!. Fg, +1-! &-8! 6+@6! 31'0#! B-! &88+0+1-C! 06(! 31, +:8+-@!06+'!A+-8!17!7&3+:+0+('!+'!8(=&-8+-@!;+06!)('9 =1)(! &771)8&?:(! -):8! +-! /'(! 018&<! +'! ('0+=&0(8! 01! ?(! &99)1K+=&0(:<! &! 061, pp.61-69

. Macchi, Figure 1.12 Scheme of ion acceleration from solid target, 2013.

!. &#-'@-!-%&-', and 8. !. , 8',0'!-(!,-&!-9! &#'!%('%/?8':!I8/$??@!&#'!6$1,!1,&'($0&1-,!?$8'(!%/?8'!C41&#!1,&',81&@!J)K )L !EF06 2 D!, 81&@! CJ)K )K *)K )2 ! EF06 2 D! 1,&'($0&8!41&#!$!8-?1.!&$(7'&B!&#'!6$&&'(!18!1-,1H'.!$,.!$!%?$86$!18!7','($&'.:!3-(!$! #17#*1 &#'! %?$86$! /,&1?!&#'!0(1&10$?!8/(9$0'!4#'('!&#'!'?'0&(-,!.',81&@!! ! !18!$5-/&!&#'!0(1&10$?!.',81&@! ! ! B!$,.!&#'!,-,('?$&1>18&10!0(1&10$?!.',81&@!18!71>',!5@Z!, pp.9-13

!. E#-'(-'!-!-!-!-18 and !. &#, ?8'!4$>'?',7&#B!! ! !18! &#'!%'(6'$51?1&@!-9!9

!. E. %&, 7(-;+!C)0-01'!0B'()K(.!01, @!&++(C-(.!&1.!;-! ;'!

M. !. E>& and . Zm+, +:&1;'3! ;'! +03C)03, ,41.'('.!51:'.!$,.!&#'!!"#$%&'(%)'&(*+!,-$.6!

&. and @. !. Z33, $16$96'!'6'0&(-,5!9'0$7'!V#-&WA!1,!&#15! ('@17'!$66!&#'!9/6;!-8!&#'!'6'0&(-,!<-6/7'!15, !('@17'!9:!&#'! X-5!I6$7-5!@-,!','(@:!#$5!9'',!%(-%-5'.!$5F! !

. ". &+&, 5!013!+B)!>79;!E)(B3'15.! ;5!A1<<!?)!*/)5)'+)F!1'!+B)!'), )F!&8+!+A&!)I*)/1.)'+5!3+!

&. !. &+&, ! 35! F15(855)F! 1'!F8/1'2!&8/!)I*)/1.)'+5!A35!3!>79, +1&'! $#P#$! +B)! +B)&/)+1(3<! =/3.)! &=! +B)! >79;! .)(B3'15.! B35! ?))'!

!. K. E&, 21)5!;12, '!$L!P)Q!1'!K%&@3'!!"#$%&B!"LL:M!3!+/3'50)

&. &#, 7&(17!<1'-9!1./19'!&#'!78-1, 4G! /2! 1&! 1 &2! 72.&(2-! &#'! 424! <27$-1H1.3!<1'-9/G!&#'8!92!.2&!6.9'(32!$'9! 51&#! &#'! <27$-1H1.3! J! <1&#'!4$=1464!'<<'7&>! ! "#$!%&'()*+,!-.*/&01'2!3!435), pp.51-57

!. &#-'!-58 and !. !. , 18-.! -6! &#'1'! 68'751?! R#87'! &#'1'! 68'751, $2'! 81! 8-.8Q'5! $.5! $! %7$14$! 7$0'(! :8&#! #8/#! '7'2&(-.! &'4%'($&3('! ! ! !$.5! 7-:! 8-K&!81!'1&84$&'5!;T-($!)<<U>!&-!9'!-.!&#'!-(5'(!-6! &#'!V'90'!7

!. C. Lmm, ! )0'3-)! =0, 3#!:!=&3=! +>'0B!(&3/01!&(!0!,'AF1-.!CAG)&A/!?(&/3!/DA%!;-)-G)A'(!0(!&)

=. and 0. !. Ga, 9:-! ,';3'0.! :0(! <--/! =->-1;,-=! =?'&/3! ):-! ,0()! @-0'(! <@!), J0C&1&)@! 0/=! &)! :0(! <--/! (?CC-((J?11@! C;.,0'-=! )

&. !. @#, 8 D! I, -(($4-$&'4! 2$.%0'! 6=! "1;)<! @$24D!! ! ! "#$!%&'()!*+, pp.5-7

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&. &#, ! 2I-&5#'2! 6==! :'&I

!. !. With and !. !. , Figure 3.11 Fastest ion velocity as function of time for the case presented in#. The dotted line is the prediction of the equation (3.8) for the free isothermal expansion, 2005.

/. &&-', %&!&6!2-.30$&'!&#'!'0'5&(-5!, /!%(65'22A!E'!5$/!2&-00!'2&-.$&'! &#'!&#'!'0'5&(-5!:-'04!-/2-4'!&#'!5F0-/4'(>!Q6(!&#-2!E'!32'!&#'!

!. &#, C603&-6/! 4'&$-0'4! $B6C

&. L&, 0>-! 0! ,0')! ;9! )A-&'! ,0)A!, L&=)-L!<M!4"#$87#!R-!=0/!;<
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/in2p3-00560247

E. /. Figure, 27 Simulated spectra that should hit the LiF catcher in the set-up C, 2&!%#$2'!6

&. &#, 30$&'!&#'!2-A/$0!6F'(! 2'F'($0!2#6&2=!D&!-2!6;F-632!&#$&!43(-/A!&#-2!&#-(4!%#$2'!6?, $2! -.%622-;0'! &6! 32'! &#'2'! 4-$A/62&-52=!G#'!/3&'5&'4!;E!"1B )C!$/4!;3;;0'2!2%'5&(6.'&'(2!@-&#!$!A664!2&$&-2&-52=!G#'('?6('>!43(-/A!&#-2!%#$2'!

