.. Utilisation-de-l-'annotation-en-syntaxe, 13 4.2.1 Gestion des erreurs dans l'annotation syntaxique / divergences syntaxesémantique, p.13

V. Ellipses-de, 23 5.1.1 Head Gapping : coordination, où le verbe n'est pas répété (mais 2 sujets différents), p.23

. Le-pronom-"-celui, est en général anaphorique avec une classe de référents, mais pas avec le référent précis lui-même. Dans l'exemple suivant, "celui" reprend la classe sémantique "sac" mais ne renvoie pas à l'entité dénotée par le NP "deux sacs". : (70) J'avais repéré deux sacs

. Dans-ce-cas, on note quand même un double remplisseur, avec flag ANAPH / FULLANT, mais pour le FULLANT, on pointe sur le ou les tokens de la classe (ici le token, et pas sur le NC englobant tout le NP ("deux sacs")

P. Avec-le and . Goods=, en"+"une autre"), c'est le "en" qui fournit la classe sémantique du remplisseur, via sa relation anaphorique avec un nom du contexte. Dans ce cas, on utilise le même type d'annotation qu'avec "celui", le FULLANT est le nom et pas tout le NP. Donc par exemple : (71) Une législation peut en amener une autre plus restrictive. ?? Cause="une législation

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>. <lu, <. , <. Frame>-<frame-name=>, <. , <. et al., dé l i b é ratio n . n" annotated_occ="1" cat="n" frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " lemma= "dé l i b é r ati ondé l i b é r e r . v" annotated_occ="2" cat="v" frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " lemma="dé l i b é r e r " /> <LU name=" f a i r e causette . v" annotated_occ="1" cat="v" frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " lemma=" f a i r e causette " /> <LU name=" palabre . n" annotated_occ="1" cat="n" frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " lemma=" palabre " /> <LU name=" p a r l e r . v" annotated_occ="2" cat="v" frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " lemma=" p a r l e r " /> <LU name=" pourparler . n" annotated_occ="10" cat="n" frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " lemma=FR_Reason" annotated_occ="319" domains="CAUSE" frameID="10083"> <FE name=Agent" /> <FE name=" S t a t e _ o f _ A f f a i r s " /> <LU name=" acculer . v" annotated_occ="4" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" acculer " /> <LU name="amener . v" annotated_occ="23" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma="amener" /> <LU name=" a s t r e i n d r e . v" annotated_occ="1" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" a s t r e i n d r e " /> <LU name="au motif que . conj " annotated_occ="2" cat=" conj " frame="FR_Reason" lemma="au motif que conduire . v" annotated_occ="33" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" conduire " /> <LU name=" contraindre . v" annotated_occ="46" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" contraindre " /> <LU name=" contrainte . n" annotated_occ="2" cat="n" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" contrainte " /> <LU name="en vertu de . prep" annotated_occ="5" cat="prep" frame="FR_Reason" lemma="en vertu de" /> <LU name=" fonder . v" annotated_occ="3" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" fonder " /> <LU name=" f o r c e r . v" annotated_occ="16" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" f o r c e r " /> <LU name=" i n s p i r e r . v" annotated_occ="5" cat="v" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" i n s p i r e r " /> <LU name="mobile . n" annotated_occ="1" cat="n" frame="FR_Reason" lemma="mobile" /> <LU name=" motif . n" annotated_occ="17" cat="n" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=" motif " /> <LU name=" motivation . n" annotated_occ="1" cat="n" frame="FR_Reason" lemma=, <LU name=" dialogue de sourd

