!. Fill, !with!the!results!of!the!functional!analysis! (rules!for!filling!in!the!body!of!the!matrix!are!explained!after!Figure!36).! A method to envision highly constrained architectural zones in the design of multi-physics systems for severe operating conditions ? Ph

!. From and !. Mpds-!-method, !the!method!generated!thirty?eight!new!concepts!that! were!ranked!to!be!at!least!as!good!as!the!worst!among!those!conceived!by!the!engineers.! This!ranking!showed!that!nine!of!the!top!ten!concepts!were!generated!by!our!approach.! The!design!team!proceeded!with!the!fifteen! " best " !concepts,!which!were!partitioned!into! three!technological!groups:! ? Group!1!is!composed!of!concepts!created!by!the!engineers!before!application!of! the! method.! The! main! advantage! is! that! they! use! existing! modules;! the! disadvantages! are! that! the! concepts! are! not! all! multifunctional,! and! their! motions!are!discontinuous.! ? Group! 2! mixes! concepts! created! by! the! engineers! with! those! generated! by! the! method.! These! concepts! have! the! advantages! of! being! compact,! having! a! small! diameter,!and!being!continuous!in!their!motions,!but!they!involve!technical!risks! and!take!a!long!time!to!develop!(engineering).! ? Group! 3! is! composed! exclusively! of! concepts! generated! by! our! approach

!. From, of!results!is!the!biggest!difficulty!in!the!application! of!such!an!approach!in!an!industrial!context.!The!engineers!and!architects!continue!to! try!to!push!their!preferred!solution!forward.!The!results!of!the!MPDS!method!must!be! stable,!considering!that!experts!can!be!biased!in!their!evaluation

!. The and . Schlumberger, design!process!(Product!Life! Cycle! Process):! the! generation! and! the! evaluation! of! concepts! follow! the! functional! analysis! and! structural! product! breakdown.! Moreover,! our! approach! is! a! support! tool! for! design! teams! for! the! detection! and! resolution! of! multi?physics! design! problems! identified! in! our! analyses! (HOLLEY! ;! HOLLEY).! This! incorporation! of! design! problem! lessons! learned! into! the! design! process! is! in! line! with! the! fundamental! objective! of! Schlumberger's! new! design! process!

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