!. &#-'!-', and %. &#, 2&-00! 32'4>! &#'E! 4-4! /6&! %(6435'! 32'?30! 4$&$=! G#'! /3.;'(! 6?! /'3&(6/2! %(6435'4! 5$, 2%'5&(3.>!&#'!/GIJ!4'&'5&6(2!$('!&#'!4'4-5$&'4!, p.3

. Be, The standard cross section used in MCNP6 code for this reaction was taken from ENDF database and it did not match experimental data [Liskien et Paulsen 1975] [Abramovich et al. 1984]. LANL was able to reanalyze the reaction to give a better fit

<. &#-'!-', and %. , B?! C"DAE! 5600'5&'4! &#'! /3, 5F! =$2! 4'&'2&<!&#'!2%'5&(3.!6;!%(6&6/2!25$&&'('4!@F!/'3&(6/2!>$&!&#'2'!'/'(:-'2<!25$&&

!. &#, &2! 6;! '0'5&(6/H'I3-J$0, @($&-6/!%'(;6(.'4!=-&#!$! E8 "6!:$..$!263(5'! &6! 56.%0'&'! &#'! $@2603&'!

$. #8, &,01!'-(;1)(!?-!9A)0&/-@!@, <0:&1&)CD! 0/@! 01)=9;3=! )=-! '-(-0':=!)9,&:!?0(!:9.,1-)-1C!/-?!<9'!)=-!.0E9'&)C!9<!)=-!3'9;,D!&)!=0@!,'9@

). 9a, @;-!)9!0!:=0/3! )=0)! 1-0@(! )9! 0! /0, 011C!(=9')D!9/1C!)?9!?--M(D!

I. and !. &#-'!-<6006>-, 5&-6/2! I! 4, 5#! 6<! &#'2'! %#$2'2=! &#

$. Aa&, &)1! 5, '1! 1(! 1=&! '&)1.&! !!! #!

8. E#-'!-<, 5&-6/! B$2! 6/0:! 20-<#&0:! 4'>6(.'4F! &#'! 4, pp.0-4

G. and 5. &. @b, #QN#! 91!1B&, 3&@!E/1B!2!A&.I!5((*! B(3&!-.&'/@/()#!R)D(.1C)21&3IJ!3&!*/20&1&.!(D!2.(C)*!"VV!M0#!! 7B&! F4G! @12'H! (D! G/5C.&! "#QN! @B(E@! 1B21! ()3I! -.(1()@! B2A/)5! &)&.5/&@! ?&1E&&)!$!2)*!"!W&X!5&)&.21&!2!@/5)23!32.5&.!1B2)!1B&!B(3&!(D!-/)B(3&!-.(Y&'1

<. $. 0&2>, &0&)1! (E! 1@&! )&?1.()! 5&)&, )01023!(E!1@&!JJ:J!233(C&*!?>!1(!1&>1!2'1/D21/()!*/25)(>1/'>!2)*!1@&! */.&'1! 0&2>&0&)1!(E!1@&!)&?1.()!>-&'1.?0!21!0?31/-3&!2)53&>#! ! :&?1.()!-&0&)1!DE(.021/()!()!1@&!-.(*?'&*! )&?1.()>!GA!>1 1@&! '21'@&.! 5&)&.21&>! 2! .&>/*?23#! 9)! &>1/021/()! (E! 1@&! 1(123! )&?1.()! -.(*?'1/()! '2)! G&! /)E&..&*! E.(0! 1@&! 0&2>&0&)1! (E! 1@&! 2'1/D/1A! (E! 1@&! .&>/*?23!/>

D. !. &#, $0!1'230&2!$/4!56/5032-6/2! ! 7)8! ! 900! &#'! ('2-43$02! 6:! ('$5&-6/2! ;)<)=>?! ;)<)@>! $/4! ;)<)A>! 4'5, &#'!! ! !4'5$B2! 6:! &#'! ('2-43$02! #$2! E''/! 5$((-'4! 63&! C-&#! &#'!J9D9KL+!2B2&'.?!$/4!&#'!('230&2!$('!%('2'/&'4!-/!D$E0'!)<=<! ! ! Figure 3.47 Set-up of the activation stack

O. 4qr, Table 3 A(0) is the activity, N the number of the activated residuals and N/d! the activated residuals per solid angle. 9?!?=(I)!/)!K/5L, I2?!23?(!-32'&*!2P1&.!1=&!

1. &. <t-q6-cu, 46-C); <" :!.&2'1/()?!2, ! (A! 1@&! /)A(.021/()!2L(B1!1@&!-.(1()!&)&.5>!*, p.1

!. %. %#6&6, 30&-%0-'(! &3>'2! $&! 4-@@, ! %3&! 77! %0$2&-5! 25-/&-00$&6$.!4-('5&-6/E!P-/5'!&#'!25-/&-00$&6(2!('2%622$(=?!$2!-/!&#'!5$2'!6@! &#'! +RST+! ',%'(-.'/&E! U&#'(A-2'?! &#'! 2& @0$2#! &#$&! @6006A2! &#'! -/&'($5&-6/! 6@! &#'! 0$2'(! >'$.! A-&#! &#'! %(-.$(=! &$(B'&! A6304! 2$&3($&'! &#'! 4'&'5&6(2! $/4! &#'=!, p.25

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p.4

+. 4#a, $8! 04.#'84! 04-! 9), p.88

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