>. Annexe, D. Hiérarchie-des, and . Macro-rôles-<subrole_secondary-frame=, Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Request" r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Speak_on_topic " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Statement?manner?noise " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Telling " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame= Prevar icati on " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame= Quarreling " r o l e =" Arguer2 " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame=" Questioning " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame=" Respond_to_proposal " r o l e =" I n t e r l o c u t o r " macro= Addressee Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame= Successfully_communicate_message " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame="Summarizing" r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_main frame=" Text_creation " r o l e = Addressee " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " r o l e =" I n t e r l o c u t o r s " macro= Addressee " /> <subrole_secondary frame= Quarreling " r o l e =" Arguers " macro= Addressee " /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name= Be nefi ci ar y "> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Agree_or_refuse_to_act_in_favor_of " r o l e =" Be nefi ci ar y " macro=" Bene fic ia ry " /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name="Cause"> <subrole_main frame=" Causation " r o l e ="Cause" macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame=" Explaining_the_facts " r o l e =" Fact " macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attributing_cause " r o l e ="Cause" macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cause_enunciation " r o l e ="Cause" macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cause_to_start?Launch_process " r o l e ="Cause" macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Reason" r o l e =" S t a t e _ o f _ a f f a i r s " macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame=" Preventing " r o l e =" Preventing_cause " macro="Cause" /> <subrole_main frame="Response" r o l e =" Trigger " macro="Cause" /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name=" Cause_actor "> <subrole_main frame=" Causation " r o l e =" Actor " macro=" Cause_actor " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attributing_cause " r o l e =" Responsible_party " macro=" Cause_actor " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cause_to_start?Launch_process " r o l e =" Actor " macro=" Cause_actor " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Reason" r o l e =" Actor " macro=" Cause_actor " /> <subrole_main frame=" Preventing " r o l e ="Agent" macro=" Cause_actor " /> <subrole_main frame="Response" r o l e =" S e n t i e n t _ t r i g g e r " macro= Co_addressee "> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " r o l e =" I n t e r l o c u t o r _ 1 " macro=" Co_addressee " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" Quarreling " r o l e =" Arguer1 " macro= Co_cognizer "> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_action " r o l e =" Party_2 " macro=" Co_cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_assessment " r o l e =" Cognizer_2 " macro=" Co_cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Be_in_agreement" r o l e =" Party_2 " macro=" Co_cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e =" Party_2 " macro=" Co_cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement" r o l e =" Party_2 " macro=" Co_cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement_on_assessment" r o l e =" Cognizer_2 " macro=Make_agreement_on_action" r o l e =" Party_2 " macro=" Co_cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=Co_speaker "> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " r o l e =" I n t e r l o c u t o r _ 2 " macro="Co_speaker " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" Quarreling " r o l e =" Arguer2 " macro= Cognizer "> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_action " r o l e =" P a r t i e s " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_action " r o l e =" Party_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_assessment " r o l e =" Cognizer_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_assessment " r o l e =" Cognizers " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Categorization " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Coming_to_believe " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Evoking " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Agree_or_refuse_to_act " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Agree_or_refuse_to_act_in_favor_of " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Awareness?Certainty ?Opinion" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Be_in_agreement" r o l e =" P a r t i e s " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Be_in_agreement" r o l e =" Party_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Becoming_aware" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Being_in_favor_of " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting . legitimacy " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting . to_do " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting . v e r a c i t y " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Deciding" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expectation " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e ="Buyer" macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e =" P a r t i e s " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e =" Party_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Influence_of_event_on_cognizer?Subjective_influence " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement" r o l e =" P a r t i e s " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement" r o l e =" Party_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement_on_assessment" r o l e =" Cognizer_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement_on_assessment" r o l e =" Cognizers " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Memory?Remembering_experience?Remembering_information" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Personal_stance " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Purpose" r o l e ="Agent" macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Questioning_oneself " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Reliance_on_expectation " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Remembering" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Renunciation " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Taking_sides " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="Judgment" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="Make_agreement_on_action" r o l e =" P a r t i e s " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="Make_agreement_on_action" r o l e =" Party_1 " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="Regard" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" R e l i g i o u s _ b e l i e f " r o l e =" B e l i e v e r " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame="Remembering_to_do" r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_main frame=" Willingness " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . legitimacy " r o l e =" Addressee " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . to_do " r o l e =" Cognizer " macro= Addressee " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Attempt_supported_suasion " r o l e =" Addressee " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Attributed_information " r o l e =" Source " macro= FR_Expressing_stance " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame="FR_Judgment_communication" r o l e ="Communicator" macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame="FR_Judgment_communication_no_reason" r o l e ="Communicator" macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" F R _ J u s t i f y i n g " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame=" FR_Proving " r o l e =" Addressee " macro=" Cognizer " /> <subrole_secondary frame="FR_Request" r o l e =" Addressee " macro=, > <subrole_main frame="Commerce_collect" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_goods?t r a n s f e r " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_money?t r a n s f e r " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_pay" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_scenario" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_sell" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame=" Commercial_transaction " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame=" Earnings_and_losses " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame=" Exporting " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Getting_money" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Giving_money" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Spending" r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame=" Importing " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting_out " r o l e ="Goods" macro="Goods" /> <subrole_main frame="Repayment" r o l e ="Loan" macro=

