J. Andrade, C. Treviño, and A. Medina, IWWT ixperiment—l eviden™e of density )u™tu—tions in twoEdimension—l ˜insF Physics Letters A 223D IHS!IIHF

G. Asch, IWWI Les capteurs en instrumentation industrielleF €—ris X hunodF Bertho, PHHQ hyn—miques d9é™oulements g—zEp—rti™ules en ™onduite verti™—leF €hh thesisD É™ole polyte™hniqueD €—risF

W. A. Beverloo, H. A. Leniger, and J. Van-de-velde, IWTI „he )ow of gr—nul—r solids trough ori

D. Bideau and M. Ammi, PHHI Mécanique des milieux granulairesD hermes s™ien™es pu˜liE ™—tions ednFD ™h—pF É™oulements gr—vit—ires X s—˜liers et silosD ppF US!IIRF €—ris X v—nierD tF

D. Bonamy, PHHI €hénomènes ™olle™tifs d—ns les m—téri—ux gr—nul—ires E é™oulements de surf—™e et ré—rr—ngement internes d—ns des empilements modèlesF €hh thesisD …nivertité €—ris ˆs E yrs—yF

R. Bouzidi and P. Jouve, IWWT wodélis—tion des milieux gr—nul—ires p—r éléments disE tin™ts polygon—uxF sn 3ème Réunion annuelleF eussoisD pr—n™eF

L. Breton, J. Zucker, and E. Clément, IWWW …ne —ppro™he multiE—gents pour l— résolution d9équ—tions en physique des milieux gr—nul—iresF sn Journées Françaises sur l'Intelligence Articielle Distribuée

R. L. Brown and J. C. Richards, IWUH Principles of powder mechanicsF €erg—mon €ressF

R. L. Carr, . Iwus-€—rti™le-˜eh—viour-stor—ge, 1. Engineering, . Isri, . Isrwf et al., PHHS plowp—ttern me—surement in — full s™—le silo ™ont—ining iron oreF, -N. PHHI hense gr—nul—r )ows in verti™—l ™huteF Powder and Grains ppF QWW!RHPF

C. S. Chou, J. Y. Hsu, and Y. D. Lau, PHHP „he gr—nul—r )ow in — twoEdimension—l )

C. Coulomb, IUUT ƒur une —ppli™—tion des règles de m—ximis et de minimis à quelques pro˜lèmes de st—tique rel—tifs à l9—r™hite™tureF Mémoires de

P. A. Cundal, IWUI e ™omputer model for simul—ting progressiveD l—rge s™—le movements in ˜lo™ky ro™k systemsF sn Symposium Soc

B. Devise, IWUR Étude de l9é™oulement des poudres et de leur ™omportement sous l9e'et de l— pressionF €hh thesisD …niversité de villeD p—™ulté de €h—rm—™ieF

J. Duran and . Sables, Poudres et GrainsF iyrolles ƒ™ien™esF piw PSVP IWWI Caractéristiques générales des produits en vrac et leur symbolisationF pédér—tion iuropéene de l— w—nutention ƒe™tion ss w—nutention gontinueF

J. Ferellec, PHHI wodelis—tions dis™retes et multiEe™helle de l9é™oulement de m—E téri—ux gr—nul—ires ensilésF €hh thesisD snstitut n—tion—l des s™ien™es —ppliquées de ‚ennesF

J. Fortin, PHHH ƒimul—tion numérique de l— dyn—mique des systèmes multi™orps —ppliE quée —ux milieux gr—nul—iresF €hh thesisD …nivertisté de ville sF

P. De-gennes, S. G. Grantham, and F. Forsberg, IWWV ‚e)e™tions on the me™h—ni™s of gr—nul—r m—tterF Physics A, PHHR we—surement of gr—nul—r )ow in — silo using digit—l spe™kle r—diogr—phyF Powder Technology 146D ST!TSF

M. Guiata, A. Couto, and F. Ayuga, PHHQ xumeri™—l simul—tion of w—ll pressure during dis™h—rge of gr—nul—r m—teri—l from ™ylindri™—l silos with e™™entri™ hoppersF Biosystems Engineering 85 @IAD IHI!IHWF

