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A. 3. Sallez, . Berger-t, . Senechal-o, and T. D. Branger-g, Augmentation concept for the embedded diagnosis of complex systems, International conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM11), I4E2, Metz, pp.1444-1453, 2011.

A. E. Berger-t, T. D. Sallez-y, and . Mandiau-r, Robustness in Adaptative Holonic Multiagent Systems: the Open-Control Concept, 10th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing System, 2002.

A. E. Berger-t and T. D. Sallez-y, An open-control concept for a holonic multiagent system, Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing, pp.145-154, 2009.

R. S. Sallez-y, . Berger-t, and T. D. Tahon-c, Personal Rapid Transit in Open Control framework, Int. Conf. On Computer & Industrial Engineering, pp.1016-1021, 2009.

A. 7. Sallez and T. D. Berger-t, Management du cycle de vie d'un produit actif : Concept d'agent d'augmentation. 8ème Congrès international de Génie Industriel, 2009.

A. 8. Berger-t and T. D. Sallez-y, Open control of FMS and its application to potential field, 42th CIRP Conference on manufacturing systems, 2009.

A. 9. Raileanu, . Sallez-y, . Berger-t, and T. D. Borangiu-t, Open-control paradigm: holonic implementation, IESM'09, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, pp.13-15, 2009.

A. S. Raileanu, . Berger-t, . Sallez-y, and T. D. Borangiu-t, The open-control concept in a holonic manufacturing system, 18th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria- Danube Region, 2009.

A. Y. Sallez and T. D. Berger-t, Open-control: a new paradigm for integrated product-driven manufacturing control. INCOM'09, 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problem in Manufacturing, pp.3-5, 2009.

A. Zbib-n and T. D. Sallez-y, Simulation of dynamic allocation and routing in FMS using potential field, IEEE International Middle Eastern Multiconference on Simulation and Modelling, pp.27-29, 2009.

A. D. Trentesaux, . Berger-t, and . Sallez-y, Product & resource driven control of allocation and routing process in FMS. 7ème conférence internationale francophone MOSIM'08, pp.31-33, 2008.

A. Zbib-n, R. S. Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, From passive products to intelligent products: The augmentation module concept, DET2008, 5th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, pp.22-24, 2008.

A. , .. R. Daoud, D. M. El, and . Sallez-y, Burst Communication for Traffic Control in Light Urban Areas. International Workshop on Logistics and Transportation, IEEE LT, 2007.

A. A. Melki, . Dumitrescu-f, . Berger-t, and . Sallez-y, Interaction des transports publics et des cybercars dans un contexte urbain. International Workshop on Logistics and Transportation, IEEE LT, 2007.

A. M. Daoud-r and A. H. Sallez-y, Ethernet-Based Car Control Network, 2006 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2006.
DOI : 10.1109/CCECE.2006.277777

A. M. Daoud-r, A. H. , and E. H. Sallez-y, Fault-Tolerant Ethernet-Based Vehicle On-Board Networks, IECON 2006, 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2006.
DOI : 10.1109/IECON.2006.347266

A. M. Daoud-r, A. H. , E. H. El-soudani, and . Sallez-y, Wireless Vehicle Communication for Traffic Control in Urban Areas, IECON 2006, 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2006.
DOI : 10.1109/IECON.2006.347356

A. Sallez-y and B. T. Tahon-c, Stigmergic approach and potential field based method for intelligent routing in FMS, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IESM 2005, pp.16-19, 2005.

A. Sallez-y and B. T. Tahon-c, Routage stigmergique de produits dans un système flexible de production manufacturière, ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel, pp.7-10, 2005.

A. Berger-t, . Sallez-y, and . Tahon-c, Dynamic FMS scheduling using ant-based control, 5th International Conference on integrated design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Enginering, 2004.

A. Y. Sallez, . Berger-t, and . Tahon-c, Applications of ant-based control in intelligent manufacturing systems, 35th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR'2004), 2004.