>. Macrorole>-<macrorole-name=>-<subrole_main-frame=-"-f-r-_-j-u, L e g i t _ e n t i t y "> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Being_in_favor_of " r o l e =" Side " macro=" L e g i t _ e n t i t y " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expressing_side " r o l e =" Side " macro=" L e g i t _ e n t i t y " /> <subrole_main frame=" F R _ J u s t i f y i n g " r o l e =" Responsible_entity " macro=" L e g i t _ e n t i t y " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Taking_sides " r o l e =" Side " macro=" L e g i t _ e n t i t y " /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name="Means"> <subrole_main frame= Coming_to_believe " r o l e ="Means" macro="Means" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Means_for_purpose" r o l e ="Means" macro="Means" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Purpose" r o l e ="Means" macro="Means" /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name="Medium"> <subrole_main frame=Adducing" r o l e ="Medium" macro=Complaining" r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="Convey_importance" r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . legitimacy " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . to_do " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . v e r a c i t y " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_supported_suasion " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attributed_information " r o l e =" Informational_content " macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting . legitimacy " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting . to_do " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Cognizer_affecting . v e r a c i t y " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Commitment" r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Commitment . to_do " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Commitment . v e r a c i t y " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Deciding" r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Encoding" r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expressing_decision " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expressing_truth_of_proposition " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Grant_permission?Permitting " r o l e =" P r i n c i p l e " macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Hail " r o l e ="Medium" macro="Medium" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e ="Medium" macro=, <subrole_main frame="Complaining" r o l e ="Complaint" macro="Message" /> <subrole_main frame="Convey_importance" r o l e ="Message" macro="Message" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attributed_information " r o l e =" Proposition " macro="Message" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Commitment" r o l e ="Message" macro="Message" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Commitment . v e r a c i t y " r o l e ="Message" macro="Message" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Encoding" r o l e =" Formulation " macro="Message" /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expressing_truth_of_proposition " r o l e ="Message" macro=

A. D. Hiérarchie-des and . Macro-rôles-<subrole_main-frame=>-<subrole_main-frame=>-<subrole_main-frame=>-<subrole_main-frame=, Commerce_goods?t r a n s f e r " r o l e ="Money" macro=Commerce_money?t r a n s f e r " r o l e ="Money" macro=FR_Giving_money" r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Reimbursement" r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Spending" r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting " r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting_out " r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> <subrole_main frame="Repayment" r o l e ="Money" macro="Money" /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name="Money_giver"> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_buy" r o l e ="Buyer" macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_collect" r o l e ="Buyer" macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame=Commerce_goods?t r a n s f e r " r o l e ="Buyer" macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame=Commerce_money?t r a n s f e r " r o l e ="Buyer" macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_pay" r o l e ="Buyer" macro= Exporting " r o l e =" Importer " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Getting_money" r o l e =" Giver " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Giving_money" r o l e =" Giver " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Reimbursement" r o l e =" Giver " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Spending" r o l e ="Spender" macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame=" Importing " r o l e =" Importer " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting " r o l e =" Lessee " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting_out " r o l e =" Lessee " macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_main frame="Repayment" r o l e ="Debtor" macro="Money_giver" /> <subrole_secondary frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e ="Buyer" macro= Money_recipient "> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_buy" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_collect" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=Commerce_goods?t r a n s f e r " r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=Commerce_money?t r a n s f e r " r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_pay" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_scenario" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="Commerce_sell" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=" Commercial_transaction " r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=" Earnings_and_losses " r o l e =" Earner " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=" Exporting " r o l e =" Exporter " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Cause_earning" r o l e =" Earner " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Getting_money" r o l e =" Getter " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Giving_money" r o l e =" Recipient " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Reimbursement" r o l e =" Recipient " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Spending" r o l e =" S e l l e r " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=" Importing " r o l e =" Exporter " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting " r o l e =" Lessor " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame=" Renting_out " r o l e =" Lessor " macro=" Money_recipient " /> <subrole_main frame="Repayment" r o l e ="Loaner" macro=" Money_recipient " /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name="Name"> <subrole_main frame="FR_Being_named" r o l e ="Name" macro="Name" /> <subrole_main frame=" Name_conferral " r o l e ="Name" macro="Name" /> <subrole_main frame=" Referring_by_name " r o l e ="Name" macro="Name" /> </ macrorole> <macrorole name="Named_entity"> <subrole_main frame="FR_Being_named" r o l e =" E n t i t y " macro="Named_entity" /> <subrole_main frame=" Name_conferral " r o l e =" E n t i t y " macro="Named_entity" /> <subrole_main frame=" Referring_by_name " r o l e =" E n t i t y " macro=Commerce_goods?t r a n s f e r " r o l e =" Rate " macro=Commerce_money?t r a n s f e r " r o l e =" Rate " macro=, macrorole> <macrorole name=" Speaker "> <subrole_main frame="Adducing" r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Appointing " r o l e =" S e l e c t o r " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Bragging " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame="Communication_response" r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame="Complaining" r o l e ="Complainer" macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame="Convey_importance" r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion " r o l e =" Persuader " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . legitimacy " r o l e =" Persuader " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . to_do " r o l e =" Persuader " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . v e r a c i t y " r o l e =" Persuader " macro=