H. J. Herrmann, . Phhp, A. M—tterf-physics, . Ivv, and H. A. Pihf-janssen, IVWS „est on gr—ins pressure in silosF Z. Ver, Dtsch. Ing. 39F Jenike, A. W. IWTR Storage and Flow of SolidsD ut—h engineering experiment st—tion ednFD 123 D volF SQF ƒ—lt l—ke gity X fulletin of the …niversity of …t—hF

A. Kouadri-henni, PHHP v— ™oul—˜ilité d9une poudre X une propriété d9us—ge à ™omporE tements multiples et ™omplexesF sn Euroforum, Commment maîtriser la coulabilité de vos poudres

M. Lubert, PHHH eptitude à l9é™oulement d9un milieu gr—nul—ire X exploit—tion des inE st—˜ilités de ™is—illement et év—lu—tion du vieillissementF €hh thesisD É™ole des wines d9el˜iEg—rm—uxF

A. Mahboubi, B. Cambou, and J. Fry, IWWU xumeri™—l modelling of the me™h—ni™—l ˜eh—vior of non spheri™—lD ™rush—˜le p—rti™ulesF sn Powders and Grains @edF fehringer 8 tenkinsAF ‚otterd—m X f—lkem—F

J. Martinez, S. Masson, . Iir, J. Bibliographie-martinez, S. Masson et al., IWWV ‚el—tionship ˜etween (nite element —nd distin™t eleE ment simul—tionsF sn Silos Fundamentals of theory, behaviour and design @edF gF frown 8 tF xielsenAD ™h—pF xumeri™—l simul—tion of p—rti™ul—te solidsD ppF STR!SUWF i 8 px ƒ€yxF IWWS ƒimul—tion of silo )ows with — ™ellul—r —utom—ton for gr—nul—r medi—F sn 3rd European symposium on storage and ow of particulate solidsF xurem˜ergD qerm—nyF

A. Medina, J. Andrabe, J. A. Córdova, and C. Treviño, PHHH qr—vity indu™ed gr—nul—r )ow me—surments in — Pd silo with — l—ter—l ˜ottom exitF Physics Letters A 273D IHW!IITF

A. Medina, J. Andrade, and C. Treviño, IWWVa ixperiment—l study of the tr—™er in the gr—nul—r )ow in — Pd siloF

A. Medina, J. A. Córdova, E. Luna, and C. Treviño, IWWVb †elo™ity (eld me—surE ments in gr—nul—r gr—vity )ow in Pd siloF Physics Letters A 250D III!IITF

B. K. Muite, S. F. Quinn, S. Sundaresan, and K. K. Rao, PHHR ƒilo musi™ —nd silo qu—ke X gr—nul—r )

R. M. Neddermann, IWVV „he me—surement of the velo™ity pro(le in — gr—nul—r m—teri—l dis™h—rging from — ™oni™—l hopperF Chemical Engineering Science 43 @UAD ISHU!ISITF

T. T. Ng and X. Lin, IWWQ xumeri™—l simul—tions of n—tur—lly deposited gr—nul—r soil with ellipsoid—l elementsF sn 2nd Internationnal Conference on DEM @edF tF ‡illi—ms 8 qF wustoeAF siƒv €u˜li™—tionsF

M. Oda and K. Iwashita, PHHH ƒtudy on ™ouple stress —nd she—r ˜—nd development in gr—nul—r medi— ˜—sed on numeri™—l simul—tion —n—lysesF, International Journal of Engineering Science 38D IUIQ!IURHF

M. Oda, K. Iwashita, and T. Kakiuchi, IWWU smport—n™e of p—rti™ule rot—tion in the me™h—ni™s of gr—nul—r m—teri—lsF sn Powders and Grains @edF fehringer 8 tenkinsAF ‚otterd—m X f—lkem—F