A. Y. Sallez, . Berger-t, and . Tahon-c, Intelligent shuttles for FMS using ant-based approach. 7 th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation, 2004.

A. Sallez-y and B. T. Tahon-c, Simulating intelligent routing in flexible manufacturing systems using NetLogo, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2004. IEEE ICIT '04., 2004.
DOI : 10.1109/ICIT.2004.1490226

A. Sallez, Y. Berger, and T. Tahon-c, Applications of virtual pheromones in FMS. 5ème congrès international de génie industriel, 2003.

A. Sallez, Y. Berger, and T. Tahon-c, Scheduling of large assembly cells with virtual pheromone approach, International IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly (IAD'03), 2003.

A. Berger-t, T. D. Sallez-y, and . Tahon-c, Comparative study of two heterarchical multiagent approaches for FMS dynamic scheduling, 29th ICCIE (International Conf. on computers and Industrial Engineering), 2001.

A. Popieul-j-c, D. D. Sallez-y, . Berger-t, and . Dupas-m, Teamwork in a Pedagogical Lab. on a Flexible Manufacturing Cell, 29th ICCIE (International Conf. on computers and Industrial Engineering), 2001.

A. Berger-t, T. D. Sallez-y, and . Tahon-c, Comparison of two hierarchical multiagent approaches for fms dynamic scheduling, 2000.

A. Berger-t, C. L. , D. D. Popieul-j-c, and . Sallez-y, Retour d'une expérience de pédagogie par projet : mise en oeuvre intégrale d, 2000.

J. Borne, P. Richard, and . Vanheeghe, Actes de CIFA', pp.600-605, 2000.

A. M. Dupas, . Sallez-y, . Berger-t, and . Soënen-r, Reconfiguration des systèmes automatisés de production, 3ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel, 1999.

A. M. Mabrouk, Y. Y. Sallez, and . Soënen-r, Toward a tool for aiding reconfiguration of production automated systems, Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, CESA'96, 1996.

A. L. Jacquet, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, An automated system specification method according to concurrent engineering concepts. ASI'95, pp.25-28, 1995.

A. L. Jacquet, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Toward a specification procedure of operational functions for an automated system, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century, pp.22-25, 1995.
DOI : 10.1109/ICSMC.1995.538500

A. L. Jacquet, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Specification procedure of an automated system. IFAC IM'95 conference -Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 1995.

A. L. Jacquet, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Towards a new specification method for an Automated System, IFIP WG 5.3 International conference on life-cycle modelling for innovative products and processes -Chapman & Hall, 1995.
DOI : 10.1007/978-0-387-34981-7_11

A. J. Rojas, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Aid to decision making for the reconfiguration of automated manufacturing systems, Intelligent Manufacturing Process & Systems, 1995.

A. M. Mabrouk, R. J. Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Decision making assistance model and tools proposition for production automated systems operation, International conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Autonomous Factories (INCARF 93), 1993.

A. T. Parayre, . Soënen-r, and . Sallez-y, HOOD IMPLEMENTATION OF OPERATING MODES IN AUTOMATED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS, 7th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM'92, 1992.
DOI : 10.1016/B978-0-08-041897-1.50055-9

A. T. Parayre, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Model of the state of operation for automatized systems, 1992.
DOI : 10.1016/B978-0-444-89465-6.50051-X

A. T. Parayre, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Etude des cycles de vie des SAP : Vers une méthodologie de l'exploitation. 23 ème CIRP, Séminaire International sur les Systèmes de Production Nancy, 1991.

A. P. Lepot, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Elaboration of an implicit programming system for assembly robot-based cell, IFIP TC5/WG 5.3 Working Conference on robots and assembly, 1989.

A. Y. Sallez, . Lepot-p, and . Soënen-r, The use of the ADA language for the simulation and the control of robot-based cells. IFIP Conference on Modeling and Simulation for Optimization of manufacturing Systems Design and Application, 1989.

