P. Observable_objet, MOT_connDestination(?la, ?dest) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?la, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?src, true) ^ metaMot:MOT_Exemple(?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?dest, ?nomDest) -> ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?la, oAmbig:Relation_Application) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?src, oAmbig:Observable_Objet) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?la, false) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?src, false) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printfOBS_OBJET(%s) -A-> ND_ABSTRAIT(%s), ?nomSrc, ?nomDest) #Rule-11-e_Attribut_Concept_Schema_String metaMot:MOT_LienC(?lc) ^ metaMot:MOT_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?lc, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?dest, false) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?lc, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?dest, true) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?dest, oAmbig:Entite_Schema_String) ^ metaMot:MOT_Concept(?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_Concept(?dest) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?dest, ?nomDest) -> ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?lc, oAmbig:Attribut) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?src, oAmbig:Concept_Classe) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?lc, false) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?src, false) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printf, ?nomSrc, ?nomDest) #Rule-03-g_desamb_LienI_Principe_OBS_AGENT metaMot:MOT_LienI(?li) ^ metaMot:MOT_connSource(?li, ?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_connDestination(?li, OBJET(%s) -HOLONYME-> OBJET(%s)dest) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?li, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?dest, true) ^ metaMot:MOT_Principe(?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_Enonce(?dest) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?src, oAmbig:Agent_Contrainte_Norme) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?dest

-. Ot, ND_STRATEGIQUE(%s) -INSTANCIATION-> OBS_AGENT(%s), ?nomSrc, ?nomDest) #Rule-00_ConnaissancesNonAmbigue_LienP metaMot:MOT_LienP(?lp) ^ metaMot:MOT_connSource(?lp, ?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_connDestination(?lp, ?dest) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?dest, ?nomDest) -> ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?lp, oAmbig:Relation_Precedence) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?lp, false) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printfND_PROCEDURE(%s) -P-> ND_PROCEDURE(%s), ?nomSrc, ?nomDest) #Rule-03-f_desamb_LienI_Schema_String_Valeur metaMot:MOT_LienI(?li) ^ metaMot:MOT_connSource(?li, ?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_connDestination(?li, ?dest) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?src, oAmbig:Entite_Schema_String) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?dest, ?nomDest) -> ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?li, oAmbig:Relation_Instanciation) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?dest, oAmbig:Attribut_Valeur) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?li, false) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?dest, false) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printfSCHEMA_STRING(%s) -A POUR VALEUR- ATTRIBUT_VALEUR(%s)", ?nomSrc, ?nomDest) #Rule-10-c_holonyme_entre_un_agents_condition metaMot:MOT_LienC(?lc) ^ metaMot:MOT_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?lc, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?dest, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?dest, true) ^ metaMot:MOT_Principe(?src) ^ metaMot:MOT_Principe(?dest) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ metaMot:MOT_nomConnaissance(?dest, ?nomDest) -> ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?lc, oAmbig:Holonyme) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?dest, oAmbig:Condition) ^ ot:OT_EntiteEstDeType(?src, oAmbig:Agent_Contrainte_Norme) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?lc, false) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?src, false) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_typo(?dest, false) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printfAGENT(%s) -HOLONYME-> CONDITION(%s), src) ^ metaMot:MOT_connDestination(?lp, ?dest) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?lp, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine(?dest, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?src, true) ^ oAmbig:TA_estNonDetermine_topo(?dest, true) ^ metaMot:MOT_Trace(?src) ^ metaMot

