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I. Balance and C. , Sum of the anions in the analysed water Difference (%) Ionic balance calculated from the sums of cations and anions ISOTOPES Deuterium (H2O, %%) Content of the stable isotope of hydrogen ( 2 H) of the water molecule Oxygen-18 (H2O, %%) Content of the stable isotope of oxygen of the water molecule Tritium (TU) Content of the radioactive isotope of hydrogen ( 3 H) in the analysed water Radon-222 (Bq/L) Content of the isotope radon-222 in the analysed water Radium-226 (mBq/L) Content of the isotope radium-226 in the analysed water Uranium-238, Sum of the cations in the analysed water Anions Content of the isotope uranium-238 in the analysed water Uranium-234 (mBq/L) Content of the isotope uranium-234 in the analysed water