A. D. Hiérarchie-des, <. Macro-rôles-<subrole_main-frame=>-<subrole_main-frame=-"-f-r-_-j-u>-<subrole_main-frame=>-<subrole_main-frame=>-<subrole_main-frame=>-<-/-macrorole>, B. Macroroles>, and A. Abeillé, FR_Proving " r o l e =" Persuader " macro=FR_Quoting" r o l e =" Speaker " macro= Judgment_direct_address " r o l e ="Communicator" macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame= Name_conferral " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Predicting " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame= Prevar icati on " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame= Quarreling " r o l e =" Arguer1 " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame= Quarreling " r o l e =" Arguers " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Questioning " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" R a t i f i c a t i o n " r o l e =" R a t i f i e r " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Reading_aloud " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Referring_by_name " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Respond_to_proposal " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Reveal_secret " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Spelling_and_pronouncing " r o l e =" Speaker " macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Successfully_communicate_message " r o l e ="Communicator" macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame="Summarizing" r o l e ="Communicator" macro=" Speaker " /> <subrole_main frame=" Text_creation " r o l e ="Author" macro= Time_of_eventuality "> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expectation " r o l e =" Time_of_eventuality " macro=" Time_of_eventuality " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Means_for_purpose" r o l e =" Time_of_eventuality " macro=" Time_of_eventuality " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Purpose" r o l e =" Time_of_eventuality " macro=" Time_of_eventuality " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Reliance_on_expectation " r o l e =" Time_of_eventuality " macro=" Time_of_eventuality " /> <subrole_main frame=" Predicting " r o l e =" Time_of_eventuality " macro= Topic "> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_action " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" Be_in_agreement_on_assessment " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" Bragging " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" Coming_to_believe " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="Communication_response" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="Complaining" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . legitimacy " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . to_do " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_suasion . v e r a c i t y " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Attempt_supported_suasion " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Awareness?Certainty ?Opinion" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Be_in_agreement" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Becoming_aware" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Chatting?Discussion " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Commitment . to_do " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Contacting " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Deciding" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expectation " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Expressing_side " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Hail " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Having_commercial_agreement" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Insult " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Judgment_communication" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Judgment_communication_no_reason" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Make_agreement_on_assessment" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Memory?Remembering_experience?Remembering_information" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Questioning_oneself " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Request" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Speak_on_topic " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="FR_Statement?manner?noise " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" FR_Telling " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="Judgment" r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame=" Judgment_direct_address " r o l e =" Topic " macro=" Topic " /> <subrole_main frame="Make_agreement_on_action" r o l e =" Topic " macro= Prevar icati on " r o l e =" Topic " macro= 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