A. Y. Sallez, . Lepot-p, and . Soënen-r, The use of the ADA language for the simulation of manufacturing cells, Fourth International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future, 1989.

A. C. Tahon, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Systèmes flexibles de production : simulation d'une structure de commande hétérarchique avec le langage ADA, p.88, 1988.

A. C. Tahon, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Simulation of a non hierarchical manufacturing cell control with ADA. CARS&FOF'88, 1988.

A. Y. Sallez, . Wibaut-f, and . Soënen-r, Utilisation du langage ADA pour la simulation et la conduite des cellules robotisées, 10th IASTED International Symposium Robotics & Automation, 1987.

P. C. Berger-t, T. D. Sallez-y, and D. D. , Holo-Gen : modèle de contrôle holonique générique -mise en oeuvre sur un SFP, ACTN -Conférences nationales avec actes et, 2012.

A. 2. Pach, . Zambrano-rey-g-m, . Berger-t, T. D. Sallez-y, and D. D. , Maitrise de la myopie des systèmes flexibles de production industriels, Actes du 12 ème Colloque National AIP PRIMECA, 2011.

A. 3. Raileanu, . Zbib-n, . Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, Du produit passif au produit actif : le concept d'augmentation, Actes du 11 ème Colloque National AIP PRIMECA, 2009.

A. 4. Zbib-n, . Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, Pilotage des systèmes de production : approche par produits actifs et champs de potentiel, 2009.

A. 5. Lemieux, . Sallez-y, and . Tetreault-m, Présentation d'un laboratoire d'enseignement en automatisation industrielle. 4 ème conférence internationale sur l'automatisation industrielle, 2003.

A. 6. Berger-t, D. D. , P. J. Sallez-y, and T. D. , Mise en oeuvre d'une cellule flexible d'assemblage en plateau projet pédagogique, CETSIS 03, 2003.

A. 7. Deneux, . Popieul-j-c, . Sallez-y, . Berger-t, and . Dupas-m, Plateau projet pédagogique en productique -mise en oeuvre d'une cellule flexible par des élèves ingénieurs. 7 ème Colloque national sur la conception mécanique intégrée, 2001.

A. 8. Mabrouk, Y. Y. Sallez, and . Soënen-r, Vers un outil d'aide à l'exploitation des systèmes automatisés de production, 1996.

A. 9. Minaud, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Etude et évaluation des modes d'exploitation de systèmes automatisés à l'aide d'une approche orientée-objet / Application à l'A.I.P. de Valenciennes. Club EEA - Journées, 1995.

A. T. Parayre, . Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Méthodologie de l'exploitation des systèmes automatisés de production, 3ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel (GI3), 1991.

B. T. Sallez-y, R. S. Tahon-c, . Kolski-c, T. D. Mandiau-r, H. S. et al., Coeur de Ville, Véhicules intelligents en environnement urbain, Projet PPF, rapport final, LAMIH-TEMPO, 2009.

G. Ladet, :. M. Morel-examinateurs, J. Bitton, J. P. Defrenne, Y. Elloy et al., Soutenue le 24 mars 1992 à Valenciennes Composition du jury : -Rapporteurs : P

P. T. Soënen-r and . Sallez-y, Hood implementation of operating modes in automated production systems, 7th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM'92, 1992.

P. T. Sallez-y and . Soënen-r, Model of the state of operation for automatized systems, 1992.

P. T. Sallez-y and . Soënen-r, Méthodologie de l'exploitation des systèmes automatisés de production, 1991.

P. T. Sallez-y and . Soënen-r, Etude des cycles de vie des SAP : Vers une méthodologie de l'exploitation, 23ème CIRP, Séminaire International sur les Systèmes de Production, 1991.

R. J. Sallez-y and . Soënen-r, Aid to decision making for the reconfiguration of automated manufacturing systems, Intelligent Manufacturing Process & Systems, 1995.

