. Further, Summary Filtered unsatisfiable-core for the motivating example with conflicting goal 2 -6921 0: HoldsAt(RespRecvd(FireBrigadeWS),1) | !Happens(EvalCondTrue(HasFBArrived),1) 1808 -3019 0: HoldsAt(Started_actS(FireContainment),1)|!Happens(End_actS(FireContainment),1) 1817 -3028 0: HoldsAt(Started_actS(RecoverPriorityItems),1)|!Happens, HoldsAt(Started_actS(PlanRecovery),1) | !Happens 0: HoldsAt(Finished_actS(Start),1) | !Happens, pp.4216-4215

/. Control and .. Data-flow-specification, 136 10.3.3 Temporal and security aspects, p.136

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