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N. +-!, 2. !. , 4. !. , and /. !. , 8&(&;7, >&*!V9+!11+!12+!1,.! NHW:=X+!.54+!11.! N)%@"*A78!YF9+!3-+!1.3+!1 N8&A">7!>7!'[87(?+!)&! M8&A"*>"A7+!3+!-3+!4/+!.,3+!,34+!11

T. !. 3+-!, 5. !. , 5. !. , !. >. , 2. !. et al., 3+! 115+!11! T7@, !.2-+!.20+! .4,+!.41+!.4-+!.4/+!.40+!.43+!./5+!./.+!./1+!./-+! .//+!./3+!.0.+!.0,+!.02+!.04+!.0/+!.03+!.35+!.3.+! .30+! 1,4! >?(8)&(!>%!f"((7A"(+!,22! T&>&78!N&A)+!(%! TCDXH`=W=W+!35! >&''%"'&)*+!3,! TGW+!.1-+!.0,+!,-! >)**?7'!#)@@"(?8"@7'+!.0+!55+!.5.+!1..! .2+!3-+!..2+!.,2+!.14+!3+!.3,+!,55+!,.3+!,13+!,2/! =T6+!.15+!.21+!.4.! =@@%@!V9+!.00! =YS+!.5-+!.54+!,/1+!12-! =WT6D!C;"A&*7+!,1! =WD+!./5+!.05+!.32+!.3-+!

!. 6. , +. !. 52+-!.-5-+-!, /. 1. 24+-!, 0. !. , 1. !. et al., j;7'!>7!<7&@@7!#e(&j87+!&)! :8"B&#+!+6! :8, 3,+!.3-+!.30+!.33+!,5.+!,52+!,5-+!,54+! ,5/+!,..+!,0,+!152+!11.+!11/+!124+!12/! ;"8&(&;7! 7'K"#7+!+$! U"8&(&!1,1+!1,0! U7@&@@"+!,/3! U7*"#7+!)6!3+!.01+! .03+!.3,+!.33+!>&(788"*?7+!.1+!.3+!,4+!.54+!.1.+!.24+!./1+!.3- U&#F7@!Z)%#"%@(+!)$! U&#F7@!Z)%#F78+!($! U&#F7@!`)7@#O7@+!+(! ;)*)K)@7!>7!@"!<&)@7*#7!@?A&(&;7+!1,! ;%(%"@&'"(&)*+!./+!03+!3.+!.5,+!.54+!..1+!.,.+!,50+!,.1! U%

D. :. , !. Dyh:-+-!, +. !. , 1. !. , !. Dyh:-cu6l=+-! et al., j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j'!F"%(7!8?')@%(&)*+!.5+!.0+!3/+!..2+!.-3!, pp.14-51

/. Auteur and . Source, ASTRIUM Date de réception : 04, 2011.

/. Auteur and . Source, ASTRIUM Date de réception : 04, 2011.

<. ?. K0, 1*" &A7F%I?%A7%I9B:FDC

!. #. and %. $. 62734e, IHEC>:F%I?%A7%<DC7C>:FD%IH%<:HJ:>;%7H%<?H<A?, D6(037&'"86":&'&A&5, pp.32707-32712

D. *. 37&, .=7<>C;?%K*" 6?D%?D<7E?D%B7;>C>B?D@%I?D%?D<7E?D%D<?E>Y>GH? V&:7'$37&, #@P62&A("9&23, pp.4-62734

/. F. 50v, 6?%B:FC78?%I?D%<;:8;7BB?D_E7IA2&WA75&3(0E, A5$*(E"9&'*37&''(:('3"(3"B68=7<>C;?%K*%3F?%HC>A>D7C>:F%DcDC9B7C>GH?%I?%AO>B78?;>?#@!"#$%&'(")&*"#+,-.'(/.0&1&(2&.3$4+*-"cP)VKd"(3"5@P0A$*, pp.707-627

$. B5, A&7'3"8$'0" 5(0A2&W

C. ;. K5p, .=7<>C;?%5*%67%.7;7gQ?%?C%AO>FC9;]C%I?%AOHC>A>D7C>:F%E:B<A9B?FC7>;?%I?%AO>B78?;>?%)!'%?C%:<C>GH?% E:FC;?%A?%F7, #@('<72&''(:('3"*$2$FB

D. *. K+v, .=7<>C;?%K*%67%B?;%a7AC>GH?@%B:IUA?%I?%E::<9;7C>:F%?C%I?%8:HJ?;F7FE?%\%6?D%;9HDD>C?D%IOHF?% E::<9;7C>:F%7FE>?FF?%<:H;%A?D%9E=7F8?D%I?%I:FF9?0N03O, #@('<72&''(:('3"B$537D6062<(755$'*(":$2737:(f"#$"9&2*, pp.5-5

$. 537d6, 0N03O:(0"88(0*27A37&, 062<(755$'*(":$2737#@('<72&''(:('3, pp.7007-7007

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