O. Fe, FI<<EE:<CCLC<JJ;LG8I<E:?PD<<OPC`D@<E )88=FID8K@FEE;<JJM8@JJ<8LOYYG8IK@II;LL:8D9@LDD<JKKIa8C@Ja<<<EELE<<JL::<JJ@FE;<<aK8G<J D8A<LI<J )88;@M@J@FEE:<CCLC8@I<<<Cv<OG8EJ@FE:<CCLC8@I<<<CvaG8@JJ@JJ<D<EKKG8I@aK8CCM@88Cv8GGFJ@K@FEE;vLE< G8IF@@J<:FE;8@I<<K<E=@EEC88DFIKKGIF>I8DDa<<;<JJCvaCaD<EKJJ;<M8@JJ<8LO -CFD@FEE<KK8C )<< :FEKIhC<< >aEaK@HL<<, << :<JJ aK8G<JJ 88 =8@KK CvF9A<KK ;<< EFD9I<LJ<JJ I<:?<I:?<J <CC<JJ JFEK KFLAFLIJJGFLIJL@M@<JGI`JJC88;@M@J@FE:<CCLC8@I<< C<<;<M<E@II;<JJ:<CCLC<JJ;LLOPC`D<<<JK :FEKIhCaaG8I ;<JJ>`E<J;<Ia>LC8K@FE)<JJ=8:K<LIJJ;<KI8EJ:I@GK@FEE3+!<K3+!;@I@><EKC8;@==aI<E:@8K@FE;<J M8@JJ<8LOOO 8CFIJJ HL< C8 ;@==aI<EK@8K@FEE ;<JJ =@9I<J <JK :FEKIhCa< G8I C<< >`E<< 0+! <JJ =8:K<LIJ ;< KI8EJ:I@GK@FE 8GG8IK@<EE<EKK Y C88 =8D@CC<< + +*1# 2, pp.88-96

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J. D8e@, I<8Ca8KF@I<)88JPEK?`J<<;<<C88:<CCLCFJ<<I<HL@<IKKCv8:K@M@Ka;vLEE:FDGC<O<<;< JFLJ LE@KaJJ, GIFKa@E<JJ :<CCLCFJ< JPEK?8J<< ;@JGFJa<JJ <EE IFJ<KK< #8IIFB?@ <K 8C <KK<

@. Iaj<8ll and . G<, K@E<J :FEJK@KL<EKK <E DFP<EE<< ;<<C88G8IF@@GI@D8@I<<<KKJFEKKLE<<:C8JJ<<;<<DFCa:LC<JJI@:?<JJ<EE8:@;<<>8C8:KLIFE@HL< )v8LO@E<< AFL<< LEE IhC< GI@DFI;@8C< ;<< Ia>LC8K<LII, << Cv<OG8EJ@FEE :<CCLC8@I<< <K C<JJ 9I8JJ@EFJKaIFe;<J J<I8@<EKK8LJJ@@@DGC@HLaJJ;8EJJ:<<GIF:<JJLJ 1LIE<II<KK8C )<JJ<EQPD<JJ:CaJ, p.8

2. M8@jj<8l, FDD<E:< <KK<<G8IF@@GIaJ<EK<<LE<IaJ@JK8E:<<Da:8E@HL<<GCLJJ@DGFIK8EK<<K<JKK;@M@Ja<<<EEEKIF@J !><JG: 16>HH:6JM 9: =6BE, %1% EGYH:CI6CII 9>;;YG:CIHH BDI>;HH 9: E6GD> H:8DC96>G, pp.9-14

:. <ee, FL:?<< 0 HL@@ :FII<JGFE;; Y ;< CvaG8@JJ<LIIKFK8C<<, EEK<ID<J, vol.<<, pp.88-96

J. Da and @. J<, 8E@HL<< <K ;v?P;IFG?F9@:@Ka, 8@I<< <JKK :FEJK@KLa<< GI@E:@G8C<D<EKK ;<< :<CCLCFJ<< ;v?aD@:<CCLCFJ< <K ;<< C@>E@E<JJ 8M<: LE<< =8@9C<< HL8EK@Kaa

