M. Mcmullan, Patients using the Internet to obtain health information: How this affects the patient???health professional relationship, Patient Education and Counseling, vol.63, issue.1-2, 2006.
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L. Koppen, J. Phillips, and R. Papageorgiou, Analysis of reference sources used in drug-related Wikipedia articles, Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, vol.103, issue.3, pp.140-144, 2015.
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D. Nicholson, An evaluation of the quality of consumer health information on Wikipedia, Oregon Health & Science University

N. Reavley, A. Mackinnon, A. Morgan, M. Alvarez-jimenez, S. Hetrick et al., Quality of information sources about mental disorders: a comparison of Wikipedia with centrally controlled web and printed sources, Psychological Medicine, vol.17, issue.08, pp.1753-62, 2012.
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M. Rajagopalan, V. Khanna, Y. Leiter, M. Stott, T. Showalter et al., Patient-Oriented Cancer Information on the Internet: A Comparison of Wikipedia and a Professionally Maintained Database, Journal of Oncology Practice, vol.7, issue.5, pp.319-342, 2011.
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C. Haigh, Wikipedia as an evidence source for nursing and healthcare students, Nurse Education Today, vol.31, issue.2, pp.135-144, 2011.
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K. Clauson, H. Polen, M. Boulos, and J. Dzenowagis, Scope, Completeness, and Accuracy of Drug Information in Wikipedia, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, vol.38, issue.12, pp.1814-1835, 2008.
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C. Okoli, M. Mehdi, M. Mesgari, F. Nielsen, and A. Lanamäki, Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol.24, issue.36, pp.2381-403, 2014.
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J. Heilman, W. A. Rajagopalan, M. Khanna, V. Leiter, Y. Stott et al., Wikipedia and Medicine: Quantifying Readership, Editors, and the Significance of Natural Language Patient- Oriented Cancer Information on the Internet: A Comparison of Wikipedia and a Professionally Maintained Database, Journal of Medical Internet Research. J Oncol Pract. sept, vol.177, issue.35, pp.319-342, 2011.

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M. Mcmullan, Patients using the Internet to obtain health information: How this affects the patient???health professional relationship, Patient Education and Counseling, vol.63, issue.1-2, pp.24-32, 2006.
DOI : 10.1016/j.pec.2005.10.006

M. Moran, Why are anti-vaccine messages so persuasive? A content analysis of anti-vaccine websites to inform the development of vaccine promotion strategies

L. Koppen, J. Phillips, and R. Papageorgiou, Analysis of reference sources used in drug-related Wikipedia articles, Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, vol.103, issue.3, pp.140-144, 2015.
DOI : 10.3163/1536-5050.103.3.007

D. Nicholson, An evaluation of the quality of consumer health information on Wikipedia, Oregon Health & Science University

S. Lavsa, S. Corman, C. Culley, and T. Pummer, Reliability of Wikipedia as a medication information source for pharmacy students, Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 1 avr, pp.154-162, 2011.
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URL : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995655

N. Reavley, A. Mackinnon, A. Morgan, M. Alvarez-jimenez, S. Hetrick et al., Quality of information sources about mental disorders: a comparison of Wikipedia with centrally controlled web and printed sources, Psychological Medicine, vol.17, issue.08, pp.1753-62, 2012.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2005.07.029

M. Rajagopalan, V. Khanna, Y. Leiter, M. Stott, T. Showalter et al., Patient-Oriented Cancer Information on the Internet: A Comparison of Wikipedia and a Professionally Maintained Database, Journal of Oncology Practice, vol.7, issue.5, pp.319-342, 2011.
DOI : 10.1200/JOP.2010.000209

C. Haigh, Wikipedia as an evidence source for nursing and healthcare students, Nurse Education Today, vol.31, issue.2, pp.135-144, 2011.
DOI : 10.1016/j.nedt.2010.05.004

K. Clauson, H. Polen, M. Boulos, and J. Dzenowagis, Scope, Completeness, and Accuracy of Drug Information in Wikipedia, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, vol.38, issue.12, pp.1814-1835, 2008.
DOI : 10.2196/jmir.6.2.e18

C. Okoli, M. Mehdi, M. Mesgari, F. Nielsen, and A. Lanamäki, Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol.24, issue.36, pp.2381-403, 2014.
DOI : 10.7748/ns2010.

F. «. Fiore, Les medicaments sur Wikipedia ». Perspective infirmière, oct, vol.6, issue.5, p.11, 2009.

A. Brulet, G. Llorca, and L. Letrilliart, Medical Wikis Dedicated to Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol.17, issue.2, p.48, 2015.

G. Hervé, «. Physiologie-humaine, and ». Paris, Pradel Editions, pp.978-980, 2009.

N. «. Ajjan, La vaccination: Manuel pratique de tous les vaccins, pp.978-980, 2009.

A. Head and M. Eisenberg, How today's college students use Wikipedia for course-related research. First Monday Disponible sur, 2010.
DOI : 10.5210/fm.v15i3.2830