/. Membres-du-groupe, F. Gallia, . In, F. Gallia, . In et al., apprenant"; FACT IN "Gallia" "genre" "natif"; FACT IN "Gallia" "green" "apprenant"; FACT IN "Galliaapprenant"; FACT IN "Gallia" "jamfrey" "apprenant"; FACT IN "Gallia" "leraitre" "natif"; FACT IN "Gallia, FACT IN "Gallia FACT IN "Gallia

/. Membres-du-groupe, F. Lugdunensis, F. In-"-lugdunensis, and . In-"-lugdunensis, apprenant"; FACT IN "Lugdunensis" "concepteur" "tuteur"; FACT IN "Lugdunensisnatif"; FACT IN "Lugdunensis" "jeffs" "apprenant"; FACT IN "Lugdunensisapprenant"; FACT IN "Lugdunensis" "macnaughtan" "apprenant"; FACT IN "Lugdunensis" "morgans" "apprenant"; FACT IN "LugdunensisLugdunensis, apprenant

/. Membres-du-groupe and F. Narbonensis, apprenant"; FACT IN "Narbonensisapprenant"; FACT IN "Narbonensis" "graham" "apprenant"; FACT IN "Narbonensis" "grattidge" "apprenant"; FACT IN "NarbonensisNarbonensis, tuteur

F. Jalons, . Jalon, . Jalon, and . Jalon, AR(biblio2001-05-072001-05-12Bavardage(e0a3)"; FACT JALON "E0A4J12001-05-072001-05-112001-05-072001-05-112001-05-072001-05-11AR(orale)"; FACT JALON "E1A1J12001-05-112001-05-18AR(e1a1_villes_francaises)"; FACT JALON "E1A1J22001-05-112001-05-21" "tuteurCourriel(participant)"; FACT JALON "E1A1J32001-05-182001-05-21" "tuteurPublication(e1a1_villes_francaises)"; FACT JALON "E1A2J12001-05-112001-05-15Forum(e1a2_choisir_theme)"; FACT JALON "E1A2J22001-05-112001-05-23AR(e1a2_lieux)"; FACT JALON "E1A2J32001-05-232001-05-25Publication(e1_ville)"; FACT JALON "E1A3J1Forum(e1a3_RDV_bavardage)"; FACT JALON "E1A3J2Bavardage(e1a3)"; FACT JALON "E1A3J3Publication(e1_ville)"; FACT JALON "E1A4J12001-05-11AR(e1a4_fiche)"; FACT JALON "E1A4J22001-05-11Publications(e1a4_fiche)"; FACT JALON "E1A5J12001-05-112001-05-24Forum(e1a5_choix_fonction)"; FACT JALON "E1A5J2Publications(e1a5_fonction)/AR(e1a5_fonction)"; FACT JALON "E1A5J3Courriel(e1a5_fonction)"; FACTPublications(e1_identites)"; FACTAR(e2a1_description)"; FACT JALON "E2A1J2Questionnaire(e2a1_description)"; FACT JALON "E2A1J3Publication(e2a1_description)"; FACT JALON "E2A2J1E2A4J1E2A4J2E2A4J3, ForumForumForumPlubication(biographie)Plubication(photo)Courriel(sous_groupe)Courriel(sous_groupe)ForumARPublicationsQuestionnaireCourriel(premier)Courriel(deuxième)Courriel(binome)ForumBavardage, issue.1111111111111111111111e2a2_hymnee2a2_recite2_notre_ville1e2a2_recit1111e2a4_RDV_bavardage1, pp.2001-2007, 2001.

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F. Comprend-"-e3a1, E3A1J3"; FACT COMPREND "E3A2E3A2J2"; FACT COMPREND "E3A3E3A3J2"; FACT COMPREND "Inter0, Inter0"; FACT COMPRENDI1P1I1P3

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