S. Start_meas_select, . Idle_samp, and R. Sampling_select, End_sampling_select : std_ulogic; SIGNAL init : std_ulogic :='1'; quantity Temp_V across Temp to electrical_ref; quantity Hum_V across Hum to electrical_ref; quantity Press_V across Press to electrical_ref; quantity Mov_V across Mov to electrical_ref; terminal X Signal : electrical

<. Sampling_select, -p3; --pb de timing si on utilise t1 --transitions en conflit ASSERT NOT (t1='1' and t4='1')--and t2='1' report "Petri Net may be deadlocked Severity error

E. Not, Le signal d'initialisation n'est pas pris en compte" -- Severity warning; --ASSERT NOT (p4='1' and pi1='1') -report "Conflit entre t4 et pi1" -- Severity warning; --ASSERT NOT (pi1='1' and p1='1') -report "Pi1 n'est pas consommé lors de la transition ti1" -- Severity warning

-. Temp, Mov : in voltage; --QUANTITY X_Signal : out voltage)

=. Elsif-x_meas_type, 1') use Hum_V==X_V_Signal

. Nom, Maurice --Date : 27/01/05 --Commentaires : Routines de séquencement des mesures. --Testé dans le projet MT_compo

S. Auto_wake_up and I. , Idle : in std_ulogic; SIGNAL End_Meas : out std_ulogic :='0'; SIGNAL X_Meas_type : out std_ulogic_VECTOR (n downto 0):="UU"; SIGNAL Start_meas_select : out std_ulogic:='0'; SIGNAL End_Process : out std_ulogic

I. Wait-on, Wait for 20ms; --si l'on utilise le signal de controle idle_sample, les mesures ne se declenchent pas elsif i = 2 then X_Meas_type <=

<. X_meas_type and . Test_type, Wait for 100us, Start_meas_select <=

<. X_meas_type, -necessité de 5 types temp,hum,press,mov et "idle" ('X','X') pour measure type End_meas <=, electrical_ref End_Process <=

. X_datas<=datas, X_data doit contenir les infos : moyenne, min, max Data_moy<=Datas; Wait for 1ms

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