COMMUNICATION RELATION ET MÉDIAS SOCIAUX Étude du cas de la sensibilisation aux feux de forêt - TEL - Thèses en ligne Accéder directement au contenu
Thèse Année : 2010

COMMUNICATION RELATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA A case study on wildfire awareness

COMMUNICATION RELATION ET MÉDIAS SOCIAUX Étude du cas de la sensibilisation aux feux de forêt


On line social media establish the basis of a new paradigm especially since collaboration is becoming essential in business activities. Social media are based on the principle of the multiplicity of connections and are used for their capacity to find and to exchange with many partners who answer the specific needs of each individual, each company or each institution. By this principle, an organization can reach a user from the social network of a member of its own social network. Social media allow a conversation between an organization and an on-line user, in a context of interaction between the users inside on-line social communities. We have analyzed the new forms of on line communication and especially their impact in terms of information diffusion and communication. In a first part, ¡§Internet Communication: communicating through arguments and through emotions and the role of confidence in cobuilding knowledge¡¨, we explain how the text and the context have an impact on the involvement of the Internet users and we expose why confidence is a key element of the relation in order to build some common knowledge for the users and the organization. We propose some tools, messages, arguments, emotional contexts adapted for communicating about forest preservation and prevention against wildfires. In a second part, ¡§Communication relation in on line social media: between utopia and reality. Research and applications for a wildfire awareness strategy¡¨, we develop the concept of a ¡§communication relation¡¨ with three main characteristics: individualized communication, social communication and transparent communication. We analyze an on line social platform, blogs and other on line tools thanks to a two years experimentation in a case study on wildfire awareness. The approach in terms of ¡§communication relation¡¨ has been applied to a case study which has been constituted by a large-scale European research project, the Fire Paradox project (Sixth Framework Program 2006-2010, consortium of 35 institutions) concerning social media. Thanks to different surveys, on one hand with members of the project and with experts in the field, on the other hand with Internet users, especially young adults ƒ{ students of several universities, 7 members of social networks or virtual communities ƒ{, we propose a first evaluation of the comparative interest of various social media. A first typology of the utility of social media according to various objectives is brought to light. The results from the observation of the Internet users participation and from the on-line surveys allow to indicate the contributions and the limits of social media particularly for developing public awareness in a general interest cause.
L'utilisation de nouveaux outils de l'information et de la communication, liés notamment à l'Internet, pour communiquer sur des causes d'intérêt général n'en est qu'à ses débuts. Les études et retours d'expériences dans ce domaine sont encore peu nombreux. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser la communication entre les organisations – entreprises, organisations à but non-lucratif ou associations – et les usagers qui porte sur une grande cause environnementale et qui repose sur l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication – TIC –, en particulier des médias sociaux en ligne. La réflexion a bénéficié d'une expérimentation communicationnelle à l'échelle européenne dans le cadre d'un projet de prévention et de lutte contre les feux de forêt : le projet Fire Paradox – 6e PCRD, période 2006- 2010, consortium de 35 institutions. Ce projet a pour vocation de promouvoir le développement de nouvelles méthodes de lutte contre les incendies forestiers par l'utilisation du feu lui-même, soit dans le cadre de la prévention – feux prescrits –, soit pour combattre des feux – contre-feux.
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tel-00573962 , version 1 (06-03-2011)


  • HAL Id : tel-00573962 , version 1


Bruno Asdourian. COMMUNICATION RELATION ET MÉDIAS SOCIAUX Étude du cas de la sensibilisation aux feux de forêt. Sciences de l'Homme et Société. Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2010. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00573962⟩


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