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?. T. Caperton, Fort Selden ruins stabilization

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?. B. Nardi, Conservation of medieval structures of mudbrick and of brick laid in clay

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?. J. Barrio and . Martin, Architecture de terre du village préromain de Cuellar : prélèvement et conservation

?. M. Bendakir and F. Vitoux, Méthodologie de recherche pour la préservation du site archéologique de Mari (Syrie)

?. T. Caperton, Long term preservation issues related to earthen archaeological sites

?. E. Gamboa and . Carrera, Las cuarentas casas archaeological zone consolidation and maintenance at Chihuahua

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?. K. Politis, An ethno archaeological study on the technology and use of adobe in the Jordan Rift Valley

?. D. Moraru, L. Dima, and L. Sandru, La consolidation des constructions historiques et/ou archéologiques en terre (argile) par injection éléctrocynétique avec une solution de chaux? benthonite?urée

?. W. Ndoro and B. Dube, Preservation of Dhaka structures from archaeological sites

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?. F. Matero, Archaeological monuments and sites

?. B. Bewley and P. Everson, The earth below: " Earthworks

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?. D. Calarco, San Diego royal presidio: conservation of an earthen archaeological site

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?. K. Fiero, F. Matero, and A. B. Rivera, Preservation of prehistoric earthen architectural finishes in Mesa Verde National Park

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?. F. Matero, E. Del, K. L. Bono, R. Fong, J. Johansen et al., Condition and treatment history as prologue to site conservation at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

?. A. Moro and A. Cuchi, La tradicion constructiva en tierra en Catalunya

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?. M. Farahbakhsh, S. Masoud, and . Rouein, Soil and world heritage of bam citadel

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?. M. Eslami and M. Emami, Recycling of debris in earthen ruins as economical substance used in conservation with natural clay minerals (case study in ancient city of toos?north east of iran)

?. E. Fodde, An investigation into the materials used for the conservation of bam's citadel

?. K. Colonna?pretti, Consolidación de la arquitectura de tierra del ramesseum (egipto) contra agentes climáticos

?. M. Soto-medina and J. , VARGAS?NEUMANN Construcciones de Tierra de las Culturas Ichsma?Inca

?. H. Torres, Conservación de estructuras de adobe y pinturas murales en el Palacio Inca de Tambo Colorado

?. K. Colonna?preti, Découverte de nouvelles peintures murales à Pachacamac, Pérou. Un défi pour la conservation et l'exposition de l'architecture en terre

?. A. Bourges, Review and new understanding of earthen material consolidation with ethyl silicate

?. C. Verneza, Metodología para la protección de pinturas murales previo a la intervencion estructural en edificaciones históricas de tierra: el caso de la iglesia de kuño tambo

?. A. Rafael, Geotechnical and structural testing in an archaeological massive earthen pyramid

?. D. Gandreau, Les enjeux de la formation pour conserver les sites archéologiques en terre

?. L. Vanasco, Conservación de fragmentos de pintura mural sobre tierra: el caso Teotihuacano

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?. S. Coullenot, Icelandic archaeological sites : particularities and conservation

?. R. Bouzidi, Recherches sur l'architecture de terre au Maroc antique : questions d'identification archéologique et procédés d'ingénierie technique et architecturale d'un héritage ancestral

?. M. Lorenzo and C. Sadozaï, From past to present: building skill transfer in Tajikistan

?. M. Philokyprou, The earliest use of adobes in Cyprus. Issues of provenance and use

?. N. Hauptvogel, D. Geyer, S. Simon, B. Kebede, and . Amare, Studying consolidation effects on partially burned earthen plaster at Grat Be'al Gebri, Ethiopia

?. G. Karanikoloudis and P. B. Lorenço, Structural performance and seismic vulnerability of adobe historical constructions. The Kuno Tombo case study

?. H. Feiglstorfer, Examining earthen building methods at the Nyarma monastry in Ladakh

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