J. Y. Ooi and J. M. Rotter, IWWV plow visu—liz—tionF sn Silos Fundamentals of theory, behaviour and design @edF gF frown 8 tF xielsenAD ™h—pF ixperiment—l te™hniquesD ppF URS!UTHF i 8 px ƒ€yxF

M. Ostendorf and J. Schwedes, PHHS eppli™—tion of p—rti™le im—ge velo™imetry for velo™ity me—surements during silo dis™h—rgeF Powder Technology F

M. Peleg, IWUU plow—˜ility of food powders —nd methods for its ev—lu—tionF J. Food Process Engng 1D QHQ!QPVF

P. Porion, N. Sommier, A. Faugère, and P. Evesque, PHHR hyn—mi™s of size segreg—tion —nd mixing of gr—nul—r m—teri—ls in — QdE˜lender ˜y nmr im—ging investiE g—tionF Powder

L. Rothenburg, R. J. Bathurst, and A. A. Berlin, IWWQ wi™rome™—ni™—l response of simul—ted gr—nul—r m—teri—ls under prin™ip—l stress rot—tionsF sn Powders and GrainsD „hornton ednF ‚otterd—m X f—lkem—F Schewedes, J. IWWV plow p—tternsF sn Silos Fundamentals of theory, behaviour and design @edF gF frown 8 tF xielsenAD ™h—pF plows in silosD ppF IIP!IIUF i 8 px ƒ€yxF Schubert, IWVU pood p—rti™le te™hnologyF Journal of food engeneening 6D I!QP et VQ!IHTF

D. Schulze, IWWV ƒilo qu—kingF sn Silos Fundamentals of theory, behaviour and design @edF gF frown 8 tF xielsenAD ™h—pF plows in silosD ppF IUI!IVPF i 8 px ƒ€yxF

E. Scoville, M. Peleg, D. A. @iad-iur-!-iuuf-steingart, and J. W. Evans, IWVI iv—lu—tion of the e'e™ts of liquid ˜ridges o the ˜ulk properties of model powdersF, PHHS we—surements of gr—nul—r ows in twoE dimension—l hoppers ˜y p—rti™le im—ge velo™imetryF p—rt i X experiment—l method —nd resultsF Chemical Engineering Science 60D IHRQ!IHSIF

J. Tejchman, IWWV ƒilo qu—ke me—surementsD — numeri™—l —ppro—™h —nd — w—y for its suppressionF Thin-Walled Structures 31D IQU!ISVF

E. Teunou, IWWP wise —u point d9une ™ellule de ™is—illement —nnul—ire et ™—r—™téris—tion des poudres —liment—iresF w—ster9s thesisD ixƒse de w—ssyF

J. M. Ting, B. T. Corkum, C. R. Kauffman, C. Greco, . @pad-ipw-! et al., IWVW his™rete numeri™—l model for soil me™h—ni™sF, IWVP „he )ow of gr—nul—r m—teri—ls iiD velo™ity distri˜utions in slow )owF Chemical Engineering Science 37 @IPAD ITWI!IUHWF

D. M. Walker, . Ppv, G. R. Pqtf-watson, and J. M. Rotter, IWTU e ˜—sis of ˜unker designF Powder Technology 1D IWWT e (nite element kinem—ti™ —n—lysis of pl—n—r gr—nul—r solids )owF Chemical Engineering Science 51 @ITAD QWTU!QWUVF

C. Wensrich, PHHQ xumeri™—l modelling of qu—king in t—ll silosF International Joural of Mechanical Sciences 45D SRI!SSIF

J. R. Williams and A. P. Pentland, IWVW snter—™tiveD integr—ted design E o˜je™t reE present—tion —nd mod—l —n—lysisF sn Human Computer Interface InternationalF fostonF

H. Xie and K. Shinohara, IWWW we—surement of solids velo™ity in — ™oni™—l hopper ˜y m—ss tr—™er p—rti™lesF, Chemical Engineering Science 54D RSS!RSWF

Z. Zhong, J. Y. Ooi, and J. M. Rotter, PHHI „he sensitivity of silo )ow —nd w—ll stresses to