value 0.135 Check PLAT982_ALERT_1_G The O-f'= 0.047 Deviates from the IT-value 0.049 Check PLAT982_ALERT_1_G The P-f'= 0, Alert level G PLAT004_ALERT_5_G Polymeric Structure Found with Maximum Dimension 3 Info PLAT042_ALERT_1_G Calc