<. Gif, aM<CFGG<D<EK8C<<<KK@EK<IJGa:@=@HL< ;<JJ DFK@=JJ ;vaG8@JJ@JJ<D<EKK G8I@aK8LO GIaJ<EK<<, GIaJ<EKKJLIIC<<M8@JJ<8LL#@>LI<<&CCP8LE<<>I8E;EEF:<JJ ;<J, vol.8, issue.8, pp.8-9

G. Efe-ia>lc@<ij and 8. C@>e@=@, 88 8E;; #LBL;888 <J aG8@JJ@JJ<D<EKJ 8JJLI<EKKLEE;<>Iaa;<<I@>@;@=@:8K@FE ;<<C88G8IF@@KFLKK<EEG<ID<KK8EKKCvaCFE>8K@FEE:<CCLC8@I<<;<JJaCaD<EKJ =FIDaJ 0:?L<KQQ <KK 8C, 8K@FE ;<D<LI<EKK <OK<EJ@9C<J )<JJ M8@JJ<8LOO ;LL DaK8OPC`D< GIaJ<EK<EKK LE<< JKIL:KLI<< @EK<IDa



G. Giaj<ek<ii, L. , and =. Fll, JK8;<JJ ;< ;aM<CFGG<D<EK G8IK@II ;<JJ 8EEa<JJ CvaKL;<< ;< CvFI>8E@J8K@FEE, <JJ

G. <jj, <CCLC<JJ :FE;L:KI@:<JJ <JKK =8:@C@Ka< G8II C88 :LCKLI<< ;< :<CCLC<JJ ;LL DaJFG?PCC< ;< '++'#)#%+0 #@>LI<< #LBL, 888EFD8D@E<<< #LBL, vol.888, issue.F98P8J

J. Gcljj-k8i, K@FEE :FD9@Eaa ;<< ;<LO ?FIDFE<J Cv8LO@E<< <KK C8 :PKFB@E@E< #LBL;888E;;(F98P8J?@@@:<KK<<DbD<<aGFHL<<<C<JJ8LK<LIJJD<KK<EKK<EEaM@;<E:<C< :FEKIhC<<;<<Cv8GGFJ@K@FE;<C88G8IF@@J<:FE;8@I<<G8IIC<<:PKFJHL<C<KK<<HL@@:F CF:8C@J<<8M<:::<KK<<DbD< G8IF@ #LBL;88E, Cv8E8CPJ<< ;<< DLK8EKJJ 1&)'+ FEKK G<ID@JJ

G. #@>li<<-)-<, J:?aD88 JG8K@8CC ;v8GGFJ@K@FEE ;<< G8IF@@ J<:FE;8@I<< <JK ;a=@E@@ G8II


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C. D@, IF =@9I@CC<JJ ;<< :<CCLCFJ< <EKFLIa<JJ;vLE< D8KI@:<< ;v?aD@:<CCLCFJ<JJ<KK ;< G<:K@E<J 8L:??

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:. Giaj<ek<ekk and L. Kifg@, @a<JJ YY ;<JJ aG8@JJ@JJ<D<EK ?aC@:Fe;8LO /898<PP<K8C 99)<JJKFI@ JFEKK>aEaI8C<D<EKKGIaJ<EKJJ:?<QQ;<J<JG`:<JJ;<<Ia>@FEJ K<DGaIa<JJ<KJFEK89J<EKJ;<JJ<JG`:<JJYY9F@JJYYGFI<J ;@==LJJ;<<Ia>@FEJJKIFG@:8C<J@EJ@@C<JJ<JG`:<J ;<JJ ><EI<J #)1'0 <K )*20 ;aGFLIML<JJ, 8C< YYJL9KIFG@:8C< '8EJ<EE<KK8C ?<QQ:<IK8@E<JJ<JG`:<JJ;v8E>@FJG<ID<JJ@CC<JKKGFJJ@9C<;vF9J<IM<II;<JJGJ<L;F KFI@ '8EJ<EE<K 8C 88 <JJJKIL:KLI<JJFEKKGCLJJ=IaHL<EK<JHL<<C<JKFI@<KGIaJ<EK<EKK;<JJ;@==aI<E, p.8

