D. Hom-copoisson-algebras, 103 6.3.1 Link with Hom-Lie bialgebras

. Croch, =Croch[f , h] + Croch[g, h] Croch[f_ + g_, h_]:=Croch[f , h] + Croch[g, h] Croch[f_ + g

. Croch, Null} We give the values of the bracket on the basis. {Croch[e, e] = 0, Croch[e, f ] = h, Croch[e, h] = ?2e, {Croch[e, e] = 0, Croch[e, f ] = h, Croch[e, h] = ?2e, {Croch[e, e] = 0, Croch[e, f ] = h, Croch[e, h] = ?2e, Croch[f , e] = ?h, Croch[f , f ] = 0, Croch[f , h] = 2f , Croch[f , e] = ?h We define linearity and multiplicativity properties for the morphism ?

. Croch, =Croch[f , h] + Croch[g, h] Croch[f_ + g_, h_]:=Croch[f , h] + Croch[g, h] Croch[f_ + g

. Croch, Croch[f_, a[i_, j_]g_]:=a[i, j]Croch[f , g]} {Null, Null} Croch[tf_, g_]:=tCroch[f , g] Croch[tf_, g_]:=tCroch[f , g] Croch[tf_, g_]:=tCroch[f , g] Croch[f_, tg_]:=tCroch[f , g] Croch[f_, tg_]:=tCroch[f , g] Croch[f_, tg_]:=tCroch[f , g] We give the values of the bracket on the basis, pp.2-2

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