M. M. , R. J. Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Decision making assistance model and tools proposition for production automated systems operation, International conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Autonomous Factories (INCARF 93), 1993.

-. Mohamed and M. Titre, Proposition d'une méthode et d'un outil d'aide à la reconfiguration des systèmes automatisés de production

M. M. , Y. Y. Sallez, and . Soënen-r, Toward a tool for aiding reconfiguration of production automated systems, Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, CESA'96, 1996.

M. M. , Y. Y. Sallez, and . Soënen-r, Vers un outil d'aide à l'exploitation des systèmes automatisés de production, 1996.

M. M. , R. J. Sallez-y, and . Soënen-r, Decision making assistance model and tools proposition for production automated systems operation, International conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Autonomous Factories (INCARF 93), 1993.

D. -thèse-de-ramez and . Titre, Wireless and wired Ethernet for Intelligent Transportation Systems

D. R. El and D. M. Sallez-y, Burst Communication for Traffic Control in Light Urban Areas. International Workshop on Logistics and Transportation, Liste des publications, 2007.

D. R. and A. H. Sallez-y, Ethernet Based Car Control Network, IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2006.

D. R. , A. H. , and E. H. Sallez-y, Fault-Tolerant On-Board Ethernet- Based Vehicle Networks, 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2006.

D. R. , A. H. , E. H. El-soudani, and . Sallez-y, Wireless Vehicle Communication for Traffic Control in Urban Areas, 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2006.

Z. -thèse-de-nadine and . Titre, Allocation et routage dynamique dans un FMS basés sur le

A. Castagna and . Thomas, Composition du jury : -Rapporteurs : P, Thèse soutenue le 8 juillet 2010 à Valenciennes

P. C. , B. A. Zbib-n, and T. D. Sallez-y, An Effective Potential Field Approach to FMS Holonic Heterarchical Control, Liste des publications, p.481, 2012.

Z. N. , P. C. Sallez-y, and T. D. , Heterarchical Production Control in Manufacturing Systems Using the Potential Fields Concept, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, pp.10845-10855, 2012.

B. T. Zbib-n and T. D. Sallez-y, Active product driven control of dynamic routing in FMS, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, vol.43, pp.4-5, 2009.

Z. N. Sallez-y and T. D. , Simulation of dynamic allocation and routing in FMS using potential field, IEEE International Middle Eastern Multiconference on Simulation and Modelling, pp.27-29, 2009.

Z. N. , R. S. Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, From passive products to intelligent products: The augmentation module concept, DET2008, 5th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, pp.22-24, 2008.

R. S. Zbib-n, . Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, Du produit passif au produit actif : le concept d'augmentation, 2009.

L. -thèse-d-'antoine and . Mortellec-titre, Proposition d'une architecture de surveillance « active » à base d'agents intelligents ? Application à la maintenance prédictive dans le domaine ferroviaire La thèse, financée via le projet FUI SURFER

L. Mortellec, A. , C. J. Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, An Embedded Cooperative Holarchy for Diagnosing Complex Moving Systems, 14th IFAC symposium on Information & Control problems in Manufacturing (INCOM), IFAC, 2012.
DOI : 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00276

L. Mortellec, A. , C. J. Sallez-y, and T. D. Berger-t, Embedded holonic fault diagnosis of complex transportation systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.26, issue.1, 2013.
DOI : 10.1016/j.engappai.2012.09.008

M. Backward and . Bol, Maintenance and failure information Ease of maintenance/service, reliability problems, maintenance date, for design improvement frequency of maintenance, MTBF, MTTR, failure rate, critical component list, root causes, etc. Technical customer support information Customer complaints, customer profiles, response, etc. Usage environment information Usage condition (e.g., average humidity, internal/external temperature), user mission profile, usage time

E. To and M. Recycling, reusing part or Reuse part or component, remanufacturing information, component information quality of remanufacturing