G. Hlv@cjj, J. Ki8m<ijajj, and G. , 8M<:: :<JJ ;<IE@<IJ )88 :8I8:KaI@JK@HL<< :Caa, <JJ

G. #@>li<<, <GCLJJC<JJGJ<L;F KFI@@GIaJ<EK<EKLE<<;@JKI@9LK@FEEM8I@89C<<<KK@IIa>LC@`I<YCva:?<CC<<, 8E, vol.8, p.9

C. Ev<jkkg8jjpjkad8k@hl<d<ek, <EKIaa:FDD<<C<KFILJ<K@CC<JKDbD<GFJJ@9C<<;vF9J<IM<I ;<LOOaG8@JJ@JJ<D<EKJJJLIILE<<DbD<<D<D9I8E<<#@>LI<<9 ;;)<<KFILJJ, 8EE=@EEECvaG8@JJ@JJ<D<EKK, vol.8, issue.88, pp.8-8


K. <o, /-20 '8EJ<EE <KK 8C )v89J<E:<<;<<GJ<L;F KFI@@, L<YC8GIaJ<E:<;<JKFI@, vol.8

G. Kfi@@<jkk, 898<PP<KK 8C 99)88 =FID8K@FE, <<, vol.a

<. =8d@cc<jj, @==aI<EK<JJ )20 52+++#+0'0 ,0!## '%201/2* 32)%/# )#!## '11

G. Le<<, @==aI<E:< ;<< ;<EJ@Kaa 8LO aC<:KIFEJJ 8M<:: :<KK<< ;<IE@`I<< :<< HL@ JL>>`I<<LE<<:FDGFJ@K@FEE;@==aI<EK<)<JJFIE<D<EK8K@FEJJJFEKKJPJKaD8K@HL<D<EKKGIaJ<EK<JJ, p.8

<. @ej@@, 8I8:KaI@J<EKK;<JJ:C8;<JJ8LLJ<@E;vFI;I<<:FDD<C<J I8JJ@:8C<JJJ C<JJ 8IPFG?, <QQ C<JJ I8JJ@:8C<JJJ <CC<J JFEKK GIaJ<EK<JJ ;8EJJ C<JJ =8D@CC<J## <K )#,*!## )88 GCLJJ >I8E

G. , !. <kkc<j, and /. K@ki<, <IK8@E<JJ=8D@CC<JC88GIaJ<E:<<;vFIE<D<EK8K@FEG<LKKGIaJ<EK<IILE< GCLJJ>I8E, 1#)# FEK ;<JJ FIE<D<EK8K@FEJJ ;8EJJ C88 =8D@CC< ;<J ,0!## )8


. Giaj<ek<dbd<<, <JJG<I=FI8K@FEJJJ:8C8I@=FID<JJGFIK<LJ<JJ;vFIE<D<EK8K@FEJ )<JJFIE<D<EK8K@FEJJ;<JJGFE:KL8K@FEJJJ<D9C<EKbKI<8JJF:@a<JJYY;<JJ:C@D8KJJJ<:J '8EJ<EE<K 8C 88@EJ@@JLII <JG`:<JJC@>E<LJ<JJ;<C8=CFI<<<LIFGa<EE<<<<JG`:<JFEKK;<JGFE:KL8K@FEJ 203520-6)175)5@6-67%1, pp.9-16

C. Cva< and C. I<, <CC<< :<CCLC8@I<<< C<< I8K@FF ;< CvaG8@JJ<LI

F. 8l, EI<M8E:?<<<;<JJ:FCC8GJ<JFEKKaKaaF9J<IMaJ ;8EJJ;<JJ8@>L@CC<JJ;<<:FE@=`I<J F:?8I;; <KK 8C :?<QQ ;<JJ DLK8EKJJ, 1&)'+ 1LIE<II 8E;; 0FD<IM@CC<<< FL <E:FI< ;8EJJ ;<JJ C@>Ea<JJ KI8EJ>aE@HL<JJ ;<< G<LGC@<IJ JFLJ <OGI@D8EKK ;<J C@>E@E<J 3F<CB<II <KK 8C