-. Swrlbi, #Rule-02-a_Creation_subClassOf_OBJET oRef:OR_Relation_Hyponyme(?ls) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?ls, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?ls, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Concept_Classe(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Concept_Classe(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ swrlbi:invoker("OWLEstUneSousClasseDeCmd> swrlbi:invoker("OWLSupprimerSuperClasseDeCmdowl:Thing", ?nomSrc) ^ swrlbi:invoker("OWLSupprimerSuperClasseDeCmdmetaDom:MD_Declarative_Concept", ?nomSrc) #Rule-10-d_Ajoute_ImgDom_aPourComposant_Agent_Condition oRef:OR_Relation_Holonyme_Composition(?lc) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Principe_Agent(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Principe_Condition(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ swrlb:stringConcat(?nomProp, ?nomSrc, "_aPourComposant_", ?nomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLPropriete_AjoutDunDomaineEtDuneImageCmd", ?nomSrc, ?nomProp, ?nomDest) #Rule-11_b_Creation_Propriete_aPourAttribut_individu oRef:OR_Relation_Attribut(?lc) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Representation_Concrete(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Representation_Concrete(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLAjoutDuneProprieteEntreIndividuCmd", ?nomSrc, "metaDom:A-POUR-ATTRIBUT", ?nomDest) #Rule-XX-40_Creation_Individu_Procedural_puisEvaluer_Antecedent oRef:OR_Relation_Flux_Precedence(?lp) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lp, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lp, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Action_Procedure(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_FacteurInfluence_Antecedent(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLAjoutDuneProprieteEntreIndividuCmd", ?nomSrc, "metaDom:PUIS-EVALUER", ?nomDest) #Rule-16-c_Ajoute_Image_Domaine_aPourComposant_entre_RegleNom_Operation oRef:OR_Relation_Holonyme_Composition(?lc) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Principe_Regle_Nom(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Action_Operation(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ swrlb:stringConcat(?nomProp, ?nomSrc, "_aPourComposant_", ?nomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLPropriete_AjoutDunDomaineEtDuneImageCmd", ?nomSrc, ?nomProp, ?nomDest) #Rule-01-e_Creation_subClassOf_SchemaInt oRef:OR_Relation_Instance(?li) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?li, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?li, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Schema_Int(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Manifestation_Attribut(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ oRef:OR_etiquette(?dest, ?valeur) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLEstUneInstanceDeCmd", ?nomDest, ?nomSrc) ^ swrlbi:invoker("OWLSupprimerLeTypeDeLinstanceCmd", "metaDom:MD_Declarative_Schema", ?nomDest) ^ swrlbi:invoker("OWLAssignerUneValeurAUnAttributCmd", ?nomSrc, "metaDom:MD_isString", "XsdInt", ?valeur, ?nomDest) #Rule-02-b_Creation_subClassOf_Procedurale oRef:OR_Relation_Hyponyme(?ls) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?ls, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?ls, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Action(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Action(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ swrlbi:invoker("OWLEstUneSousClasseDeCmd", ?nomSrc, ?nomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLSupprimerSuperClasseDeCmd", "owl:Thing", ?nomSrc) ^ swrlbi:invoker("OWLSupprimerSuperClasseDeCmd", "metaDom:MD_Procedurale", ?nomSrc) #Rule-13-g_Ajoute_Image_Domaine_a_la_Propriete_aPourAttribut_String oRef:OR_Relation_Attribut(?lc) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Concept_Classe(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Schema_String(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ swrlb:stringConcat(?nomProp, ?nomSrc, nomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLPropriete_AjoutDunDomaineEtDuneImageCmdnomDest) #Rule-14-a_Ajout_ImgDom_Prop_puisExecuter_Procedure_Procedure oRef:OR_Relation_Flux_Precedence(?lp) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lp, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lp, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Action_Procedure(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Action_Procedure(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest, ?nomDest) ^ swrlb:stringConcat(?nomPropPrecednomDest) -> swrlbi:invoker("OWLPropriete_AjoutDunDomaineEtDuneImageCmd", ?nomSrc, ?nomPropPreced, ?nomDest) #Rule-12-c_Creation_propriete_aPourComposant_entre_principe_enonce oRef:OR_Relation_Holonyme_Composition(?lc) ^ oRef:OR_connSource(?lc, ?src) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?lc, ?dest) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_Principe_Agent(?src) ^ oRef:OR_Entite_FacteurInfluence_Agent_Norme_Contrainte(?dest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?src, ?nomSrc) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?dest

-. Swrlbi, SendMessageDerreurCmd #Rule-ERREUR_REL_ATTRIBUT ot:OT_ERREUR_REL_ATTRIBUT(?err_ins) ^ ot:OT_ERREUR_Message(ot:OT_MessageErreur_REL_ATTRIBUT, ?err_msg) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?err_ins, ?connDest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?err_ins, ?ident) -> swrlbi:invoker("SendMessageDerreurCmd", ?ident, ?err_msg) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printf(%s): [%s]", ?ident, ?err_msg) #Rule-ERREUR_REGULATION ot:OT_ERREUR_REGULATION(?err_ins) ^ ot:OT_ERREUR_Message(ot:OT_MessageErreur_REGULATION, ?err_msg) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?err_ins, ?connDest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?err_ins, ?ident) -> swrlbi:invoker("SendMessageDerreurCmd", ?ident, ?err_msg) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printf): [%s]", ?ident, ?err_msg) #Rule-ERREUR_INSTANCE ot:OT_ERREUR_INSTANCE(?err_ins) ^ ot:OT_ERREUR_Message(ot:OT_MessageErreur_INSTANCE, ?err_msg) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?err_ins, ?connDest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?err_ins, ?ident) -> swrlbi:invoker("SendMessageDerreurCmd", ?ident, ?err_msg) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printf): [%s]", ?ident, ?err_msg) #Rule-ERREUR_HYPONYME ot:OT_ERREUR_HYPONYME_Categorie(?err_ins) ^ ot:OT_ERREUR_Message(ot:OT_MessageErreur_HYPONYME, ?err_msg) ^ oRef:OR_connDestination(?err_ins, ?connDest) ^ oRef:OR_identifiant(?err_ins, ?ident) -> swrlbi:invoker("SendMessageDerreurCmd, err_msg) ^ swrlbi:invoker("printf

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