!. <jj, K. Ki8ej>ae@hl<jj, and . <ee, :<Da:8E@HL<2E<<aKL;<JLII;<JC@>Ea<JJKI8EJ>aE@HL<JJ





8. Giaj<ek<< and L. Da, EE F:?8I;; GIFGFJ< ;@==aI<EK<J ?PGFK?, KLI8C<JJ;<JGFE:KL8K@FEJJ<KC88MLCEaI89@C@KaaYYC88:8M@K8K@FE <JJGIFGI@aKaJJ;a=@E@I8@<EK C88HL8C@Kaa@EKI@EJ`HL<;<JJGFE:KL8K@FEJ 9 JG<:KJJHL8C@K8K@=JJ;<JGFE:KL8K@FEJ:8E@JD< ;<< :8M@K8K@FEE Y KI8M<IJ C<J GFE:KL8K@FEJJ ;<JJ >PDEFJG<ID<JJ #@>LI<< )88 GI<D@`I<< J<I8@KK ;<< :FEJ@;aI<II HLv@CC EvPP 88 G8JJ ;< ;aGC8:<D<EKK;<<C88D<D9I8E<<<KHL<<Cv8@II><ID<<YKI8M<IJLEEGFI<;LLD8I>F#@>LI<< 88 F:?8I

. Cvflm<ikli<<, <<;8EJJC<JJ<OGaI@<E:<JJ;<<G<I=LJ@FEEYY?8LK<<GI<JJ@FEEE:<<HL@@Ev<JKKG8JJC<<:8J F:?8I;;<K 8C "EJL@K<<<C<<>C@JJ<D<EKK;LLKFILJJYYKI8M<IJJCvFLM<IKLI<<, pp.8-8


I. Fiiac8k@fejj and G. Fe, KL8K@FEEYYC88MLCEaI89@C@KaaYC88:8M@K8K@FE : JG<:KJJHL8C@K8K@=JJ;<JGFE:KL8K@FEJ:?<QQC<JJ8E>@FJG<ID<J !<JJaKL;<JJIa:<EK<JJFEK JFLC@>Ea Cv@DGFIK8E:<<;<<C88JKIL:KLI<<;<JJGFE:KL8K@FEJ?, %8:B<<< %8:B< 8E;; '8EJ<EEE <G<E;8EKKK C88 GFIFJ@Kaa ;<D<LI<< C8I><D<EKK @E=aI@<LI<< 8LL GFI<< :8C:LCaa G8I


G. Gflii, KL8K@FE-L@JJJCFIJHL<<C88GI<JJ@FEE;a:IF@KKK:<JJDbD<JJG8IK@:LC<JJG<I;<EKKC88:8G8:@KaaY KI8M<IJ<II C<< :?8DG <KK< aKL <JKK ;a=FIDa<< G8II LE<< ;@==aI<E:<< ;< GI<JJ@FEE<KKHL<<:<KK<<;a=FID8K@FEEG<LKKbKI<IaM<IJ@9C< <KK<<DbD<<aKL;<8 D@JJ<EEaM@;<E:<C<<IhC<, C8 ;a=FID8K@FEE ;<< C8 D<D9I8E< 7N<PG=<EE@E>>>)<JJFIE<D<EK8K@FEJ;<JJGFE:KL8K@FEJJFEKK;v8@CC<LIJJaKaa8JJF:@a<JJY ;<JJ<JG`:<JJOaIFG?@C<J '8EJ<EE<K8C 88

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5. Ud, H73GJ67 6U8AD?3F;A@67E?7?4D3@7E67BA@5FG3F;A@E EAG?, E7EM

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D. Ufd, A@ 5A@6;F;A@@7 78875F;H7?7@F >7E 6U8AD?3F, A@E, vol.7, pp.67-70

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